
  • 网络Abu Dhabi
  1. 最近,花旗银行(Citibank)获阿联酋阿布扎比酋长国主权财富基金注资75亿美元,对此,金融市场是又喜又忧。

    The recent announcement that Citibank received a cash infusion of $ 7.5 billion from Abu Dhabi 's sovereign wealth fund was greeted with a mixture of relief and bewilderment by the financial markets .

  2. 该部门对阿布扎比酋长国负责,并不是联邦决策机构。

    The Department is answerable to the emirate of Abu Dhabi and is not a federal policy-making body .

  3. 马斯达尔是阿布扎比酋长国政府将石油收益投资于绿色产业的计划的一部分。

    Masdar is an effort on the part of the government of Abu Dhabi to invest its oil dollars in a greener future .

  4. 本周,其原油资源丰富的、阿联酋内部的资深邻国阿布扎比酋长国开始收拾残局,为手头拮据的迪拜提供了100亿美元的资金。

    This week , Abu Dhabi , its oil-rich neighbour and the senior partner in the United Arab Emirates , started to clear up that mess , providing $ 10bn in funding to its cash-strapped neighbour .

  5. 5月13日,在阿联酋首都阿布扎比,一台“黄金ATM机”的在阿布扎比酋长国宫大酒店启用。该ATM机根据世界黄金市场金价出售黄金。

    On May13 , the " Gold to Go " vending machine , an ATM machine that dispenses gold in exchangefor cash based on the latest prices , was unveiled inside Abu Dhabi 's Emirates Palace hotel in Abu Dhabi .