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táo zuì
  • be intoxicated;be intoxicated with;revel in;enchantment;be enchanted;drunk;ecstasy
陶醉 [táo zuì]
  • [be intoxicated with;revel in] 忘我地沉浸于某种情境中

  • 他们为光明的前景而陶醉

  • 自我陶醉

陶醉[táo zuì]
  1. 你不应该陶醉于已有的成绩。

    You shouldn 't be intoxicated with the successes already won .

  2. 只要用心去感受阳光,无论什么季节,都会令人陶醉。

    So long as feeling the sunshine carefully , one can be intoxicated in any seasons .

  3. 秀丽的风光令我深深地陶醉。

    The beauty of the landscape overwhelmed me .

  4. 音乐在有节奏地响着,气氛令人陶醉。

    The music is pulsating and the atmosphere is intoxicating .

  5. 她的歌声让我完全陶醉其中。

    She just totally blew me away with her singing .

  6. 他们似乎陶醉在成功的喜悦中。

    They seem to have become intoxicated by their success

  7. 玛丽好像陶醉在他那旧式的骑士风度里。

    Marie seemed to revel in his old-fashioned chivalry .

  8. 她站在那儿,陶醉于那流光溢彩的美景中。

    She stood drinking in the glittering view .

  9. 嘉宝饰演王后,陶醉于和安东尼奥的热恋中。

    Garbo plays the Queen , rejoicing in the love she has found with Antonio

  10. 陶醉在自由中的她在宾馆开了一间房,住了几天。

    Revelling in her freedom , she took a hotel room and stayed for several days

  11. 他没有陶醉于过去的成功,而是期望取得更大的成就。

    He does not glory in his past successes and looks forward to achieving more .

  12. 他们现在正陶醉于成功之中。

    They are currently drunk with success

  13. 西蒙·弗雷泽深深地陶醉于自己在美国西南部所发现的这片原始美景中。

    Simon Fraser was smitten by the landscapes he found in the wild southwest of the United States .

  14. 轻音乐让他陶醉。

    He was enchanted by the light music .

  15. 歌手那甜美的歌声使听众陶醉。

    The singer charmed her listeners with her sweet voice .

  16. 我们不能陶醉于已有的成绩。

    We mustn 't let success go to our heads .

  17. 我陶醉于鸟类的歌声中。

    I felt charmed with the music of birds .

  18. 人人都为这美丽的景色所陶醉。

    Everyone was absorbed with the beautiful scenery .

  19. 我们陶醉在风景中。

    We were charmed with the scenery .

  20. 学期的最后一天,有一种兴奋而轻松的令人陶醉的气氛。

    On the last day of term there was a ~ atmosphere of excitement and relief .

  21. 她的歌声使我陶醉。

    Her singing charmed me completely .

  22. 他被音乐陶醉了。

    He was enchanted with music .

  23. 人们在跳舞时和音乐融为一体,从而使他们飘飘然而感到陶醉。

    People feel the music when they 're dancing , and this becomes a high for them .

  24. 幸福不是那么容易,我担心如果它是那么的普通,或许真的得痴迷于这种感觉。befascinatedby着迷于,令人陶醉

    Happiness is not so easy to not , I am worried that if it is so ordinary , I might really be obsessed with this feeling .

  25. 他陶醉在那悦耳的音乐中。

    He was enchanted with the euphonious music .

  26. 他陶醉于他显赫的成功

    He was inebriated by his phenomenal success .

  27. 我只是为你陶醉。

    I 'm just intoxicated by you .

  28. 喜欢玫瑰意思是要我们陶醉它的美丽,而不是去除它的刺。

    Cherishing a rose means to intoxicate yourself on her beauty more than pull her throns out .

  29. 去钱柜KTV,让您在自己的歌声里陶醉。

    Go to Cashbox KTV , allow you to revel in their own voice inside .

  30. 例如,齐柏林(Zeppelin)讲坛虽然日渐颓圮但是仍然宏伟。元首和他的左膀右臂曾站在那里,陶醉地看着下面的群众,整齐划一地表达崇敬。这是当今仅存的一座希特勒讲过话的讲台。

    For example , the crumbling but still imposing Zeppelin tribune , or grandstand , where the F ü hrer and his henchmen drank in the choreographed adoration from the masses assembled below , features the only surviving lectern where Hitler spoke .