
  1. 而位于40楼的Prego居高临下,坐拥辽阔市内景致。Prego为高档天台餐厅,呈献正宗意式佳肴,其酒藏堪称全市最齐之列。

    On the40th floor and featuring stunning city views , Prego is an upscale rooftop restaurant serving authentic Italian cuisine with the most extensive wine list in the city .

  2. 故合之以文,齐之以武,是谓必取。

    Therefore soldiers must be treated in the first instance with humanity , but kept under control by means of iron discipline .

  3. 对待个人与社会的关系的基本观点是既强调社会对个人的影响和教化,即齐之以礼,又倡导弘道于世的社会责任感;

    The basic conception to individual-community relation is to emphasize the social impact and indoctrination on individual , which is " Teach everyone etiquette ";

  4. 针对现代企业管理面临的新问题,我们剖析了儒家礼学具有人本管理的理论:如道之以德,齐之以礼;

    In face of the problems appeared in modern management , we analyzed some manageable theories with placing people first in Confucian etiquettes : such as in practising the rules of propriety , a natural ease is to be prized ;

  5. 它不是齐法家之作,而是吸收了法家思想的儒家理论。

    And it is Confucianism theory assimilating the thought of Law school rather than the theory of Law school of Qi ;

  6. 其诗歌在南朝齐梁之际诗歌逻辑演进中的处于从永明体到宫体诗的过渡地位。

    He had gotten a transition position in the evolution of the logic speaking of the poetry between Nan Dynasty and Qi Liang period .

  7. 六朝祖饯诗从建安曹魏时期发端,经过两晋刘宋的发展繁荣,到齐梁之际达到高峰。

    Farewell party Poems in Six dynasties set up in Cao Wei 's period , and through prosperous developments in two Jin and Liu Song periods , it reached a peak in Qi and Liang Dynasty .

  8. 试论齐晋鞍之战&兼及《左传》的战争描写

    On the Battle of An Between Qi and Jin

  9. 再说,我只读了几个月齐塔人之声的内容,而不是几年。

    Then again , I have only been reading ZT for months , not years .

  10. 彭城刘氏诗群在齐梁诗坛之创作与影响

    The Poetic Contributions of the Liu 's Group from Pengcheng Prefecture during the Qi-Liang Period

  11. 自齐塔人之声开始之际,有人已经以一种或另一种形式问过了这样的问题。

    We have been asked this question , in one form or another , since the beginning of the ZetaTalk sage .

  12. 结论口唇形态侧面观以尖突上唇型最多,平齐型次之,瘪上唇型最少;

    Conclusion The most common pattern of the oral lip is convex , and then plain type and concave type on the lateral view .

  13. 齐塔人之声已经表明过了,即使在进入到极移动前的几个钟头,强制实施戒严令也是不会得逞的。

    ZetaTalk has stated that Martial Law , even if imposed in the hours leading up to the pole shift , will not succeed .

  14. 很明显,原因就是齐塔人之声太过准确,告知了人们真相,太过违抗(权势集团),因此不能在新闻上(播出)。

    The rule has apparently been that ZetaTalk has been too accurate , and too defiant in telling the truth , to be in the news .

  15. 她总是提起类似这样的事情:”如果你参加过齐尤林德雷之战,你就会看见过我的堂兄阿里马什了。”

    She would always be saying things like , " But if you were at the fight of Zulindreh you would have seen my cousin Alimash , " and Bree would answer ,

  16. 而且如果外星人存在,那么高度精确的齐塔人之声就可能是真的,那么这就带来了关于最近的板块运动和越来越多的天空中的迹象被目击到的问题。

    And if aliens exist , then the highly accurate ZetaTalk might be true , and this raises questions about recent plate movements and signs in the skies seen increasingly by the populace .

  17. 齐塔人之声说有造山运动的情况下才会这样,尽管在极移时候有很高的海潮,但亚利桑那州,内华达州,科罗拉多州等没有沉没。

    The Zetas have this in a state of mountain building , albeit with high tides during the hour of the shift , but not with Arizona , Nevada , Colorado , etc submerged .

  18. 及至齐、梁之世,沈氏经学臻于繁荣之境,产生了一大批经师和著作,其成就超过了不少江东儒学旧族。

    In the Qi Dynasty and the Liang Dynasty the Shen family achieved great achievements in the study of Confucian classics by producing a great number of works and experts in the study of Confucian classics .

  19. 关于n个非齐次线性型之积

    On the product of N non-homogeneous linear forms

  20. 维齐非齐与教育公平之辩&谈维齐非齐公平观在我国教育中的映射自攻钉、拉铆钉、钉等与连接钢板应紧固密贴,外观排列整齐。

    On " Keeping Equal is not Fair " and Education Equity ; Since the attack nails , rivets Steel , Steel Nailing should be secured so closely connected with stickers topology neat appearance .

  21. 根据齐塔人的说法,媒体在布什总统颁布的国家安全令下被禁止提到关于齐塔人之声的信息长达十几年,现在只是将他们的脚趾放入水中。

    Per the Zetas , the media is barely putting their toe in the water , after almost a decade of a National Security order by Bush to squelch mention of the ZetaTalk message in the media .