
  • 网络Huangmei County
  1. 中国农村跨省联姻的特征&以黄梅县Z村为例的分析

    Ecdemic wives , native husbands : Feature analysis of cross-province marriage in rural area & Take the case of village A of Huangmei county

  2. 搞好对乡镇领导干部的经济责任审计,是一项政策性很强的工作,要对领导干部任职期间履行经济责任情况作出评价。黄梅县乡镇领导类公务员实绩考核的问题和对策研究

    Audit of township head 's economic responsibility is a political work , and it evaluates township head 's term economic responsibility . On the Problems and Countermeasures of the Town-level Leader 's Performance Evaluating in Huangmei County