
  • 网络non-historicism
  1. 伊格尔顿通过解构一组组的悖论&反权威的权威性、零碎的主体、非历史主义的历史性、激进中的保守来解构后现代主义的矛盾性。

    Eagleton deconstructs the contradictions of postmodernism by deconstructing groups of paradoxes like authority of counter-authority , fragmentary subject , historicity of non-historicism and tradition of radicalism .

  2. 非历史主义的态度和陈旧的历史观念在某种程度上遏制了新历史小说的生命力。

    However , the non - historical attitude and the old historical concept restrain their vitality on some degree .

  3. 总之,福柯倡导一种否定事物的本质起源,并强调间断性和个体化的非历史主义的历史观。

    In short , Foucault advocates a non-historicist history negating the essential origin of things and emphasizing the discontinuity and individualization .

  4. 与此同时,相关研究中也出现不少问题,如研究中的非历史主义倾向严重、盲目创新、评价标准的错位等等。

    Meanwhile , there are still problems with relevant studies , such as the strong non-historical tendency , aimless innovation , and inappropriate criteria for evaluation .