
Qí Guó
  • ancient state of Qi in what is now Shandong
  1. 孟尝君是齐国有名的谋士。

    Meng Chang Jun was a famous counsellor of the State of Qi .

  2. 一天早上,齐国人穿戴整齐,就往集市上赶。

    One morning , the man , tidily dressed , hurried to the bazaar .

  3. 小官回答:“他说齐国人”

    The petty official answered : " He is from the State of Qi . "

  4. 戴不胜回答说:“应该让齐国人教他。”

    Dai Busheng replied , " He should be taught by a person from Qi . "

  5. 古时候,齐国有位姑娘,已经到了应该出嫁的年龄。

    In ancient times , a girl in the State of Qi had reached marriageable age .

  6. 学生听后,大为愤怒,一气之下,便离开他,投奔齐国去了。

    Angered by his word , the student left him in a pet and went to state Song .

  7. 晏子是春秋时期齐国有名的相国。

    Yan Zi was a famous prime minister of the State of Qi during the Spring and Autumn Period 。

  8. 晋国名将赵简子准备出兵进攻齐国。

    Zhao Jianzi , the famous general of the State of Jin , prepared to attack the State of Qi .

  9. 齐国有一个穷人,靠在城里各家乞讨生活。

    There was a poor man in the state of Qi who made his living as a beggar in town .

  10. 齐国有个姓“国”的富人,宋国有个姓“向”的穷人。

    There lived a rich man named Guo in the State of Qi and a poor man named Xiang in the State of Song .

  11. 有一年,齐国很长时间没有下雨,发生了特大旱灾。

    One year it did not rain for a long time in the State of Qi , and there was an extremely severe drought .

  12. 穷人到齐国去拜访那位富人,向他请教致富的方法。

    The poor man came to the State of Qi to visit the rich man , and asked him about the way to get rich .

  13. 楚王回头对晏子说:“原来齐国人惯于当强盗的。”

    The King of Chu turned to Yan Zi and said : " So the people of the State of Qi are used to committing robbery . "

  14. 古代齐国有个人名叫邹忌,身高八尺,相貌堂堂,曾经做过齐国的相国。

    In ancient times a man named Zou Ji , 8 chi tall and impressive looking , had served as the prime minister of the State of Qi .

  15. 这个小偷刑满之后从监牢里一出来就跑到齐国姓“国”的家里责怪他。

    As soon as the thief was released upon completion of his prison term , he went to Guo 's home in the State of Qi to blame him .

  16. 衙役们对这个在大庭广众之下公然抢劫的行为特别不理解,齐国人回答说:“我拿金子的时候,眼睛没有看见人,看见的只有金子。”

    The patrol could not understand his overt robbery , he replied , " When I got hold of the gold , I saw nothing but the gold . "

  17. 一个齐国人得知靖国君田婴想在封地薛城扩建城墙的消息。

    A person of the state of Qi heard that Tian Ying , the king of the State of Jin wanted to expend1 the city wall of his vavasory Xue .

  18. 齐国有个人,特别擅长识别狗的好坏,他花了整整一年时间,为邻居挑了一条好狗。

    A person in the state of Qi was good at recognizing good dogs , and he had spent a whole year to select a good dog for his neighbor .

  19. 黄公是齐国人,他有一个毛病,就是一位谦虚甚至到了不顾实际、刻意贬低自己的地步。

    Huang Gong was a citizen of the state of Qi , whose shortcoming was his excessive modesty1 to such an extent as to debase himself in spite of the fact .

  20. 在齐国都城的东头和西头,各自住着一个喜欢夸耀自己勇敢的人。

    There were two people who lived in the west and east end of the capital city of the state of Qi respectively1 . Both of them liked to boast2 of their bravery .

  21. 如今的齐国对您来说就像海水一样,您多年得到齐国的庇护,还用得着在薛地筑城吗?

    To Your Majesty4 , state Qi is like the sea . And Qi has protected you for a long time . So there is no need to build city wall in Xue .

  22. 城北的徐公,是齐国有名的美男子,邹忌真的不相信自己比徐公长得漂亮。

    Xu Gong of the north of the city was a well-known handsome man in the State of Qi . Zou Ji really didn 't believe he was more handsome than Xu Gong .

  23. “父王,其实天下类似这样的事情太多了,就像现在我国准备攻打齐国,却没有提防越国会随时灭吴复国!”这国王不高兴的让太子走了。

    But the prince said , " A similar thing is happening when you only think of invading Qi without minding Yue , Father . " The king was not pleased and he sent the prince away .

  24. 齐国有一个富翁,他有两个儿子,一个比一个愚笨。可是富翁还是把两个儿子视为掌上明珠。一天,艾子对富翁说:“您这两位少爷整天糊里糊涂,以后怎么接管家业呢?”

    One day , a man named Ai Zi said to the rich man , " Your sons are so stupid and know nothing about the world . How can they take your property over after your death ? "

  25. 如果齐国灭亡了,即使薛城筑得上顶青天,还不是一样无济于事吗?”田婴听了这个故事,马上终止了薛地筑城的计划。

    If state Qi was conquered , then it wouldn 't help even if there was a very high city wall here . " After hearing this story , Tian Ying stopped the plan to build the city wall .

  26. 她就从门缝中偷偷地观看:“呵,晏子出来了!”她得到的印象是,晏子身为齐国相国,但是言谈举止显得非常谦虚。

    She peeped from behind the door . " Ah , here comes Yan Zi ! " She got the impression that though he was the prime minister of the State of Qi , he talked and behaved with great modesty1 .

  27. 有一天,孟子问戴不胜说:“如果有一个楚国大夫在这里,想要他的儿子学齐国话,那么,应该让齐国人教他呢,还是让楚国人教他?”

    One day Mencius asked Dai Busheng , " If a high official of the state of Chu stays here and he wants his son to learn the Qi language . Should he be taught by a person from Qi , or a person from Chu ? "

  28. 学者傅罗文(RowanK.Flad)在《古代中国的盐业生产和社会等级》(SaltProductionandSocialHierarchyinAncientChina)一书中写道,早在公元前685年,山东半岛的齐国就开始对盐业生产进行垄断,但这种制度或许出现得更早。

    A monopoly on salt production was introduced as early as 685 B.C. in the state of Qi on the Shandong Peninsula , though it may have existed even earlier than that , the scholar Rowan K. Flad writes in " Salt Production and Social Hierarchy in Ancient China . "

  29. 古代齐国政治思想的实践与成就

    Practice and Achievements of Political Ideology of the Ancient State Qi

  30. 论齐国政治思想发展的阶段性及其特点

    The Main Stages and Features of Qi 's Political Thought Development