
  1. 韩国总统府青瓦台的工作人员人士也纷纷表示:“总统戴眼镜后,原本尖锐的形象温和了不少。”

    Employees at the Blue House also said ," Glasses make the president 's sharp image much gentler . "

  2. 韩国总统府、国防、通信和情报等部门均不予置评。

    South Korean authorities , including the presidential office , the defense ministry , the communications ministry and the nation 's spy agency , all declined to comment .

  3. 由于好评不断,韩国总统府的参谋人员建议李明博在出席需要展现温和形象的活动时戴眼镜。

    As the high praise for the glasses appears widespread , consultants in the president 's Blue House suggested that Lee wear glasses when there is a need to show his gentle side .

  4. 韩国政府在总统府的战争掩体内召开了紧急会议。

    The government convened an emergency meeting in the war bunker of the presidential office .

  5. 韩国情报官员昨日指责朝鲜对其实施网络攻击,导致韩国总统府、国防部、其它政府机构、银行、零售商和媒体公司的网站陷入瘫痪。

    South Korean intelligence officials yesterday their North Korean neighbours a cyber attack that the president 's website as well as those of the defence ministry , other state agencies , banks , and media companies .