
lú gǔ
  • skull;cranium;cranial bones;harnpan
颅骨 [lú gǔ]
  • [cranial bones; skull] 在成人由23 块扁骨构成的头骨。分为脑颅和面颅

颅骨[lú gǔ]
  1. 她跌倒摔裂了颅骨。

    She fell and fractured her skull .

  2. 她丈夫后来接受了颅骨骨折治疗。

    Her husband was later treated for a fractured skull .

  3. 人类学家在这个遗址挖掘出那块古人类的颅骨。

    The anthropologist unearthed the skull of an ancient human at the site .

  4. 现已发现的女性颅骨中,其中有一个的脑容量超过了今天的普通男子。

    One of the women 's skulls found exceeds in capacity that of the average man of today .

  5. 一些声音是通过空气传递的,但大部分声音是在内部直接通过颅骨进行的。

    While some of the sound is transmitted through air conduction , much of the sound is internally conducted directly through your skull8 bones .

  6. 颅骨CT三维重建及其临床应用研究

    Three - dimensional CT of the skull and its clinical value

  7. 新生儿颅骨骨膜下血肿的X线和CT诊断

    X-ray and CT Diagnosis of Subperiosteal Hematoma of Cranial Bone in Neonates

  8. 原发性颅骨内脑膜瘤的CT与MRI表现

    CT and MRI appearances of primary intraosseous meningioma of the skull

  9. 成人颅骨枕骨厚度CT测量

    Measurement study of the thickness of occipital on normal adults skulls with CT

  10. 应用牙CT扫描仪计算正常颅骨牙槽窝的体积

    Calculation of the volume of the alveolar fossa in normal skull using dental 3D-CT

  11. 颅骨骨折CT诊断价值的研究

    Research of CT Value of Skull Fracture

  12. B组,骨髓和成骨细胞(来自新生大鼠颅骨)共同培养;

    Group B , bone marrow and osteoblast ( from the crania of newborn rats ) coculture ;

  13. 颅骨表皮样囊肿的CT和MRI诊断

    CT and MRI diagnosis of skull epidermoid cyst

  14. 目的研究颅骨骨纤维异样增殖症的MRI表现。

    Objective To study MRI findings of fibrous dysplasia involvement of cranial bones .

  15. 海藻酸钠-明胶共混体系/成骨细胞凝胶修复兔颅骨极限缺损的CT评估

    Application of CT evaluation in repairing the maximum defects of rabbit skull using sodium alginate-gelatin / osteoblast gel

  16. 体外将新生SD大鼠颅骨分离培养的成骨细胞直接于两种材料上培养;

    The rat osteoblast cells were cultured on the two materials .

  17. 目的通过对颅骨螺旋CT扫描和三维重建参数的选择,以获得最佳三维图像。

    Objective To obtain the best 3 D images by optimizing the scanning and reconstruction parameters of skull spiral CT .

  18. 方法应用CT定位颅骨锥孔侧脑室前角持续引流术抢救治疗老年人脑室内积血患者201例。

    Methods 201 patients with primary intraventricular haemorrhage who were treated with external ventricular drainage by CT scans localization were included .

  19. 为了真实重现受害人的3维容颜,提出了一种基于螺旋CT的3维颅骨重建影像的3维凸包软组织厚度计算方法。

    In order to reconstruct 3D appearance truly , a new method of calculating parenchyma thickness is put forward in this paper .

  20. 在计算机辅助虚拟颅外科手术研究中,需要对基于CT技术构建的三维颅骨模型进行截骨。

    In the computer aided craniofacial surgery simulation , need to cut the craniofacial model which acquired from CT scans of the individual .

  21. 随着CT断层扫描技术和计算机辅助设计的发展,钛合金数字化个性颅骨修补体成为颅骨修补术的发展趋势。

    With the development of CT scanning technology and computer-aided designing , the titanium digital personalized artificial body becomes the trend of cranioplasty .

  22. 方法分析6例(2个家庭)锁骨颅骨发育不全的临床、X线及CT表现,并从遗传学角度进行探讨。

    Methods : The X-ray and CT findings and clinical symptoms in6 cases ( 2 families ) with cleidocranial dysplasia were analysediscussed on genetic basis .

  23. 兔颅骨植入材料X射线片观察结果:X射线可见生物材料周围有明显骨痂形成,并随时间延长,骨痂越来越多。

    X-ray observation results : There were obvious formation of callus around the biological material , which became much more as time went on .

  24. 用含或不含BMSCs的改良藻酸钙凝胶充填颅骨缺损。

    Modified alginate gelatin with or without BMSCs were painted over the cranial defects .

  25. 目的探讨螺旋CT三维重建(3D-CT)在颅骨凹陷性骨折诊疗中的应用价值。

    Objective To investigate the clinical value of 3D-CT in diagnosis and treatment of depressed skull fracture .

  26. 目的研究颅骨宽度的不同对脑内核团X坐标值的影响,为术中靶点定位提供客观依据。

    Objective To study the effect of different skull width on the X value of nuclei so as to provide objective basement for operative target orientation .

  27. 三维颅骨孔洞修补是一个崭新的研究课题,它是根据颅骨模型原有的几何和拓扑信息,借助计算机技术修复颅骨破洞的虚拟3D技术。

    3D skull hole repairing is to use 3D computer graphic technology to repair the hole of skull according to the geometry and topology information of the skull model .

  28. 为了对头部CT图片中的颅骨边缘进行有效地提取,提出利用平面凸包进行边缘轮廓提取的方法。

    In this paper , a new method is presented for extracting contour in 3-D surface reconstruction based on convex in order to find right contours in extracting CT images of head .

  29. 颅部X线片示颅骨多灶性缺失,B超及彩色多普勒超声检查示眶内软组织肿物,CT检查可同时显示眶骨缺失和软组织肿块,MRI检查可示眶内肿瘤及颅内受累情况。

    B scan and color Doppler showed soft tissue masses in the orbit . CT showed soft tissue masses and bony skull defects . MRI showed orbital tumor and intracranial involvement .

  30. 3D-CT在颅骨凹陷性骨折诊疗中的应用研究

    The 3D-CT in diagnosis and treatment of depressed skull fracture