
  • 网络annex;annexe
  1. 协议,当然是用于我们立即从领事馆移动到附属建筑的疏散。

    The protocol , of course , was for us to evacuate immediately the - from the consulate and move to the annex .

  2. 我在给附属建筑拍照这些锈迹斑斑照片肯定能让我成绩拿

    Oh , I-I 'm taking a photography class over at the annex A , and pictures of rusty sheet metal are a surefire " A.

  3. 那条小路把他们带到了一片杂乱拥挤的附属建筑群。

    The track led them to a huddle of outbuildings .

  4. “新冠监狱”坐落在这个德国北方小镇的郊区,由一座少管所闲置的附属建筑改建而成,设有6个房间,其高墙上配有带刺的铁丝网。

    The prison is made up of six cells in the unused annexe of a young offenders of the small northern town .

  5. 高速公路附属建筑设计分析

    Design and analysis of dependent architecture of highway

  6. 压力容器附属建筑设计中安全问题刍议

    Boiler Room Design some Security Issues Discussed

  7. 别墅:包括住宅,园林和附属建筑的乡间庄园。

    Villa : country estate , complete with house , grounds , and subsidiary buildings .

  8. 我花了半个小时转了一圈,不过还是有一两处附属建筑没能走到。

    I spent a half hour wandering around and I still missed a wing or two .

  9. 这座刑台几乎就竖在波士顿最早的教堂的檐下,看上去像是教堂的附属建筑。

    It stood nearly beneath the eaves of Boston 's earliest church , and appeared to be a fixture there .

  10. 台上陈列着大型铜制的天文仪器,台下有以紫微殿。晷影堂为主的附属建筑群。

    Under it are a cluster of buildings such as Ziwei Hall , Sundial Shadow Hall and other auxiliary structures .

  11. 钢筋混凝土烟囱作为工业建筑必要的附属建筑,在生产中起着重要的作用。

    The reinforced concrete chimney is the adjunctive building of the industrial construction and has the important effects on the production .

  12. 附属建筑和各种装饰协调精美,整座大桥异常雄伟。

    The auxiliary buildings and all kinds of decorations are very compatible with the whole bridge . The whole bridge looks extremely magnificent .

  13. 迄今为止,网站提供庞贝广场的照片和平面图,特别集中于东边的附属建筑。

    The site so far provides photographs and plans of the forum at Pompeii , focusing in particular on the buildings running down the east side .

  14. 以及高速公路附属建筑相关概念的界定。其次,重点研究和分析了高速公路附属建筑物规划和设计的特点。

    And the construction of Expressway concepts defined . Second , the focus of research and analysis of the highway planning and design of ancillary buildings characteristics .

  15. 揭露出东周楚宫殿基址的一、二、三层台主体建筑及其附属建筑遗迹。出土了一大批建筑遗物和铜、陶质生活器皿。

    Besides the main and annex buildings of a three-floor Chu palace dated to the Eastern Zhou Dynasty , constructing fittings and bronze and pottery vessels were found .

  16. 每一个的规模都超出了原来大楼的十几倍甚至上百倍,这个原来的大楼现在是白宫的附属建筑之一。

    Each of them has outgrown the building a dozen or a hundred times over , and the building now serves as one of several annexes to the White House .

  17. 然而,随着时代的发展,高速公路附属建筑除了具有基本的功能特点以外,将更加重视生态、人文、技术的先进性。

    However , with the development of the times , construction of Expressway addition to other basic features , will be more attention to ecological , cultural , technological advancement .

  18. 有公园及花园,大规模的华丽皇家建筑体;包括浴场及附属建筑、图书馆、带雕刻的花园、剧场、室外餐厅、亭榭和住宅。

    A sumptuous imperial complex with parks and gardens on a grand scale , it included baths , libraries , sculpture gardens , theaters , alfresco dining areas , pavilions , and private suites .

  19. 通过对建筑特征、景观特征、行为模式和心理特征的探讨,结合实例,建构了类型要素的分析体系,并概括出高速公路附属建筑设计的一般性原则。

    Through exploring the architectural characters , landscape features , modes of behavior and psychological characteristics and providing examples , the analysis system of the type elements is built and the general principles of architecture design of the expressway can be generalized .

  20. 而后花园附属的建筑一般临近街道,缺少过渡空间,显得突兀。

    The buildings with the back garden are usually close to the street without the transition space .

  21. 塔:对基部尺寸来说较高的独立式或附属式建筑结构。

    Tower : Any freestanding or attached structure that is relatively tall in proportion to its Base .

  22. 伽玛辐照室及附属设施的建筑设计

    Research on the Architectural Design of Gamma Irradiation Room and Subsidiary Facilities

  23. 新近出现一种新型的喷淋式溶液热泵空调系统,该系统采用水源热泵机组、冷热源塔及必要的附属设备作为建筑的冷热源。

    A new type of air conditioning system , named as spring solution heat pump system presents itself recently . It uses heat pump , cooling & heating tower and ancillary equipment necessary as cold and heat source of constructions .

  24. 该医院附属于这个医学院。医学院附属医院规划及建筑设计初探

    The primary discussion on the planning and buildings design of attached hospital to medical college