
  • 网络Lead user;leading user
  1. 领先用户则希望通过参与新产品开发(NPD)使得企业开发的产品符合自身独特的个性化需求。

    Lead user hopes enterprises develop products in line with its own unique personalized demand through participation in new product development ( NPD ) .

  2. 技术创新信息源新探:领先用户研究

    Perspective on Information Source of Technological Innovation : Lead User Research

  3. 大规模制造模式下,只需要很少的领先用户参与NPD,因此金字塔法的识别效率较高。

    In Mass production mode , only a few lead users are required to participate in NPD and pyramiding method is efficient .

  4. 大规模定制模式下,领先用户参与到NPD全过程,需要识别出尽可能多的领先用户,以最大限度地发挥领先用户的作用。

    However in Mass customization mode , lead users participate in the whole process of NPD . It needs to identify as many as possible lead users to maximize the lead users ' role .

  5. 为了降低由此而来的产品开发的不确定性,企业需要将NPD贯穿于整个产品生命周期,利用领先用户的市场领先优势来引导普通用户的消费行为。

    In order to reduce the uncertainty of product development , enterprises need to make NPD preced throughout the product life cycle and make use of lead users ' market leading position to guide common users ' consumption behavior .

  6. 移动电话业创新源和领先用户研究

    Innovation source and lead user research for the industry of mobile telephone

  7. 技术创新中的领先用户研究

    Lead User Research for Technological Innovation

  8. 网络使得高效率地识别出目标群体中所有领先用户成为可能。

    Network makes it possible to efficiently identify all the lead users in a target group .

  9. 用户,尤其是领先用户,在创新过程中的作用越来越显著。

    The users , especially the lead users , have play more and more significant role in the innovations .

  10. 研究表明,影响领先用户参与新产品开发最大的是独特性产品需求和认知动机两个动机,其次,是利益动机与产品生产控制动机。

    It suggests that the greatest impacts are the unique product needs motivation and cognitive motivation , the interest motivation and the production control motivation .

  11. 产品研发、生产制造、产品销售是以阶段性相互独立的串行方式进行,企业从领先用户那里主要获取技术知识和需求信息。

    Product R & D , manufacturing and sales are proceed in Stage independent serial mode . Enterprise mainly acquires technical knowledge and demand information from lead users .

  12. 将消费类软件领先用户的识别过程分为三步,包括初级指标收集,一级指标合并,模型构建。

    The identification process of the lead user of consumer software is divided into three steps , including second metrics collection , first index merge , and model construction .

  13. 本文介绍了国外对技术创新源和领先用户的有关研究,在此基础上,对移动电话进行了创新源的研究,并根据研究结果进行了移动电话厂商的领先用户研究。

    This article introduces the oversea researches about technological innovation source and lead user , based on which we analyze the innovation source of the industry of mobile telephone , and conduct the lead user research for manufactures .

  14. 本章还初步探讨了以忠诚顾客为基础的成长策略,以领先用户或创新型顾客为基础的创新策略,以及基于顾客关系的适度竞争战略。

    Then it explores the growth strategy which is based on the loyal customers , the innovation strategy which is based on the leading or innovative customers , and the moderate competition strategy which is based on customer relationship .

  15. 本文介绍了领先用户的概念和领先用户研究的方法,以便我国企业在实践中准确理解市场需求,加速技术创新过程,最终取得创新的成功。

    This paper introduces the concept of lead user and the method of lead user research , to help our firms precisely grasp the needs of market , accelerate the process of technological innovation , and finally achieve the success .

  16. 我们强大的产品线保持业内领先的用户满意度,并将迎来新的突破。

    We have a great lineup today with industry-leading customer satisfaction , and it 's about to get even stronger .

  17. 所以企业要充分利用技术领先战略、扩大用户基数的非技术战略以及组建标准联盟等手段而成为标准之争的胜利者。

    So enterprises must become the winner of the standard-war by the strategy of technology-oriented , enlarging the consumer-base and building the alliance of standards .

  18. 而且领先程度越高的领先用户采用新产品的数量会比较多、时间会比较早。

    Lead user would like to adopt new products earlier than common users and the higher of SLU , the amount of they adopt new products will be more and the time will be earlier .