
fēi zhǔ liú
  • non-mainstream;alternative
  1. 可口可乐公司已经占领了非主流饮料市场8%的份额。

    Coca-Cola already has 8 percent of the alternative beverage market .

  2. 我想买一些非主流的音乐给我侄女。

    I 'd like to get some alternative music for my niece ?

  3. 君主主义者是一个内部争吵激烈的非主流的小团体。

    The monarchists are a small fringe group who quarrel fiercely among themselves .

  4. 但这位编剧邀请马丁参与重新制作非主流电视系列剧《阴阳魔界》(TheTwilightZone)。

    the writer drafted Martin into working on a remake of cult TV series The Twilight Zone .

  5. CUBA在校园非主流文化中的特殊作用

    The Special effect of CUBA in Non-mainstream Culture of Campus

  6. 超COOL非主流MP3

    Super cool non-mainstream MP3

  7. 位于宾夕法尼亚州费城城郊的RelapseRecords因其风格的多样性,以及对非主流音乐的倾情投入而闻名世界。

    Based in the suburbs of Philadelphia , PA , Relapse Records is world-renowned for its diversity and dedication to decidedly left-of-center music .

  8. 此外对于用户而言,也应当有方法来让他们访问到非主流的活动,但是UI不应当为此而进行优化。

    There should be a way for the user to access non-mainstream activities , but the UI should not be optimized for its use .

  9. 伤感非主流QQ分组名字:十字路口,我向左转,你向右转。

    Moved QQ grouping name : The intersection , I walk toward left , you walk toward right .

  10. 假设您在一个“非主流”操作系统上托管Web应用程序;比如,您可能会依赖OpenBSD来保证安全性。

    Suppose you host your Web application on a " minority " operating system ; you might rely on OpenBSD for its security , for example .

  11. 从技术角度详细阐述了非主流软件在多媒体CAI课件开发中的应用及其可行性,为多媒体CAI课件的开发提供新的思路和办法。

    The paper illustrates in detail the application of non-popular software in developing CAI courseware and its feasibility so as to provide some new ideas for CAI courseware development .

  12. 托马斯·萨乔万尼(ThomasJ.Sergiovanni)是美国教育管理非主流派的重要代表。擅以教育管理的批判范型研究教育管理现象及问题。

    As a representative in non-mainstream field on education administration research in America , Thomas J.

  13. 该理论是在结合中国大国经济特征的基础上,综合了西方主流和非主流FDI理论成果,为中国不同企业进入跨国投资领域提供了一个新的解释框架。

    On the basis of combining with the characteristics of Chinese great nation economy , the theory synthesizes western mainstream and no prevailing theories about FDI and supplies a new explanatory frame for different Chinese enterprises to enter transnational investment field .

  14. 因此,WiMAX网络在中国的发展应该另辟蹊径,定位于与3G相互补充的非主流技术,在性能和价格方面采取适量的折中,方才具备一定的竞争力。

    Therefore , the WiMAX network development in China should explore different avenues , position with 3G complementary non-mainstream technology and take the right amount of compromise in terms of performance and price , WiMAX network just have some competitiveness in China .

  15. 于是他们研发出Hiptop手机并被非主流移动运营商Voicestream采用,不过没多久该公司就被T-Mobile收购。

    They came up with the Hiptop , which was adopted by a renegade mobile carrier voicestream shortly before that company was bought out by T-Mobile .

  16. 655B/C两类低水峰光纤支持全频谱CWDM传输的优势和在网络升级中的应用潜力,同时与色散位移单模光纤、负色散(平坦)光纤等非主流光纤的性能作了比较。

    655B / C in supporting full spectrum CWDM transmission and their potential applications in future network upgrade analyzed and their performances compared with those of the dispersion-shifted fiber , negative dispersion ( flattened ) fiber and other non-principal fibers .

  17. 我是主流,你是非主流。

    He knows I 'm old guard . you 're fringe .

  18. 他的观点被视为保守政治的非主流思想。

    His ideas were relegated to the margins of conservative politics .

  19. 我讨厌非主流!所以,某些朋友自重!

    I hate non-mainstream ! So , please some friends themselves !

  20. 当代文学史中的非主流文学

    " Non - mainstream " Literature in the Contemporary Literature History

  21. 关注高校里的非主流世界

    Concern about the " Non-mainstream World " in Higher Institutes

  22. 新经济中的非主流

    Personal websites : non - mainstream in the new economy

  23. 我国非主流物业管理模式法律分析及其制度完善

    Legal Issues and Perfection in the Non-mainstream Property Management Pattern in China

  24. 我要用所有美好的一切,换走迩伤心的泪水。非主流个性签名。

    I must use all happy all , trades your sad tears .

  25. 非主流文化对美国政治制度的影响

    The Influence of the Subculture on the American Political System

  26. 经济学中的主流与非主流:历史考察与中国情境

    Mainstream and Non - mainstream Economics : Historical Perspective and Chinese Context

  27. 当前我国高校非主流文化的变迁与对策

    Resent Trend of College Branch Culture And It 's Countermeasures

  28. 我其实也是很好的艺术家和一个半非主流。

    I am also a rather good artist and simi-gothic .

  29. 令记忆深刻非主流炫舞名字的最好方法,就是试图去忘记。

    Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget .

  30. 这里的截图从非主流,我觉得不错,约歼灭

    Here 's a screenshot from a niche I feel pretty good about annihilating