
  • 网络360-degree feedback
  1. 本文针对中石油华南销售公司原有360度反馈评价系统的不足,将联机分析处理(OLAP)技术引入信息采集与分析系统。

    In this paper , for to improve the inadequate of original 360-degree feedback evaluation system of PetroChina South China Marketing Company , made on-line analytical processing ( OLAP ) technology into the information collection and analysis system .

  2. 通过构建完整全面的360度反馈评价流程体系、基于OLAP(联机分析处理)技术的系统支撑体系,以及高效优化的算法模型,有效地将数据采集和数据分析整合于一套系统中。

    By building a complete and comprehensive 360-degree feedback evaluation process system , support system based on OLAP ( Online Analytical Processing ) technology , and an efficient optimization algorithm model , the effective data collection and data analysis will be integrated into a system .

  3. 360度反馈的管理能力开发功能及其实践启示

    Management Development Function of 360-Degree Feedback and Its Implication in Practice

  4. 论360度反馈在教师绩效评价中的运用

    Application of 360 Degree Feedback in Teacher 's Performance Evaluation

  5. 360度反馈评价结构和方法的研究

    A Study of 360-degree Feedback Based on Competency Model

  6. 运用360度反馈评价进行绩效考评的实践与思考

    The Practice and Thinking about Applying 360 - Degree Feedback in Performance Assessment

  7. 当我向她解释360度反馈时,她几乎晕倒。

    When I explained 360 ° feedback to her she nearly keeled over .

  8. 第三部分,360度反馈在教师绩效评价中的运用。

    Part three : The application of 360-degree feedback in teacher 's performance evaluation .

  9. 第二部分,教师绩效评价及360度反馈的解读。

    Part two : The understanding of teacher 's performance evaluation and 360-degree feedback evaluation .

  10. 这种多元反馈评价有时也称为“360度反馈评价”,意指全方位的评价。

    This multiple-input approach to performance feedback is sometimes called " 360-degree assessment " to connote that full circle .

  11. 因此,有关360度反馈的本质和发展的研究值得引起管理理论和管理实践的双重注意。

    Thus , the nature and the development of 360 degree feedback deserve attention at an academic and practitioner level .

  12. 对教师采取的是奖惩性评价,没有发挥360度反馈评价的发展导向;

    For example , the system takes reward and punishment assessment for teachers and the development direction of360-Degree Feedback is not embodied .

  13. 这部分运用360度反馈的原理来分析某校进行的教师评价,以说明360度反馈在教师评价中的具体运用。

    In this part , the thesis explained the specific application of the 360-degree feedback in teacher 's performance evaluation through a case .

  14. 本文从360度反馈可以促进员工的工作绩效改善这个前提出发,探讨可能会影响员工绩效改善的因素。

    The article study the possible factors whichpossibly affect performance improvement according to the precondition that carrying out360-degree feedback can make employees'performance improve .

  15. 真相:一个针对领导行为的360度反馈调查显示,人们对男性领导力和女性领导力的感受大体相似。

    Reality : A 360 feedback survey on leadership behavior shows that men 's and women 's leadership is experienced broadly the same way .

  16. 360度反馈运用于教师评价中不仅可以在学校中形成正确的评价导向,而且可以促进教师专业化水平的提高。

    The usage of 360-degree feedback in teacher 's evaluation can not only form the correct evaluation direction in the school , but also promote teacher 's specialty .

  17. 多年的心理治疗、辅导和360度反馈等沟通措施没有带来任何变化,最基本的事实仍未改变:人们从来不对掌权者说真话。

    A decade of psychobabble , coaching and 360-degree feedback has made no difference . It has not changed the most basic truth : people never speak truth to power .

  18. 有鉴于此,我们应正确理解360度反馈评价的价值,重视企业高层领导的决定作用,注意使用360度反馈的文化差异问题。

    Therefore , people should make a correct understanding of the value of 360-degree feedback assessment and attach great importance to the decisive function of the senior leadership of the enterprise and the cultural differences .

  19. 在知识经济时代,关于知识型员工绩效考核有几种考核方法:目标管理法、360度反馈评价法、关键绩效指标法和平衡计分卡。

    At the knowledge economic age , there are some performance assessment methods for cultural staff , such as Management by Objective , 360 Degrees Feedback Appraisal , Key Process Indication and Balanced Score Card .

  20. 用360度反馈调查的方式研究管理资质与工作绩效之间的关系,发现管理资质水平随管理层次的上升而增加。

    Based on the 360 degree feedback , this article focuses on the relationship between the management competence and working performance and finds that , the competence level is changing by the varying of the managing levels ;

  21. 但经过作者调查研究发现其此较适合于零售业采购人员,通过分析360度反馈评价适于零售业采购人员的原因,并且发现其与教导对谈相结合是零售业采购人员比较有效的绩效管理方法。

    Through researching and investigating , the paper holds that 360-degree feedback is fit for buyers of retail enterprises , and finds that it is an efficacious way of performance management to combine 360-degree feedback with conversation .

  22. 他指出,如今,克兰菲尔德管理学院大约40%的客户要求在开课前,学院提供类似于360度反馈评估或能力分析这类的服务。许多人还要求进行网上转播,供上课学员进行准备。

    These days some 40 per cent of Cranfield clients require some kind of 360 degree feedback or analysis of competencies before the programme , he says , and many require webcasts to prepare participants for the programme .

  23. 绩效评价方法很多,常见的方法大致有比较法、特性法、行为法、结果法、360度反馈评价法、平衡记分卡法等六类。

    There are many methods of performance appraisal , many kinds in the following six categories in common : comparison method , characteristics method , conduct method , outcome method , 360 ° feedback appraisal method , equilibrium scorecard method .

  24. 360度反馈评价是近年来从西方企业或组织的人力资源管理中借鉴的一种绩效评估和职业发展的评估工具。具有评价的公正、真实、全面、客观和准确等特征。

    360-degree feedback assessment is a performance and occupation development appraisal method drawn from the human resource management of western enterprises or organizations in recent years , which is characteristic of being fair , true , all-sided , objective and accurate .

  25. 第一部分介绍了绩效管理的概念、特征、理论基础,绩效管理的系统构架及关键绩效指标、平衡计分卡、360度反馈评价等绩效管理的不同模式。

    The first part introduces the concept , characteristics , theoretical foundations of performance management , and the structure of performance management , and the models of performance management , such as key performance indicator , the balanced scorecard , 360-degree feedback evaluation .

  26. 360度绩效反馈考核模型的研究

    Research of 360 Degree Feedback Performance Measurement Model

  27. 360度绩效反馈作用机制研究

    The Mechanism of 360 ° Performance Feedback

  28. 360度绩效反馈法在护士长考评中的效用分析

    Analysis of the function of method of 360 degree performance feedback in the assessment of head nurses

  29. 目的运用360度绩效反馈法者评估护士长的个体职业发展和绩效情况,有利于护士长的针对性培养及岗位合理聘用。

    Objective To evaluate head nurses ' professional development and performance by the method of 360 degree performance feedback .

  30. 这些途径和方法包括:标准化的培训,绩效评估体系,360度评估反馈还有导师计划。

    It includes Training System for first tier management employee , performance management , 360-degree feedback , together with Mentor Plan .