
zhòng cái rén
  • arbitrator;arbiter;referee;umpire;moderator
仲裁人[zhòng cái rén]
  1. 他在神学和政治事务上都是最终的仲裁人。

    He was the ultimate arbiter on both theological and political matters .

  2. 仲裁人将拥有最终决定权。

    The arbiter will have the final say .

  3. 他充任仲裁人。

    He acted as arbiter .

  4. 仲裁人裁定赔偿卖方五百英镑。

    The arbitrators awarded the sellers £ 500 as damage .

  5. 仲裁人的裁决有约束力,这种惯例在美国常被使用。

    The award of the arbitrator is binding and the practice is frequently used in the us .

  6. 安德鲁是那场纠纷的仲裁人。

    Andrew was the arbiter of the disagreement .

  7. 巴西已建议由国际货币基金组织(imf)充当仲裁人,但imf决不会趟这滩混水。

    Brazil has suggested the International Monetary Fund as arbiter , but the IMF would never get involved in that fight .

  8. 仲裁人的决定应迅速通知dsb,应请求,dsb应授权中止减让或其他义务,除非dsb经协商一致决定拒绝该请求。

    The DSB shall be informed promptly of the decision of the arbitrator and shall upon request , grant authorization to suspend concessions or other obligations where the request is consistent with the decision of the arbitrator , unless the DSB decides by consensus to reject the request .

  9. 成为或做为一裁判或仲裁人。

    To be or act as a referee or an arbitrator .

  10. 应任命一个独立的仲裁人来监督谈判。

    An independent moderator should be appointed to oversee the negotiations .

  11. 我作为仲裁人在一旁观看,维持着秩序。

    I looked on as an arbiter and kept the peace .

  12. 他们愿意去找总统做最后的仲裁人。

    They would turn to the president as final arbitrator .

  13. 公正的仲裁人能解决我们的争端。正式认证的裁决书正本

    An impartial judge can settle our argument . duly authenticated original award

  14. 上诉后仲裁人的裁决就无效了。

    The arbitrator 's award be set aside on appeal .

  15. 有争议的问题须提交仲裁人处理。

    The matter of difference shall be referred to arbitrators .

  16. 仲裁人对工人和管理层之间的纠纷进行了仲裁。

    The judge arbitrated a disagreement between workers and management .

  17. 如果谈判陷入僵局,应请仲裁人进行仲裁。

    If negotiations are deadlocked , an arbitrator must be called in .

  18. 这两人是全职的离婚仲裁人,兼职婚礼终结者。

    They are full-time divorce mediators and part-time wedding crashers .

  19. 作为一名仲裁人的决定的行动;给出权威的判断。

    The act of deciding as an arbiter ; giving authoritative judgment .

  20. 法官在纠纷中担当了仲裁人的角色。

    The judge served as an arbitrator in the dispute .

  21. 充当生者和死者仲裁人的人。

    Someone who serves as an intermediary between the living and the dead .

  22. 伦敦海事仲裁人协会伦敦是人文荟萃之区。

    London Maritime Arbitrators Association London was the biggest aggregation of human life .

  23. 法国提出愿意充当争端的仲裁人。

    France has offered to arbitrate in the dispute .

  24. 这起纠纷应由一位双方共同指定的仲裁人提交仲裁。

    The dispute shall be submitted for arbitration by a mutually nominated arbitrator .

  25. 一个好的仲裁人是不会允许参与检查的人讨论任何缺陷以外的事情的。

    A good mediator does not allow reviewers to start discussing anything but defects .

  26. 工会同意把争端交由仲裁人裁决。

    The Union agreed to go to arbitration .

  27. 仲裁人的裁决应为最终的,并对各成员具有约束力。

    The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the Members .

  28. 作为英国文坛的仲裁人,约翰德莱顿执牛耳达40年之久。

    For forty years John Dryden held sway as the arbiter of literary england .

  29. 仲裁人判定她胜诉。

    The umpire ruled in her favour .

  30. 由双方共同指定仲裁人。

    To be appointed by both parties .