- 名arbitration rules;rules of arbitration;arbitration proceedings

Promulgating CIETAC < arbitration rules > ( 2005 ) in 2005 significantly advances our legislative reforms of foreign commercial arbitration and contributes to China 's integration with the international arbitration system .
Arbitration Rules of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East Rules for International Commercial Arbitration
CIETAC 's 2005 Arbitration Rules : Innovations and Deficiencies
Rules of the London Court of International Arbitration .
The actually procedures and time limit are not subject to the arbitration regulation and other articles .
Hence , the " Third Party participation " rules emerge gradually in relevant arbitration rules and cases .
The arbitration rules of UNCITRAL in 1976 is just the procedures standard specially for ad hoc arbitration .
The arbitration fee shall , in accordance with the Rules of Arbitration , be borne by the losing party .
Namely , on the legislative aspect , our country has not yet set up an independent , unified system of arbitration rules .
When filing a counter-claim , the Respondent must pay an arbitration fee in advance according to the arbitration fee schedule attached to these arbitration rules .
The Arbitrators , in accordance with the last paragraph of Art . 13 of the ICC rules , will also take into account the relevant trade usage .
This part also makes a list for existing international convention and customs in international factoring , that is UNDROIT Convention on International Factoring and FCI Code of International Factoring Customs , FCI Rules of Arbitration .
Article 32 If the parties fail , within the time limit prescribed by the Arbitration Rules , to select the form of the constitution of the arbitration tribunal or fail to select the arbitrators , the arbitrators shall be appointed by the chairman of the arbitration commission .
Section ⅲ of this essay examines the latest trend of evidentiary rules in international arbitration . January 2004 , USITC held formal evidentiary hearing on this section 337 investigation .
The second part discusses about the source of mandatory rules on the international commercial arbitration .
The fundamental theories for mandatory rules on the international commercial arbitration can be divided into the following two groups : basic theories for general mandatory law ; basic theories for international commercial arbitration system .
Finally , in chapter four the author give some suggestions to perfect the rules of evidence in international commercial arbitration , combining with current situations of legislation of rules of evidence in international commercial arbitration .
Alan Redfern , Law and practice of International Commercial Arbitration .
Comment on the Rules of London Maritime Arbitrators ' Association , 2002
Failing such agreement , the Arbitration Rules of the CIETAC shall apply .
Rules of Arbitration for China Maritime Arbitration Commission .
Arbitration Rules of the China Maritime Arbitration Commission
Rules of procedure for arbitration proceedings of the International Centre for settlement of investment disputes ;
Optional rules for arbitrating disputes between two parties of which only one is a state ;
Rules of Arbitration and Conciliation for Settlement of International Disputes between Two Parties of Which Only One is a State
Such arbitration rules could be made either by the arbitration institutions or by the international economic and trade organizations .
Part 3 suggestions on the revising principles of Wuhan Arbitration Commission and communications between arbitration organization in Taiwan and in mainland .
Innovations of the Arbitration Rules of Beijing Arbitration Commission 2004 mainly focus on the case management , i.e. doing best to keep pace with the general practice of international arbitration .
One distinctive change brought about by the Rules of London Maritime Arbitrators ' Association , 2002 is that the Rules adopts many case managements and other procedures enlightened'by Civil Procedure Rules ;