
  • 网络Food energy;kcal
  1. 皮尔斯女士正努力减肥,她每天吃的食物热量控制在1200卡路里以内,同时每日进行两次物理疗法治疗。

    Ms Pierce is trying to lose weight and is on a limited 1,200-calorie a day diet and does physical therapy twice a day .

  2. 在先前的一项研究中,该大学研究者发现人们在昏暗灯光下比明亮环境下摄入的食物热量少175卡路里。

    In a previous study , researchers from the university showed that people who eat in dim lighting consume 175 less calories than people who eat in brightly lit areas .

  3. 到目前为止,食谱测试的参与者每天都要写日记、做食物热量计算,因此如此麻烦大家一批一批的放弃也就不足为其了。

    So far , diets that require rigorous participant logs and calorie counting have always failed in peer reviewed studies , so this shouldn 't have come as a big surprise .

  4. 上述七种食物热量低、营养高,富含矿物质和维他命,有效帮你塑形、保持健康水平甚至改善身体素质。

    The seven foods mentioned above are low in calories , contain loads of nutrients , minerals and vitamins to help you in better shape and maintain or even improve your health .

  5. 国家老化学会的研究员马克·麦特森说,把给年龄较大的老鼠的食物热量降低30%,对提高它们的学习力和记忆力有帮助。

    Mark Mattson , a researcher at the National Institute on Aging , says that reducing the amount of calories fed to older rats and mice by30 percent has helped enhance learning and memory .

  6. 基本上按照食谱减肥的人被要求过于精确的计算食物热量(每天精确的750)和各种比利,但是每天却都要吃一模一样的东西,只是量有所不同而已。

    Basically , adherents were asked to be absurdly careful with caloric counts ( dropping precisely 750 calories per day ) and proportions , but were told to eat identical foods -- just in different amounts .

  7. 人们从小到大也非常注意计算食物的热量。

    People grow up aware of the value of counting calories .

  8. 糖分会增加食物的热量。

    Sugar increases the energy of foods .

  9. 他指出,南方的饮食偏向油炸和脂肪含量高的食物,热量非常高。

    He points to the southern diet , with its fried and rich foods that are high in calories .

  10. 在家中,你就会自动节省资金烹饪,学习正确的烹调食物的热量可以节省您的时间。

    By cooking at home you are automatically saving money , and learning to cook the right foods can save you calories and time .

  11. 肉蛋奶鱼消费具有互补性,家庭成员之间的营养消费要均衡,每个人一日三餐动物性食品分配应科学,晚餐食物总热量可适当降低,但早餐应当吃点肉。

    It has complementarity that meat , egg , milk and fish consumption , the nutrition is consumed in equilibrium between kinsfolks , the animal food is distributed in conformity with science .

  12. 如果你的引擎不管怎样都会产生足以烹制食物的热量,你就可以用它来烹饪,而不是等到家以后再打开烤箱,消耗额外能源。

    Well , no. If your engine is going to be producing enough heat to cook on anyway , then you may as well use it , rather than consume additional energy when you get home to power your oven .

  13. 量出他的总热量输出,并与他吃进去的食物的含热量作了比较。

    His total heat output was measured and compared with the calorific content of the food he ate .

  14. 问:土豆和面食一类的食物所含热量出奇的低,是不是这样?

    Q : Foods such as potatoes and pasta are surprisingly low in calories , true or false ?

  15. 是某种液体在冰箱的管子中环流,从而带走食物中的热量。

    A liquid is made to circulate through pipes in the refrigerator , picking up heat from the food .

  16. 首写字母为大写时,是用于描述食物中含热量的单位。

    Calories with a big " c " are the ones used to describe the amount of energy contained in foods .

  17. 这些实验室里的啮齿动物超量产生一种人体蛋白质,这种蛋白质保证食物转化成热量而不是以脂肪形式储存。

    The lab rodents over-produce a human protein which ensures food is turned into heat , rather than stored as fat .

  18. 如果你想减轻体重和保持它关闭,这是最容易理解的食物摄入量和热量之间的联系。

    If you want to lose the weight and keep it off , it 's easiest to understand the link between food intake and calories .

  19. 汤姆森同时希望采取自觉的措施来鼓励餐馆在菜单上标明食物所含热量,提高食品标签上的热量信息的准确度。

    Thompson also wants voluntary measures to encourage restaurants to put calorie information on menus and to improve the accuracy of calorie counts on food labels .

  20. 只坐一会儿,你的身体将食物转化为热量、调节体内多个生物进程的速度就会减缓。

    It doesn 't take much time sitting around to slow down the process by which your body converts food into energy and regulates multiple biological processes .

  21. 雅各布森说,餐馆完全有时间主动向顾客提供食物中如热量、肪和盐等营养成分的含量。但很多餐馆都没有做到这一点。

    Jacobson said restaurants have had more than enough time to voluntarily provide nutritional data such as calorie , fat and salt content but many do not .

  22. 摄入食物所含热量过多导致营养过剩,加之生活和工作模式不合理使运动量减少,由此导致肥胖症的发病率和死亡率呈现出逐年上升的趋势。

    Intake of foods contain too many calories lead to excess nutrients , combined with the living and working mode unreasonable to reduce the amount of exercise , resulting morbidity and mortality of obesity showing an increasing trend .

  23. 每份食物含240卡热量。

    Each serving contains 240 calories .

  24. 水和食物对于身体产生热量是必须的。

    Food and water are necessary for your body to generate heat .

  25. 为避免糖分中过多的热量,节食者通常会在饮料和食物中添加零热量替代物将其变甜,比如说糖精。

    To avoid the calories in sugar , dieters often sweeten foods and drinks with no-calorie substitutes , such as saccharin .

  26. 与此不同,西方人则对吃抱着实用的态度,他们往往关注的是食物的营养或热量。

    Unlike this , western people are quite pragmatic about food , what they mainly concerned about are its nutrition or calorie .

  27. 通常,人们只是直接转而食用面包、谷物、土豆以及含糖软饮料,以便获得他们原本应从富含蛋白质的食物中摄取的热量。

    Typically , people turned to breads , cereals and potatoes - and to sugary soft drinks - for the calories they no longer got from protein-rich foods .

  28. 这是一个新的肥胖病的视角,可以促使饭店在菜单上标明食物中所含热量,或者控制每部分的大小。

    It 's a new way of looking at the obesity epidemic that could help spur fledgling movements to reveal calories on restaurant menus or rein in portion sizes .

  29. 如果你不能保持节食,一些图像也许会有助于提醒你食物里有多少热量。

    Now if you have trouble maintaining your diet , it might help to have some extra imagery to remind you how many calories are going to be coming at you .

  30. 但消费者或许需要知道更多:一餐含有汉堡、薯条和汽水的食物中,总热量的20%都来自炸薯片所用的食用油中。

    But consumers might like a little more info : in a meal of burger , fries and soda , 20 percent of the total calories come from the oil that fried the potatoes .