
dǐng bǎn
  • roof;top tray;ejector plate;abacus;apical plate;rock layer above the ore bed;clash;backing deal;wrangle
顶板 [dǐng bǎn]
  • (1) [ejector plate;roof]∶支撑顶杆并将顶杆组件固定在一起的板件

  • (2) [abacus]∶古典柱式中柱头的最上部分,呈平板形,上承额枋

  • (3) [rock layer above the ore bed]∶采矿业中指矿层上的岩层

  • (4) [clash;wrangle] 顶牛。意见相反时各执已见

顶板[dǐng bǎn]
  1. 基于GIS复合分析的煤矿顶板水害预测研究

    Investigation on Predicting Roof Water Gush in Coal Mines Based on Multi-Factor Analysis

  2. 同时,通过邻城相互作用算法与BP网络耦合,预报了采煤工作面顶板来压。

    The second aspect is the prediction of the likely future weighting of main roof through hybrid algorithms of the neighbourhood interaction operation and the neural networks .

  3. 计算了煤层顶板围岩对煤层瓦斯赋存的最佳有效影响厚度为20m。

    The best influence thickness of roof rock to gas preservation is 20m .

  4. 改进的Theis井流模型及其解析解&考虑含水层顶板的挠曲作用

    Analysis of Modified Theis Model on Well Flow : Considering Bending of the Confining Stratum

  5. 其中影响煤矿安全生产的因素非常复杂,主要有瓦斯浓度、顶板压力、CO浓度、甲烷浓度、温度等自然灾害因素。

    The factors which could influence the colliery producing safely was very complex , the natural disaster is the main factors such as gas concentration , the coping pressure , carbon monoxide concentration , firedamp concentration , temperatures and so on .

  6. 叙述了杏花矿应用RS混合型锚杆支护技术管理顶板的方法及RS混合型锚杆的结构、性能和特点,分析了RS混合型锚杆的锚固机理和支护机理。

    This paper discusses the methods of controlling roof and structure , properties and characteristics of RS bolt using RS bolt support technique at Xinghua Coal Mine . Anchor and support mechanism of RS bolt are analyzed .

  7. 研究结果表明,波形钢腹板PC组合箱梁的混凝土顶板和底板主要承担弯矩,波形钢腹板则主要承担剪力。试验结果为实桥的设计和建造提供了重要的资料。

    The results of test study indicate that the concrete top and bottom slabs of the girder mainly withstand bending moment while the corrugated steel webs withstand shear force , and the results also provide important data for the design and construction of actual bridges of similar kind .

  8. 结果表明,两种不同试验模拟手段得到了相近的结果,初次来压步距20m左右,周期来压步距在10~15m之间,并且与实际工作面顶板的垮落形态相吻合。

    Both the numerical simulation and the similar material simulation indicate that the first weighting step distance is 20 m and periodic weighting step distance is 10 ~ 15 m , which is also similar to the actual roof collapse rule .

  9. 分析探讨了顶板破断岩块运动、底板破坏滑移以及主要回采工序对支架或支护系统工作阻力和“R-S-F”(顶板-支架-底板)系统动态稳定性的影响;

    At the same time , the paper probes into the influence of roof fracture blocks moving , floor fracture blocks sliding and main procedures on the working resistance of supports or support system and dynamic stability of system " R-S-F " .

  10. X1-107工作面风巷、机巷顶板及两帮采用高强度螺纹钢锚杆支护、并对顶板采用小孔径预应力锚索加强支护,有效地保持了围岩稳定。

    The air roadway and conveyor roadway of X1-107 mining face are supported by high strength thread steel bolt and enhanced with small diameter prestressed anchor cable on the roof , which has maintain the stability of the surrounding rock effectively .

  11. 初次断裂前矩形顶板的差分解

    Difference analysis of the rectangle flat roof before the first falling

  12. 冷却顶板-置换通风空调系统分析

    The Analysis on Cooled Ceiling and Displacement Ventilation Air Condition System

  13. 顶板岩层三带划分的综合分析法

    Comprehensive Analysis Method of Three Zone Classification on Mine Roof Strata

  14. 采场支撑顶板关键层理论的研究

    Study on the Key Bed Theory of Roof Supporting in Stope

  15. 断层对顶板稳定性影响相似模拟试验研究

    Influence of faults on coal roof stability by physical modeling study

  16. 岩溶洞穴工程地质条件与顶板稳定性评价

    Evaluation on Roof Stability and Engineering Geology Condition of Karst Cave

  17. 采空区煤柱-顶板系统失稳的力学分析

    The analysis of instability of coal pillar & stiff roof system

  18. 崩落法开采时复杂顶板的崩落过程分析

    Analysis of Complex Roof Caving Process in Mining by Caving Method

  19. 特殊顶板条件下薄煤层工作面支护技术

    Support Technology Used in Thin Seam Face at Special Roof Condition

  20. 层状结构顶板破坏机理及其规律研究

    The Study on the Destructive Mechanism and Law of Stratified Roof

  21. 无胶结人工顶板条件下顶板控制技术研究

    Research on roof control technology under non binding artificial roof condition

  22. 回采工作面顶板事故的力学原理及防治

    Mechanics Principle and Precautionary Measures of Roof Accident of Stoping Workings

  23. 定向水力致裂坚硬顶板的现场试验研究

    Study on site test of directional hydraulic fracturing of hard roof

  24. 基于MATLAB/VC的回采工作面顶板管理系统研究

    The Working-face Roof Management System Research Based on MATLAB / VC

  25. 复合顶板托伪顶走向长壁采煤法

    Longwall mining of compound roof in the section of false roof

  26. 稳定顶板倒梯形煤巷优化设计重载梯形摩擦离合器

    Optimization design about roadway of inverse trapezium cross-section under stable roof

  27. 离散元在顶板稳定性分析中的应用

    Using of Discrete element method in stability analysis of a roof

  28. 回采巷道锚杆支护顶板稳定性分析

    Stability analysis of the roof of extraction opening supported with bolts

  29. 锚杆支护巷道顶板稳定性潜力分析及应用

    Analysis of Roof Stability Potential of Bolted Roadways and Its Application

  30. 规范小煤矿开采方法防止大面积顶板事故

    Regulating small coal mine mining method and preventing large area roof accident