
  • 网络Non offensive;non-attack
  1. 其次,非攻以义为根本的价值标准,支持防御战争和肯定征诛。

    Secondly , non-attack took justice as basic standard of value , supported the defense war and affirmed just war .

  2. 再次,非攻蕴含着处理国家间关系的一个基本准则,得到了弱小国家的支持。

    Lastly , non-attack contained a fundamental criterion of processing the relationship between the countries , which was supported by the small and weak countries .

  3. 墨子的非攻观研究关于“非医攻博”的教育问题

    On educational problems in terms of doctoral degree pursuit of non-medical professionals

  4. 最后,非攻主要是反对诸侯国之间的不义之战,认为战争于人于己都有不利。

    Last , negating attack means that the unjust wars are bad for both sides .

  5. 第二部分运用辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的方法对墨子非攻思想的特点进行了挖掘和评析。

    In the second part disinterred the characteristics of non-thought using dialectical and historical materialism method .

  6. 历史的变形与变形的历史&浅析《非攻》的结构语义

    The Deformation of History and the History of Deformation & The Interpretation of the Structure Meaning to Against Aggression

  7. 本章主要从荀子对墨子节用思想、节葬思想、非乐论和非攻思想的接受四个方面阐述了荀子对墨子思想的接受。

    This chapter performs from four aspects to analyze separately in terms of frugality , funeral-controlling theory , anti-music thought and no attacking theory .

  8. 正是在这一意义上,我们对墨子提出的非攻思想进行了积极的思考和探索,希望能对构建和谐世界提供必要的借鉴。

    It is in this sense , we carry out an exploration on non-attack , hoping that could to structure the harmonious world to provide essential model .

  9. 文章从文化视角探讨了墨学的主要特色,即爱无差等的平民性质、独树一帜的科学精神和非攻备御的军事思想、折服古今的人格魅力;

    This article discusses , in the cultural perspective , the major characteristics of Mohism , namely ," common people 's equal love "," particular spirit of science "," military thought like non-offence and defense ", and " charming personality " .