
  • 网络feature;facial feature;facial characteristics
  1. 华威商学院(WarwickBusinessSchool)去年的研究表明,在商界、军队和运动领域地位升到最高的男性拥有共同的面部特征。

    Warwick Business School research last year indicated that men who rise highest in business , the military and sport share common facial features .

  2. Prima的电极比Iris多了10倍,应该可以让失明者重新恢复阅读和识别面部特征的能力。

    With at least 10 times as many electrodes , it should enable people to read and to see facial features .

  3. 基于小波和ICA的面部特征定位

    Facial Feature Localization Based on Wavelet and ICA

  4. 提出一种基于彩色Snake模型和人脸先验知识的面部特征轮廓线提取算法,并将其用于真实感的三维人脸建模。

    A new approach of facial feature contour extraction for realistic 3D facial modeling is proposed , based on the color Snake model and some prior facial knowledge .

  5. FAS的主要特征是发育延迟、心脏异常、中枢神经系统异常、颅面部特征异常及骨骼缺陷等。

    The typical characteristics of FAS are delay in development , cardiac abnormalities , central nervous system abnormalities , abnormal craniofacial features , skeletal defects and so on .

  6. 训练的面部特征点轨迹与相应帧的表情强度等级作为SVM的学习样本,建立表情强度模型,对测试序列中的表情帧进行强度等级的分类。

    Training facial feature point trajectories and corresponding expression intensity grades are used as learning samples of SVM , and expression intensity model is built to classify the expression frames in the test set .

  7. 由于应用了增强现实技术(AR),美妆相机可以精确地探测到使用者的面部特征并进行虚拟化妆,——它不仅可以给用户的自拍相片涂眼影、睫毛膏,甚至能改变用户的发式。

    Using Augmented Reality ( AR ) technology , Makeup Plus can accurately detect a user 's facial features and apply virtual makeup - eyeshadow , mascara products and even hair styles - to the user 's selfie .

  8. 我们将表情比例图像(ERI)引入到合成算法当中,克服了原有算法在处理库外人物时所面临的面部特征缺失的问题,并使得算法具有了一定的自我扩展能力。

    To conquer the drawback of losing unforeseen face characteristics , Expression Ratio Image ( ERI ) is introduced into the algorithm .

  9. 根据人的面部特征首先对检测目标进行粗略定位,然后通过边界提取的办法进行眼睛的定位和状态的计算以及利用Fisher线性分类器进行嘴唇的定位和状态的计算。

    Using facial characteristics to get the rough area of the eye and mouth , then use border extraction method for eye location and calculations of status and use Fisher linear classifier to get lip position and calculate mouth status .

  10. 本文还研究了基于AAM的面部特征定位方法,分析了灰度模型参数及表观模型参数在人脸重构中的作用。

    Active appearance model ( AAM ) is also studied for the localization of facial features . The parameters of texture model and appearance model are studied in detail in reconstruction of face images .

  11. Kruger说根据此项以及其他研究,荷尔蒙睾丸激素可能对面部特征产生一定影响,但仍需要更深研究证实。

    Kruger said according to this and other studies , the hormone testosterone ( 6 ) may play a role in explaining facial preferences although further study was needed .

  12. 当联邦调查局发布寻找波士顿嫌疑人的这些照片,电脑可能有希望会帮助他们,就像知名剧集CSI比对面部特征与现有数据后出现一个名字一样。

    When the FBI released these photos during the search for the Boston suspects , there was hope that computers might help as they do on shows like CSI , comparing facial features with existing data and coming up with a name .

  13. 首先对人脸图像做独立成分分析,提取有利于分类的面部特征的主要独立成分,然后在特征空间中,用FSVM和三叉决策树相结合设计人脸分类器。

    First , the ICA method is used to get the representation basis of face image set , and then a classifier is designed on the feature space by using the combination of FSVM and triple decision tree . strategic decision ; make decision ;

  14. 基于纹理分布和变形模板的面部特征提取

    Facial Feature Extraction Based on Facial Texture Distribution and Deformable Template

  15. 基于色素分布的驾驶员面部特征点的定位方法

    Method to Locate Driver 's Face Feature Points by Chrominance Distribution

  16. 基于广义对称变换的人脸检测和面部特征提取

    Face Detection and Facial Feature Extraction Based on The Generalized Symmetry Transform

  17. 长期微量元素摄入异常对头面部特征的影响

    Effect of long term abnormal intaking of trace elements on

  18. 人脸面部特征的提取是人脸识别技术的重要环节。

    Facial feature extraction is import part in face recognition .

  19. 对由数码相机采集的正、侧面人脸照片进行了面部特征定位研究。

    The facial features coming from digital cameras were located .

  20. 基于先验模板的人脸面部特征提取的研究

    A Study of Facial Feature Extraction Based on Prior Template

  21. 他的下半很特别,是让人最容易记住的面部特征。

    A peculiarly pointed chin is his most memorable facial .

  22. 基于概率关系的面部特征点定位技术方法

    New technique based on probabilistic model for facial features location

  23. 关键是要记得面孔,以及面部特征。

    The vital thing is remembering faces and incidental detail about them .

  24. 实验表明,论文提出的改进策略提高了活动形状模型和活动表观模型在人脸面部特征定位中的精度。

    Experiments indicate that the revised strategy improves precision of facial features localization .

  25. 基于改进型主动外观模型的面部特征定位与人脸识别方法研究

    Facial Feature Automatic Location and Facial Recognition Based on Improved Active Appearance Models

  26. 基于改进主动表现模型的人脸面部特征定位

    Face Feature Location Based on Improved Active Appearance Models

  27. 基于面部特征的矿山井下人员身份验证技术研究

    Mine Going into a Well Personnel Identification Authentication Research Based on Facial Features

  28. 人面部特征点的自动标定是计算机辅助颅像重合技术的重要研究内容之一。

    Facial features location is an important research aspect in computer-aided photographic superimposition .

  29. 为克服纹理不丰富和非刚性形变等因素引起的面部特征点跟踪困难,提出了一种基于子空间约束的面部特征点跟踪算法。

    The paper proposes a method for facial feature tracking using subspace constraint .

  30. 一种改进的对齐算法及其在面部特征定位中的应用

    An Improved Alignment Method and Its Application to the Localization of Facial Features