
  • 网络take after meal
  1. 您好!常见的维生素C、B因为水溶性应空腹,维生素E为脂溶性应饭后服。

    Hello ! Common vitamin C , B because of water-soluble vitamin E to be hollow , fat-soluble should after meals .

  2. 美洛昔康分散片(扬子江药业集团有限公司生产,国家准字号:H20010108)7.5mg/次,2次/天,饭后服。

    Meloxicam tablet ( Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group Co. , Ltd. Production ) 7.5mg / times , 2 times / day , meal service .

  3. 医生告诉我每顿饭后服两片药。

    The doctor told me to take two tablet after every meal .

  4. 饭后服下这几粒药,你会觉得舒服的。

    Take these pills after the meal and you 'll feel good .

  5. 请每日三次饭后服这种药片。

    Take the tablets three times a day after food .

  6. 男:每次饭后服一片,一天三次。

    M : take one tablet after each meal & three tablets a day .

  7. 用药说明写在标签上,每次饭后服一片,一天三次。

    The instructions are on the label . Take one tablet after each meal & three tablets a day .

  8. 好的。这药一天服三次,一次一片,饭后服。止咳糖浆需要时喝一次。

    Okay . Take one pill three times a day after meals . You can take the cough syrup as needed .

  9. 医生说我得了重感冒,她给我开了四种药,三种是药片,饭后服,另一种是药水,睡前服。

    The doctor said I had a bad cold , she gave me a four drugs , is three pills , meal service , and the other is syrup , before bed clothes .

  10. 每顿饭后给她服一汤匙药。

    And give her a teaspoon of the medicine after every meal .

  11. 吃完晚饭后,我们舒舒服服地坐在电视机前。

    After dinner we settled in front of the television for the evening .