
  1. 当我抵达阿尔伯克基时,她在工作。

    By the time I make Albuquerque she 'll be working .

  2. 其实她在阿尔伯克基追踪明星梦

    AShe 's pursuing a singing career in Albuquerque .

  3. 27岁的莱恩·霍来茨是阿尔伯克基警局的警员。

    Ryan Holets is 27 years old , an officer with the Albuquerque Police Department .

  4. 阿尔伯克基、奥斯汀等美国其它城市星期六也曾计划要举行抗议示威。

    Protests were also scheduled Saturday for Albuquerque , Austin , and other U.S. cities .

  5. 欢迎来到阿尔伯克基市中心种植者市场,在那里一切都是由太阳能供电的。

    Welcome to Albuquerque Downtown Growers Market , where everything is powered by solar energy .

  6. 就是在阿尔伯克基生产的我一直在研究化学……

    And it is made right here in Albuquerque too . Ive been reading the chemical ......

  7. 今天多梅尼西在《阿尔伯克基杂志》上发表声明表示,他对他的行为深表遗憾。

    In a statement to the Albuquerque Journal today , Domenici says he deeply regrets his behaviour .

  8. 这名子是为了纪念在气球飞行史上非常重要的两个来自阿尔伯克基的人。

    The name honors two men from Albuquerque who were important in the history of balloon flight .

  9. 在阿尔伯克基,他希望开始新的生活,以及新的关于身体的作品创作。

    In Albuquerque , he hoped to start both a new life and a new body of work .

  10. 地质学家们迫切的期盼能够找出原因,为什么这个巨型裂谷很可能会影响未来落基山脉的形状。他们首先来到了位于新墨西哥州阿尔伯克基北部的圣易西铎。

    Geologists are They find their first lead in San Ysidro , New Mexico , north of Albuquerque .

  11. 作为三十年来阿尔伯克基第一任共和党市长,49岁的贝利是一个积极进取的人。

    Albuquerque 's first Republican mayor in three decades , Mr Berry is , at49 , an up-and-coming sort .

  12. 在新墨西哥阿尔伯克基也有一家精心修复的剧院,但它的外观却相当不同。

    There 's an elegantly restored theater in Albuquerque , New Mexico , but it has quite a different look .

  13. 综述了美国地质调查局阿尔伯克基地震实验室(USGS/ASL)自1961年以来对部署全球地震台网和发展观测地震学做出的贡献。

    This paper summarizes the contribution to deploy global seismograph network and develop observational seismology by USGS / ASL ever since 1961 .

  14. 于是,弗林一头扎进了家里的车库中(他的家在新墨西哥州阿尔伯克基),随后的6个月里,他一直呆在那里,研究出了更好的办法。

    So Flynn retreated to his garage at his home in Albuquerque , New Mexico , where he spent the next six months building something better .

  15. 2013年7月4日,美国阿尔伯克基突然迎来了一场暴风雨,戈登和他怀孕的女友肯德拉维拉努埃瓦跑到一棵树下避雨,不料却被闪电击中。

    Gordon and his pregnant girlfriend , Kendra Villanueva , tried to take cover under a tree on July 4 , 2013 , when a storm hit Albuquerque .

  16. 影片在美国新墨西哥州阿尔伯克基城拍摄&该地以其国际气球节闻名。另有令人称道的建筑博物馆和辛辣食物。

    Filming took place primarily in Albuquerque-famous for its International Balloon Fiesta-and Santa Fe , home to Pueblo architecture , several excellent museums , and notoriously spicy cuisine .

  17. 我曾在1980年第一次听到时,我的朋友叫沃尔特从阿尔伯克基我,告诉我,他已与保罗电子仪器工作的保罗本内维茨。

    I had first heard of Paul Bennewitz in1980 when my friend Walter called me from Albuquerque and told me he had been working with Paul on electronic instruments .

  18. 市新墨西哥州阿尔伯克基,设计了一个以计算机为基础的餐厅推荐系统可以帮助它们的任何不少旅客找到一家餐厅,能够满足他们的特殊需求。

    The city of Albuquerque , New Mexico , designed a computer-based restaurant recommendation system that can help any of their many visitors find a restaurant that meets their particular needs .

  19. 这周一,阿尔伯克基、劳伦斯、波特兰、圣保罗、比尔县、阿纳达科、奥林匹亚和阿尔皮纳也将把此节日加入美国本土节日的行列中,一同庆祝。

    This Monday , the residents of Albuquerque , Lawrence , Portland , St. Paul , Bexar County , Anadarko , Olympia , and Alpena will celebrate the day with Native American festivals .

  20. 新墨西哥矿业技术学院位于阿尔伯克基以南一小时车程的一个荒漠小镇上。该学校减少了申请过程中的繁文缛节,同时悄悄建造美国主要反恐战争研究中心。

    New Mexico Tech , in a desert town an hour south of Albuquerque , has reduced admissions red tape while quietly building one of the prime research centers for fighting the War on Terror .

  21. 1975年1月在哈佛打出的一通电话让我毕生难忘。我打给位于阿尔伯克基的一个公司,那家公司当时着手制造世界上第一台个人电脑。

    One of my biggest memories of Harvard came in January 1975 , When I made a call from Currier House to a company in Albuquerque that had begun making the worlds first personal computers .

  22. 在二十世纪早期,一位名叫奥莱斯特·巴克奇的当地商人通过卖酒发迹,而一些电影明星的跨州火车常常会在阿尔伯克基外稍作停留以补充燃料。

    In the early 1900s , a local businessman named Oreste Bachechi was making a fortune selling liquor , some of it to the movie stars whose cross-country trains stopped to refuel outside of Albuquerque .