
  1. 高盐稀态发酵酱油速酿工艺技术探讨

    Discussion on Instant Brewing Technique of Soy Sauce by Liquid-State Fermentation with High-Salt

  2. 高盐稀态发酵酱油工艺

    High salt liquid-state fermentive technology of soy sauce

  3. 以小麦、豆粕和水为主要原料,配以其它辅料,以高盐稀态法发酵酱油生产出味道鲜美的酱油,同时通过危害分析确保酱油的安全。

    The delicious sauce can be attained with wheat , bean and water as the main ingredients and other subordinate ingredients with the method of high saline diluting .

  4. 文章详细介绍了以大豆和面粉为主要原料,利用高盐稀态发酵工艺酿造酱油的工艺。

    This paper introduced the process of produce soy sauce through high salt liquid state fermentation combined .

  5. 利用黑豆,以高盐稀态发酵工艺生产酱油,在品质、营养等方面与黄豆酱油进行比较,结果表明利用黑豆制作酱油是可行的。

    Soy sauce with the black bean as the main raw material was produced by the high salt liquid brewing technology and its quality and nutrient were compared with the soy sauce made from the soy bean .