
  • 网络Domain Knowledge;Domain Know-How
  1. 基于领域知识和信息抽取的个性化Web查询系统

    Personalized Web Query System Based on Domain Knowledge and Information Extraction

  2. 基于领域知识和决策树的deepweb数据标注

    Domain Knowledge and Decision Tree Based Annotation for Deep Web Data

  3. 基于语义Web的常用软件领域知识发现系统研究

    Research on COMMON-SOFTWARE domain knowledge discovery system based Semantic Web

  4. 本体作为一种领域知识概念化的方法,是实现语义Web的关键技术。

    As a method of conceptualizing domain knowledge , ontology is the key technology to realize Semantic Web .

  5. 基于Ontology的领域知识构建技术综述

    Overview of Technology of Building Domain Knowledge Based on Ontology

  6. 基于STRIPS的领域知识提取策略

    Strategy of Extracting Domain Knowledge for STRIPS World

  7. 比较全面地研究了信息Agent所涉及的领域知识,对信息过滤,兴趣学习,元搜索引擎技术进行了详细的介绍。

    Study comparatively wholly the domain knowledge of information agent involves , and introduce in detail information filtering , interest learning , and some technologies of meta-searching engine .

  8. 根据所要抽取网页的特点,提出了一种基于网页结构和ontology领域知识的自动网页数据抽取。

    We present a novel approach to automatically extract web data based on the structure of web page and the specific ontology .

  9. 文章首先对CP和调度的相关领域知识进行了简要介绍;

    In the beginning of this paper , the knowledge related to CP and scheduling is introduced in brief .

  10. 该文对自动答疑系统的关键技术:初始领域知识库的构建、汉语词条切分技术、web页面的全文搜索技术进行了论述。

    This paper discusses the key technology of the auto-answering system such as the construction of the initial knowledge base , word entry segmentation of Chinese ideograph and the full-tex search technology of web page .

  11. 数据库中知识发现(KnowledgeDiscoveryindatabase,KDD)结合了数据库技术、人工智能技术以及其它专业领域知识,成为近年来计算机学科研究的热点。

    The Knowledge Discovery in Database combined with database technique , the artificial intelligence and other professional domain knowledges , is becoming a hotspot in computer science in recent years .

  12. 本研究课题应用计算机、通信、DSP、信息处理等多学科领域知识,是理论结合实际、技术研究与工程设计紧密结合的实际课题。

    This research is applied to computer , communications , DSP , information processing and the other subject field knowledge . It integrates theoretical and practical , technical research and engineering design .

  13. 并且提供了统一的、基于RDF的、面向Web的范例表示方法,更富含语义,便于范例知识与领域知识本体的集成。

    Furthermore , a unified case oriented representation method , which is based on RDF and abundant in semantic , is provide to be easy to integrated case knowledge and domain knowledge .

  14. 一种基于HNC理论的领域知识表示研究

    Domain knowledge expression based on HNC theory

  15. 鉴于此,本论文在研究了落料模的相关领域知识之后,提出了基于PRO/ENGINEER落料模CAD系统研究与开发这一课题。

    In view of this , I put forward " Studying and Development of Blanking Die CAD System Based on PRO / ENGINEER " this issue after studying the relevant domain knowledge of the blanking die .

  16. 其次,结合医学图像领域知识定义ROI的特征属性,并用Matlab进行提取。最后,根据ROI的特征属性对ROI进行聚类。

    Second , it defines the feature attributes of ROI in accordance with the domain knowledge of medical image and extracts these feature attributes using Matlab language .

  17. 因此,很多国家和国际企业把KBE系统作为发展的战略技术之一。KBE系统处理的对象是领域知识。

    So a lot of countries and international enterprises regard KBE system as one of the strategic technologies of development .

  18. 第二章在分析大批量定制模式(MC)下配置设计领域知识的基础上,提出基于本体论和知识规则的MC配置设计方法。

    In the second chapter , based on the analysis of product knowledge structure for mass customization , the article puts forward a method of mass customization configuration based on ontology .

  19. 传统的.Web资源中语义信息或领域知识是以自由文本或半结构化(HTML)的数据来描述的,其语义信息缺乏明确规范的描述。

    In the traditional areas , Semantic Web resources information or knowledge in a free or semi-structured text ( HTML ) to describe the data , and it is lack of clear specification of semantic descriptions .

  20. 分析了入侵检测领域知识的特点,探讨了攻击知识的表示方法,提出了对象知识的抽象结构和基于面向对象的攻击知识表达模型,并采用java语言实现了攻击知识的表达。

    Analyzes the knowledge characteristics of intrusion field , Explore the knowledge that attack methods ; put forward to the abstract knowledge structures and knowledge-based object-oriented attack expressed models , and the realization of an attack using java language to express knowledge .

  21. 本模型包括自适应本体网络层和CBR领域知识层。自适应本体网络层把本体网络结构转化为Hopfield网络结构,使信息处理在本体论的基础上充分利用了Hopfield网络的推理功能。

    The architecture of this module consists of Auto-adaptive Ontology Layer and CBR Layer . To enhance adaptive ability of LPSS , Auto-adaptive Ontology Layer is based on Ontology modeling methodology and restructured by Hopfield Network .

  22. 研究了一种基于结构化问句实例分析问句的方法,设计了应用该方法时的各种语义知识及其表示,用Xml文档来管理领域知识,在这种知识结构上设计了一种答案抽取的方法。

    It studys a kind of method to analysis question sentence based on the structural question sentence instance , design a method to express various kind of semanteme knowledge , manage domain knowledge in Xml file , and design a method to extract answer on the kind of knowledge structre .

  23. 将KBE技术应用于铝型材挤压模具设计中,通过充分利用多来源的领域知识对铝型材模具设计提供最大限度支持,提高工程决策有效性。

    KBE technology is applied in the design of extrusion die for aluminum . Every knowledge from multi-source is used to provide various supports to die designer and improve engineering decision efficiency .

  24. 7,从总体上看,VB编程专家所具有的领域知识对其高效编程行为具有决定作用,是造就专家比新手杰出的最重要决定因素。

    7 , As a whole , the in-domain knowledge occupied by the experts play the decisive effect on the efficient programming behavior of the experts , which is the most important decisive factor which makes the experts more excellent than the novices .

  25. 针对Web环境对领域知识建模的需求,作者提出了适合于Web环境的领域本体建模方法DKOW。

    The primary contributions of this thesis include : With respect to the requirements of domain knowledge modeling on the Web , the author puts forwards a new method for domain ontology modeling , named Domain Knowledge Ontology for Web ( DKOW ) .

  26. 从石化生产计划LP模型中抽取出两类知识:一类是描述石化生产流程的领域知识,另一类是描述LP模型的模型知识。

    The work this paper has done is as follows : 1 . Extracting two kind of knowledge from the LP models of petrochemical enterprise production planning . One is domain-knowledge which describes how petrochemical production flows . The other is model-knowledge which describes the LP model .

  27. HAR系统提供了三级描述和假设联想功能,把领域知识的表达和运用知识的推理控制策略紧密地结合在一起,实现对子问题求解的功能化表达。

    Because HAR system provides the function of three-level description and hypothesis-based association , the representation of domain knowledge can be combined closely with the inference control for using the knowledge so as to realize the functional representation of subproblem solving .

  28. 该系统用数值化的模糊联想记忆(FAM)规则表示专家的领域知识并进行模糊推理,同时采用神经网络的微分竞争学习算法(DCL)实现规则的自适应生成。

    Numerical fuzzy associative memory ( FAM ) rules are applied to the expression of human expert knowledge and fuzzy inference . A differential competitive learning approach in the neural network is adopted to adaptively generate FAM rules and learn new knowledge .

  29. 中兴通讯提出的GoTa技术填补了中国在集群通信领域知识产权的空白,对中国通信企业掌握核心技术,取得竞争优势具有重要意义。

    The GoTa technology developed by ZTE closes a gap of property right in the trunking communication field in China , and it is of great sense for Chinese communications corporations to master core technologies and sharp competition edge .

  30. 简述了ICAI智能教育平台系统产生的背景、基本目的、对知识表示子系统的基本要求,以及动态液体场景的实现在表达相关的物理学科领域知识中的作用。

    The backgrounds of birth , the basic purposes and the essential requests to knowledge expression subsystem of ICAI intelligent education platform are all simply introduced in this paper . The implementation of dynamic liquid scene in expressing the related knowledge of physics domain is also discussed .