
  • 网络The Jacobins;jacobin
  1. 属于或关于法国大革命中的雅各宾派的。

    Of or relating to the Jacobins of the French Revolution .

  2. 雅各宾派作为山岳派的主导派别,二者在重大事件上几乎是同义的。

    The Jacobins , as the leading fraction of the Montagnards , is considered synonymous with the Montagnards in most cases .

  3. 法国的政治文化是绝对君权、天主教、雅各宾派(jacobins)还有一点点马克思主义所留下的遗产,它很难承认,一种没有事先被构想成有益的事物也能够是有益的。

    French political culture , the legacy of absolute monarchy , Catholicism and the Jacobins with a hint of Marxism finds it hard to admit that something can be good if it has not been conceived to be so .

  4. 罗伯斯比尔作为雅各宾派的重要领导人,把法国革命推向高潮。

    As an important leader of Jacobin , Robes Pierre has brought the French Revolution to its climax .

  5. 自12世纪起,这里是雅各宾派的修道院,在大约800多坟墓中,发现了她的墓地。

    It was among approximately 800 graves found at the site , which has housed the Convent of the Jacobins since the 12th century .

  6. 他把君主政体专制传统最强劲的信条和雅各宾派同样专横的最激进的教义熔铸到一起,当时的法国无处不显而易见这种融合。

    He fused together what was strongest in the despotic traditions of the monarchy with what was strongest in the equally despotic creed of Jacobinism .

  7. 他们只顾端详他,沉默了好一会儿,没有干扰他对雅各宾派报纸编辑的专心,然后又谈了起来。

    After a silence of a few moments , during which they all looked towards him without disturbing his outward attention from the Jacobin editor , they resumed their conversation .

  8. 在她的妙龄时期,正当九三年,她嫁给一个从隐修院里逃出来的修士,这修士戴上红帽子,从圣伯尔纳的信徒一变而为雅各宾派①。

    In her youth , in '93 , she had married a monk who had fled from his cloister in a red cap , and passed from the Bernardines to the Jacobins .

  9. 山岳派、雅各宾派与雅各宾主义在从1792年底开始的第三代人领导期间,很多雅各宾派成员在大革命中提高了经济地位,成了不同于贵族和人民的自觉的资产者。

    From 1792 on Robespierre and his companions were in power and many members of the Jacobins improved their economic status and became " the conscious bourgeois ", which made them different either from the masses or from the aristocrats .