
  1. 劳动争议仲裁时效制度的突破及其局限

    On the Breakthroughs and Limitations of the Arbitration Limitation System of Labor Disputes

  2. 劳动争议仲裁时效制度是我国《劳动法》上的一项重要制度。

    Labor disputed arbitrary prescription system is an important system in labor law .

  3. 劳动仲裁时效制度若干问题思考

    Thoughts on the Problems of Limitation of Labour Arbitration

  4. 完善劳动仲裁时效制度的构想

    Consideration for perfecting labor arbitration

  5. 本文认为,完善劳动仲裁时效制度应考虑设立时效制度的意义、劳动法的立法目的、劳动争议解决体制等因素。

    Perfecting the term of labor arbitration should think about the significance of building arbitration term , legislation purpose of labor law and the system of solution for labor argument .

  6. 本文意在探讨申请仲裁时效期间制度的演变历程。

    This paper is intended to apply for arbitration of the evolution of the system during the course of time .

  7. 本文针对我国劳动争议仲裁制度和时效制度中存在的问题,探讨劳动争议处理制度的创新,以期完善我国的劳动争议处理制度。

    The problems on arbitration and finance system in the labor dispute have been discussed as a main idea in this paper .