
  • 网络Pointer;mouse pointer;Cursor
  1. 只需按F1即可展开对应于鼠标指针附近文本的帮助。

    Simply press F1 to bring up the help that corresponds to the text near the cursor .

  2. 这个功能在一小段延迟之后被自动激活–所有在鼠标指针下的引用都被高亮显示。

    The feature is activated automatically after a short delay-all references to the symbol under the cursor are highlighted .

  3. 此图标没有标签,但是当鼠标指针暂停于该图标上时,将出现“创建新web应用程序”工具提示文本。

    This icon is not labeled , but when you pause the mouse pointer on it , the create new web application tooltip text appears .

  4. 如果当鼠标指针经过项文本时,其外观变为超链接的形式,则为true;否则为false。

    True if the item text has the appearance of a hyperlink when the mouse passes over it ; otherwise , false .

  5. 比如说,将鼠标指针移向文件夹图标,触控板的ForceTouching技术就会启动快速预览功能。

    For example , moving the mouse pointer over a file icon and Force Touching on the trackpad prompts Quick Preview to open .

  6. 当用户鼠标指针经过条目上时,你想更新对话框内容(get行为)并且显示这个对话框(show行为)。

    When the user moves a mouse pointer over an item , you want the content of the dialog to update ( a get action ) and the dialog to show ( a show action ) .

  7. 当鼠标指针离开条目时,你想隐藏这个对话框(hide行为)。

    When the mouse pointer is no longer over the item , you want the dialog to be hidden ( a hide action ) .

  8. 在现代的IDE中,所有必要的类型信息都能被找到,并作为鼠标指针的提示出现。

    In modern IDEs , all necessary type information can be found at the tip of your mouse pointer .

  9. 在Blocks页面,将鼠标指针移动到四向箭头按钮上,然后单击并拖动新建的块放到所需的位置。

    On the Blocks page , move your mouse pointer over the four-pointed arrow icon , then click and drag your newly created block into the desired position .

  10. 选中此复选框后,当鼠标指针经过css编辑器中的url时,将会变为手形指针。

    When this check box is selected , the mouse pointer changes to a pointing hand as it passes over a URL in the CSS editor .

  11. 当鼠标指针下的对象是一个表示CMIS知识库,或者CMIS文件夹的节点,它就返回true;否则,就返回false。

    It answers true when the object below the mouse pointer is a node representing a CMIS repository or a CMIS folder ; otherwise , it answers false .

  12. 开始在iPad屏幕上操控电脑时,你看到的并非平常那种电脑桌面:桌面上排列着一个个通常用鼠标指针来点击的小图标。

    Once you have the computer on your iPad screen , you don 't see its normal desktop , with tiny icons generally meant for a mouse pointer .

  13. 如何使上网者在浏览Web页面时,不用滚屏,不用开新窗口,只需移动鼠标指针到不同的链接点时,立即在同一屏交替显示不同的图像和相关文字。

    When one is browsing Web pages , in order to display kinds of graphics and correlative text by turns in one Web page , it is needless to scroll screen , open new windows and it can be realized to move mouse pointer to different link points .

  14. 若想进行更精确的选择,它还会调出标准的iPad放大镜功能,长按文本后,放大镜内甚至还会出现一个鼠标指针。

    For more precise selection , it brings up the standard iPad magnifying glass feature , and if held down a bit longer , it even places a mouse pointer inside the magnifier .

  15. 在本视图下,您可以使用鼠标指针来拖拉项目(或使用Alt+向上或向下的游标),来为工作项目设置一个命令(Jazz将会记忆这些指令)。

    Within this view , you can use your mouse cursor to drag items ( or use Alt + cursor up or down ) to set an order for the work items ( which Jazz will remember ) .

  16. 苹果还着重介绍了其在设备控制上最新的标志性创新设计表冠,它类似于个人电脑上的鼠标指针、iPod上的点击轮,或者iPhone的触屏。

    Apple has highlighted the crown as its latest signature innovation for controlling a device , similar to the mouse pointer for the personal computer , the click wheel on the iPod and the touch screen for the iPhone .

  17. Inspect视图的一个最有用的功能是,当您在页面上移动鼠标指针时,它会自动刷新,因此您无需通过滚动代码内容来查找需要检查的行。

    One of the most helpful features of the Inspect view is that it refreshes automatically when you move the mouse pointer over the page , so you don 't have to scroll through long lines of code to find the line you need to inspect .

  18. 一个系统级的鼠标指针列表中的鼠标指针。

    A pointer cursor in the system-wide system pointer cursor list .

  19. 移动鼠标指针到屏幕上给定的位置

    Moving the mouse pointer to a given position on the screen

  20. 您想要鼠标指针留下踪迹吗?

    Do you want the mouse pointer to leave a trail ?

  21. 当用户移动鼠标指针到一个对象上时发生。

    Occurs when the user moves the mouse over an object .

  22. 鼠标指针外观的改变有其代表意义。

    Changes in the appearance of the pointer have meaning .

  23. 然后当鼠标指针在文档列表上时右击。

    Then right-click while the pointer is over the list of documents .

  24. 指定在拖放操作中显示为鼠标指针的图标。

    Specifies the icon displayed as the pointer during a drag-and-drop operation .

  25. 在鼠标指针离开单元格时调用。

    Called when the mouse pointer leaves the cell .

  26. 我被天上的巨大铁手选中了(鼠标指针)!

    I have been chosen by the big metal hand in the sky !

  27. 将鼠标指针移到流程图之上。

    Move the mouse pointer over the process diagram .

  28. 将鼠标指针移到协议上的文本并单击。

    Move your mouse pointer over the text of the agreement and click .

  29. 纸张原型要比实际尺寸大,记住手指要比鼠标指针大。

    A paper prototype should be larger than life-size .

  30. 该屏幕使您能够练习如何移动鼠标指针。

    This screen enables you to practice moving the pointer with your mouse .