
línɡ huā qián
  • pocket money;pin money
  1. 她在家打字挣一些零花钱外快。

    She does some typing at home to earn some pin money .

  2. 尽管我从未显出很同情的样子,我却明白涉及到一顿饭和一点儿零花钱时要免开尊口。

    And though I never displayed much sympathy I knew how to be silent when it involved a meal and a little pin money .

  3. 她给了我一些零花钱。

    She gave me some money to cover any miscellaneous expenses .

  4. 父亲威胁说,我们要是不把自己的房间收拾干净,他就每星期扣我们1英镑的零花钱。

    Dad threatened to stop £ 1 a week from our pocket money if we didn 't clean our rooms .

  5. 我们同意每周给她6英镑零花钱。

    We agreed to give her £ 6 a week pocket money .

  6. 她想把零花钱攒起来用于度假。

    She wants to put her pocket-money aside for holidays .

  7. 应当鼓励孩子们省下一部分零花钱来买圣诞礼物。

    Encourage children to put aside some of their pocket-money to buy Christmas presents .

  8. 乔要把自己赢的钱作为去布拉沃海岸度假时的零花钱。

    Jo will use her winnings as spending money on her holiday to the Costa Brava .

  9. 每对人有800英镑的零花钱,你们真正可以大把花钱了!

    With £ 800 spending money for each couple , you can really go to town !

  10. 为了给我一个惊喜,父亲决定往我的钱包里多塞一些零花钱。

    My father decided to slip a little extra spending money into my purse as a surprise .

  11. 你得格外注意培养孩子的节俭意识,零花钱要省着花。

    You will have to make a special effort to train your child to be careful with her pocket-money

  12. 尽量省下大部分零花钱。

    Try to save most of your pocket money .

  13. 他们又把零花钱装进袋子里了。

    They put their pocket money in bags again .

  14. 有些人不很在意自己的零花钱。

    Some people don 't mind their pocket money .

  15. 艾米:当然不会。我可存了零花钱。

    Amy : Of course not . I 've already saved my pocket money .

  16. A:是的。我用零花钱给他们买了30本书。

    A : Yes . I bought them 30 books with my pocket money .

  17. 我们不仅可以分享零花钱,还可以分享个人感情。

    We can share not only our pocket money but also our personal feelings .

  18. 你可以用省下的零花钱做很多有意义的事情。

    With the pocket money you save , you can do lots of meaningful things .

  19. 这意味着我有机会赚零花钱了——我可以用这钱和女孩约会,买新自行车,买新衣服,甚至可以作为给妈妈买房子的第一笔存款。

    This meant a chance for money in my pocket — money for dates with girls , money for a new bike , new clothes , and I could begin to save money for a house for my mother .

  20. pocketmoney:零花钱我给她零花钱了。

    Rufus : Well , I gave her pocket money .

  21. 小时候,我几乎把所有的零花钱都花在这套书或《哈迪男孩系列图书》(HardyBoysbooks,这套是放纵的时候买)上了。

    I used to spend nearly all my pocket money on either Landmark Books or , if I was feeling rakish , Hardy Boys books .

  22. 儿童社交焦虑影响因素的多元Logistic回归分析表明,影响儿童社交焦虑的因素有性别、零花钱、学习困难程度、是否为留守儿童、教师教育方式、其他家人教育方式。

    Multivariable logistic regression analysis showed that sex , pocket money , level of learning difficulties , whether being left-behind children and educational patterns of teachers or family members were the influencing factors to children 's social anxiety .

  23. 在杰克逊去世五周年之际,《纽约邮报》爆料普林斯、帕里斯和毯毯(BlanketJackson)将他们共有的每年800万美元零花钱挥霍得相当快。

    On the fifth anniversary of his death , the New York Post claims Prince , Paris and Blanket Jackson are racing through their shared 8 million ( 4.76 million ) - a-year allowance .

  24. 我父亲是卡尔斯鲁厄(Karlsruhe)的一名建筑师,我14岁时就为他打工,为的就是挣点零花钱,他说。

    My father was an architect in Karlsruhe and I started working for him when I was 14 to make a little money , he says .

  25. 爸爸每周给我们每人十块阿富汗尼Afghanis,阿富汗货币名称。的零花钱,我们用来买温热的可口可乐,还有洒着开心果仁的玫瑰香露雪糕。

    Baba gave us each a weekly allowance of ten Afghanis and we spent it on warm Coca-Cola and rosewater ice cream topped with crushed pistachios .

  26. 不像其他摄像机部署在高速公路KPE相机只允许一个小范围的零花钱视为相比,那些在其他高速公路可高达20时速。

    Unlike the cameras deployed on other expressways , the KPE cameras only allow a small margin of allowance as compared to those on other expressways which can be as high as20kmh .

  27. 为了赚些零花钱,兰瑟姆在家里的地里帮忙摘芦笋,装上一辆红色拖车,卖给住在Rangitikei河岸附近的渔民。

    To earn pocket change , ransom picked asparagus at the family farm , loaded it on a red wagon , and sold it to fishermen on the banks of the nearby rangitikei river .

  28. 孩子们粘着爸爸,要他再给些零花钱。

    The children cling to their father for more pocket money .

  29. 有些父母不给他们的孩子们任何零花钱。

    Some parents do not give their children any pocket money .

  30. “你是不是想挣几个零花钱哪,韦斯莱?

    Are you trying to earn some extra money , Weasley ?