
  1. 国际奥委会表示,一名奥运会难民代表团官员在卡塔尔的新冠病毒检测结果呈阳性,随后难民奥运队推迟了前往日本的行程。

    The refugee Olympic team has delayed its travel to Japan after a team official tested positive in Qatar , the International Olympic Committee said .

  2. 国际奥委会鼓励各国代表团设男女旗手国际奥委会、国际残奥委会与东京奥组委、日本政府以及东京都政府发表联合声明,鼓励206个国家的奥委会以及难民代表团在奥运会开幕式上派出男、女各一名运动员作为旗手。

    The International Olympic Committee ( IOC ) said in a joint Government ( TMG ) that all 206 National Olympic Committees ( NOCs ) and the IOC Refugee Olympic Team will be encouraged to have their flag carried by one female and one male athlete at the opening ceremony .

  3. 她是十名无家可归的运动员的领队,他们被称为奥运会难民代表团(RefugeeOlympicTeam)。

    She is the leader of a group of 10 displaced athletes , known as the Refugee Olympic Team .

  4. 2014年,国际奥委会主席托马斯•巴赫(ThomasBach)向洛鲁佩提出一个想法,在里约奥运会上推出一个难民代表团。

    In 2014 , Thomas Bach , president of the International Olympic Committee , presented Loroupe with an idea of entering a refugee team in the Rio Olympics .

  5. 世界首支奥运难民代表团几乎全员到齐,即将在里约奥运会赛场上一展风采。

    The world 's first Refugee Olympic Team ( ROT ) , which will compete at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games , is almost complete .

  6. (800米选手)。与他们同行的还有难民代表团团长、肯尼亚人泰格拉•洛鲁普,身为首位赢得纽约马拉松冠军的非裔女运动员,她已将三块奥运会奖牌收入囊中。

    Along with the athletes was the ROT chef de mission , Kenyan Tegla Loroupe , the first African woman to win the New York Marathon and who also has three Olympic Games under her belt .