
  • 网络atari;atari st
  1. 当时史蒂夫•乔布斯和沃兹尼亚克都在雅达利,所以他们把雅达利的许多准则都带到了苹果公司(Apple)。

    And then because Steve Jobs and Wozniak both worked at Atari , they took a lot of those precepts to Apple ( AAPL ) .

  2. Minecraft的像素和块状材质让它看起来像是雅达利(Atari,美国一家电脑游戏机厂商&译注)时代的遗物。

    With its pixelated , blocky textures , minecraft looks like a relic from the Atari era .

  3. 雅达利当时是非常热门的公司。它的创始人是髙大健壮的企业家诺兰·布什内尔(NolanBushnell),此人是个充满魅力、能说会道的梦想家

    Atari 's founder was a burly entrepreneur named Nolan Bushnell , who was a charismatic visionary with a nice touch of showmanship in him

  4. 他教扎克伯格关于雅达利(Atari)的程序编制并且为四个孩子分别配备了一台电脑。

    He gave his son programming lessons on the family 's Atari , and he bought each of his four children a computer .

  5. 1979年从家用电脑制造商雅达利(Atari)分离出来后,Mediagenic曾打造了Kaboom!和《逃离险境》(Pitfall)等热门游戏。

    Spun out of Atari , a maker of home computers , in 1979 , the company had made popular games with titles such as Kaboom ! and Pitfall .

  6. 那一天,乔布斯走进了游戏制造商雅达利公司(Atari)的大厅,对着被他不修边幅的发型和装扮吓了一跳的人事主管说,

    That day Jobs walked into the lobby of the video game manufacturer Atari and told the personnel director , who was startled by his unkempt hair and attire ,

  7. 我在富人区长大,那里的孩子差不多都有好几个椰菜娃娃、好几个户外装备包和好几条Jordache牌子的牛仔裤(更不用说让人爱不释手的雅达利2600游戏机了)。

    I grew up in an affluent area . Most kids owned multiple Cabbage Patch dolls and Gear bags and pairs of Jordache jeans ( not to mention the beloved Atari 2600 ) .

  8. 雅达利成立后,我们一无资金,二无工厂。

    When Atari started , we had no money , no factories .

  9. 他非常欣赏雅达利“投入硬币--躲开克林贡人”这样的游戏筒洁性和用户友好性。

    He appreciated the user-friendliness of Atari 's insert-quarter-avoid-Klingons games .

  10. 雅达利在生产一些配件,这些配件要运往慕尼黑,

    Atari was making kits and shipping them to Munich ,

  11. 这一切都要归功于我们的创造性方法,而它也变成了雅达利基因的一部分。

    And it was all because of creative methodology .

  12. 除此之外,乔布斯还很欣赏雅达利开发的游戏的简单性。

    In addition , he intuitively appreciated the simplicity of Atari 's games .

  13. 他曾受一家新兴的电脑公司雅达利的邀请

    He was asked by the fledgling computer company Atari

  14. 晚上在雅达利工作,并梦想着能创办自己的事业。

    worked nights at Atari , and dreamed of starting his own business .

  15. 雅达利的这段经历帮助乔布斯完成了他走上商业和设计道路的入门课。

    The Atari experience helped shape Jobs 's approach to business and design .

  16. 雅达利以协助企业成功打造品牌为己任。

    YADELI makes helping enterprises to succeed in creating brands as our own duty .

  17. 乔布斯去雅达利公司咨询奥尔康,他了解老式的电气工程。

    He dropped by Atari to consult with Alcorn , who knew old-fashioned electrical engineering .

  18. 雅达利的奥尔康愿意卖给他们芯片,但必须预付现金。

    Alcorn at Atari would sell them chips only if they paid cash up front .

  19. 还有,这能让我们在电话簿上排在雅达利之前。”

    Plus , it would get us ahead of Atari in the phone book . "

  20. 他们向雅达利公司抱怨,说乔布斯的穿着和身上的味道像个流浪汉,而且举止粗鲁。

    They complained to Alcorn that he dressed and smelled like a bum and behaved rudely .

  21. 下班之后,匆匆吃上一顿快餐,他就会赶到雅达利,在那儿待一晚上。

    Then , after a fast-food meal , he would go right to Atari and stay all night .

  22. 乔布斯去找了阿尔·奥尔康,希望能得到机会向雅达利的管理层进行推销。

    Jobs went to Al Alcorn and asked for the chance to pitch it to Atari 's management .

  23. 尽管他很傲慢---或者正是因为他的傲慢---他获得了雅达利公司老板的青睐。

    Despite his arrogance ( or perhaps because of it ) he was able to charm Atari 's boss .

  24. 1976年的愚人节那天,沃兹尼亚克、乔布斯以及乔布斯以前在雅达利的同事罗恩·韦恩一起签署文件,创办了苹果电脑公司。

    On April Fools'Day in1976 , Wozniak , Jobs and Jobs'former Atari colleague Ron Wayne signed papers forming Apple Computer .

  25. 打砖块1975年初的一天,阿尔·奥尔康正坐在雅达利公司的办公室里,罗恩·韦恩冲了进来。

    Breakout One day in early 1975 Al Alcorn was sitting in his office at Atari when Ron Wayne burst in .

  26. 70年代时,这位工程师在雅达利工作时,遇到了乔布斯,而正是那个时候,他开始了与苹果公司的情缘。

    The engineer 's involvement with Apple started when he met Steve Jobs while working at Atari in the ' 70s .

  27. 但报道文章中已经称他为“市场总监”和“前雅达利的私人顾问”了。

    but the article referred to him as the director of marketing and " a former private consultant to Atari . "

  28. 雅达利的《星际迷航》游戏仅有的说明就是:“1.投入硬币;2.躲开克林贡人。

    The only instructions for Atari 's Star Trek game were " 1 . Insert quarter . 2 . Avoid Klingons . "

  29. 在这之前有雅达利和其他的游戏,但是超级玛丽却成为了今日的经典游戏。

    I know there was the atari and other systems prior to , but Mario made all games what they are today .

  30. 乔布斯由此成为了雅达利公司第一批50名员工之一,职位是技术员,薪水每小时5美元。

    Jobs thus became one of the first fifty employees at Atari , working as a technician for $ 5 an hour .