
  • 网络Nonverbal communication;non-verbal communication;Communication
  1. 想到非语言沟通的影响范围,我们其实从未真的停止沟通过。

    Considering the influence of nonverbal communication , we never really stop communicating .

  2. 确保你的非语言沟通技巧比较坚决。

    Make sure your nonverbal communication is strong .

  3. 图书馆文化与流通服务中的非语言沟通

    The Library Culture and the Non-verbal Communication in Book Circulation Service

  4. 非语言沟通在口腔疾患病人中的运用研究

    The Investigation of Non-languae Communication for Patients in Nonnasality Illness

  5. 演讲的非语言沟通:面部表情

    Non - verbal Communication in Speech : Facial Expression

  6. 浅谈护士非语言沟通技巧

    Discussion on Nurse ′ s Non-language Communication Skills

  7. 多元文化护理中的非语言沟通技巧

    The Skill of Non-language Communication in Multi-culture Nursing

  8. 在教学过程中,非语言沟通对于提高课堂教学效果,保证教学质量,增强教学的有效性起到了辅助作用。

    Non-language communication plays important role in teaching process and effectively aids the language teaching .

  9. 这就表示了人们从非语言沟通中领悟到的比从说出来的话语中的还多。

    That means people pick up more from nonverbal communication than from the words a person says .

  10. 注意你的非语言沟通方式。

    Watch your non-verbal communication .

  11. 另一个非语言沟通的文化层面可能是你不会想到的东西:空间距离。

    Another cultural aspect of nonverbal communication is one that you might not think about : space .

  12. 非语言沟通是一个复杂的过程,涉及到人、身体的动作、以及当时的时间和环境等因素。

    It is a complex process , and involves persons , body movements , and time or circumstances .

  13. 他们观察的是你的非语言沟通技巧,也就是你的行为。

    They 'll be looking at your nonverbal communication to begin with , so how you hold yourself .

  14. 最常见的就有语言沟通、副语言沟通、非语言沟通、道具沟通等等。

    The general means of communication constitutes such ways as in language , sub-language , non-language and visual aids , etc.

  15. 而且他们不用担心他们的形象受到非语言沟通的影响。

    And they don 't have to worry about what their " nonverbal " communication is doing for their image .

  16. 流通服务中经常使用非语言沟通,而这种沟通方式离不开文化。

    Non-verbal communication is often used in book circulation service . and this type of communication can not be without culture .

  17. 这个发光的人用非语言沟通,问一个问题来让他评估自己的一生,并让他回顾一生主要事件的活动画面。

    This being nonverbally asks him a question to make him evaluate his life and shows him a panoramic replay of the major events of his life .

  18. 从调情到非语言沟通,我们在他人面前表现自己的方式根据不同的对象和原因在不断变化着。

    From flirting to non-verbal communication , the way we present ourselves to others is constantly shifting based on whom we are talking to , and why .

  19. 护理人员正确运用非语言沟通技巧,对于协调护患关系、提高护理质量,都有着积极的影响。

    If nursing staffs use non-language communication skills correctly , it will make an active effect on coordinating the relationship between nurses and patients and improving the quality of nursing .

  20. 应重视并强化流通服务中非语言沟通的文化表现力、影响力,提升服务质量。

    The expressive power and power of influence of the non-verbal communication is to be stressed and strengthened in the circulation service so as to improve the quality of service .

  21. 非语言沟通直接通过女人的爬行动物脑&早在人类大脑出现前,自然进化数亿年的大脑。

    Nonverbal communication is processed by a woman 's reptilian brain – the physical part of her brain that evolved millions of years before the Mammalian Limbic brain ever evolved around it .

  22. 方法随机抽样4~6岁门诊输液患儿200例,通过心理特征分析,然后应用相应的语言与非语言沟通技巧,观察其效果。

    Methods Random sampling was done to get 200 child patients aged 4 - 6 . Their psychological characteristics were analyzed and language or non-language communication skills were applied . The effects were observed .

  23. 改进非语言性沟通技巧对ICU护理工作满意度的影响

    Influence of modified non-language communication skills on satisfaction degree of patients toward nursing work in ICU

  24. 浅谈非语言性沟通在护患关系中的应用

    Talking About the Applying of Non-language Communication in Nurse-patient Relationship

  25. 同时,教育者应重视与学生之间的非语言信息沟通。

    At the same time , the pedagogue should attach importance to the non-verbal message communication with student .

  26. 通信在家庭包括语言和非语言的沟通,才能健康或精神失常。

    Communication within the family includes both verbal and non-verbal communication , and can be healthy or dysfunctional .

  27. 目的探讨非语言性沟通及适应行为训练在短暂性语言交流障碍患者护理中的应用。

    Objective To study the effect of nonverbal communication and adaption behavior training in nursing patients with short-time verbal communication barriers .

  28. 密切关注非语言的沟通信息:学习如何解释肢体语言对于人际交往是非常关键的。

    Pay close attention to nonverbal communication : learning how to interpret gestures is critical to understanding the meanings behind human interactions .

  29. 论唐太宗与大臣之间的语言信息沟通医学生非语言信息沟通能力培养研究

    On linking the language information of emperor Tang Taizhong of the Tang Dynasty and his ranking officials Cultivation of non-verbal communication ability among medical students

  30. 加州圣何塞的虚拟触觉技术开发商ImmersionCorp.表示,未来九个月份,三家移动运营商将推出其开发的应用软件,用户可以以非语言的形式沟通感情。

    Immersion Corp. , a haptics developer based in San Jose , Calif. , says that in the next nine months three mobile carriers will be launching applications it created that allow users to communicate emotions nonverbally .