
  • 网络quality energy
  1. 通过气化、液化和压缩成型技术,可以将木质燃料转化为优质能源品种。

    Od fuel could be converted into high quality energy by means of gasification , liquefaction and briquetting .

  2. 人类社会得以发展离不开优质能源的保证和先进能源技术的支持。

    The development of human society would be impossible without the guarantee of high quality energy and the support of advanced energy technology .

  3. LNG是一种比CNG更清洁、高效的优质能源。

    LNG is a cleaner and more efficient energy than CNG .

  4. 中国优质能源资源相对不足,制约了供应能力的提高。

    China 's relative dearth of high-quality energy resources hinders its supply capability .

  5. 瓦斯是洁净、污染低、热效率高的优质能源之一。

    Gas is a clean 、 high thermal efficiency 、 pollution of low quality energy .

  6. 现行的措施不能应用这些优质能源来扩大农业生产中能的总贮存量。

    Current practices do not use such high-quality energy to amplify total energy storage in agricultural production .

  7. 石油作为优质能源和宝贵的化工原料,与生物技术的关系也越来越密切。

    Petroleum , a kind of quality and valuable industrial chemical , has very close relationship to biological technology .

  8. 石油是一种重要资源和优质能源,钻井液与石油钻井工程密切相关。

    Petroleum is an important resource and high grade fuel , drilling fluids is closely related to drilling engineering .

  9. 在能源资源日益紧缺的现代社会,低浓度瓦斯作为一种新型的优质能源备受世界关注。

    In the modern energy shortage society , low concentration gas is getting the attention of the world as a new clean energy .

  10. 天然气作为一种优质能源和化工原料,其流量计量越来越受到人们的重视。

    Natural gas is a good raw material in energy or chemical industry , and flowmeters of it receive more and more attention .

  11. 中低温废热发电就是回收废热而生产二次优质能源的一种方法。

    Power generation by waste heat of middle or low temperature is such a good method of recovering waste heat and produce secondary energy .

  12. 煤烟型污染防治。提高优质能源比重,大幅度减少市区燃煤量。

    Prevention and control of coal-burning pollution : Beijing will greatly increase the use of cleaner energy and reduce coal burning in the urban areas .

  13. 同时,天然气又是一种多用途的优质能源,通过在发电、交通燃料、城市民用燃料等方面增加天然气消费比例,优化能源结构。

    Through increasing proportion of natural gas as fuel of electric power generation , automotive vehicle and civilian living , energy structure can be improved remarkably .

  14. 天然气是一种洁净、优质能源,是继煤和石油之后第三大能源。天然气的开发利用对经济社会的发展起到了明显的带动作用。

    Natural gas , as a clean energy and the third largest energy after coal and oil , its exploitation is driving effect for economic and social development .

  15. 无论从生存角度还是发展角度,人类都离不开优质能源的出现,更离不开能源技术的不断发展和能源形式的更新换代。

    Either in survival or development , human beings can not be without development of new energy , and the development of energy techniques and update of energy forms .

  16. 对我国优质能源供应安全问题,以及落后的能源消费结构造成的能源使用安全问题进行了分析;

    Analyzing the security problems of the high-quality energy 's supplies and the security problems of the usages brought about by the backward consumption 's construction of the energy .

  17. 随着全球性环境保护意识的增强,煤炭工业可持续发展的战略集中在安全开采优质能源、发展洁净煤技术上。

    With the increasing idea of environment protection in the world , the sustainable development strategy of coal industry is focused on the fine resource safe mining and coal cleaning technology .

  18. 水煤浆、煤炭液化、煤炭气化和煤基燃料甲醇等先进的煤代油技术是将煤炭变成优质能源的必由之路;

    The advanced coal-replacing-oil technologies such as water-coal-slurry , coal gasification , coal liquefaction and coal-based methanol fuel are the ways of must for coal to convert into high quality energy .

  19. 提出了具有我国特色的和谐海洋观观点。指出经略海洋把全球资源配置与经济目的紧密联系起来;谋划海洋获取优质能源等资源,走可持续的和谐发展道路;

    It is pointed out that many present economic and social issues did not exist in Zheng 's times and a new oceanography having China 's features should be put forward .

  20. 回收利用煤层气可变废为宝,既可将其用作洁净优质能源,又可缓解温室效应,具有显著的经济和环境效益。

    Recovering and utilizing the coal-bed methane will transfer the waste to treasure that using it as a clean fuel , lessening the greenhouse effect , and attaining remarkable economic and environmental benefit .

  21. 通过分析,本文认为我国若想实现能源、经济、环境的协调发展,需加大力度对优质能源的开发和使用,同时要加快产业结构调整。

    Analyzing the results , this paper thinks that it is urgent to explore and use high quality energy and adjust industrial structural for achieving the coordinated development of energy , economic and environment .

  22. 要运用市场机制,利用各种途径供应各种清洁能源,推进优质能源供应多元化,并最终实现充足和稳定的供应。建立安全可靠的能源供应和保证系统。

    By using all possible sources of clean energy supply through market mechanism , the diversification of energy supply will be promoted , and adequate and stable energy supply security system will be ensured .

  23. 同时市场消费结构已经发生了变化,大家都认为天然气是优质能源,所以大量地将其用在城市燃气中。

    At the same time , consumption structure has already changed in the market ; it is assumed that gas is a high-quality energy , so plenty of gas was used into city gas .

  24. 论述了中国能源形势的严峻性及优质能源发展前景,提出了石油、天然气进口问题的基本战略思路。

    The paper discusses the severity of China 's energy situation and development prospect of high quality energy , and comes up with some considerations on basic strategy to solve oil and gas import problems .

  25. 能源企业员工承担着能源生产、供应,保障国家能源安全,为地方经济社会发展提供安全、可靠、优质能源供应的重要职责。

    The staff in energy company undertake responsibility of energy production and supply and national energy safety , and also take a heavy task upon themselves beyond safety reliable and excellent energy supply for local economic development .

  26. 它是一种清洁、高效、低成本的优质能源,除了作为化工原料、发电燃料以外,在工程领域也得到了广泛的应用。

    It is a clean , efficient , low-cost , and high-quality energy . Except as chemical raw material and fuel for power generation , it has been widely used in the field of industry and for civil use .

  27. 我国现阶段的能源资源,存在可大规模利用的能源资源有限、能源消费总量大人均耗能低、结构不尽合理、优质能源比例低等问题。

    Our current energy resources have many problems such as energy resources those can be used in force are limited , great total and low per capita in energy consumption , irrational energy structure , high-quality energy has a low percent .

  28. 分析了农村地区全面建设小康社会对能源尤其是优质能源的需求趋势,指出农村能源供应和消费是全面实现农村小康社会必须面对的问题;

    The rural area demand trend to the energy , especially high-quality energy was analyzed , and that rural energy supply and consumption are key problem we have to face in building an all-round well-off society in all-round way was pointed out .

  29. 但目前市场上出售的燃气快速热水器所使用的燃烧换热装置还不完善,如何利用好燃气这一优质能源,以及怎样提高热水器的燃烧效率受到广泛关注。

    But the combustion heat transfer device of the gas water heater on sale now is not perfect . Thus , how to make good use of the high quality energy , and how to improve the efficiency of the combustion attracted widespread attention .

  30. 淮南矿业集团是我国煤炭行业中的优势大型国有企业,肩负着以优质能源保证国民经济发展、代表国家参与国际国内竞争、促进区域经济社会协调发展的重大使命。

    The Huainan Mining Group is an outstanding large state-owned enterprise in China . It shoulders the important mission of ensuring that economic development , participating in the domestic and international competition on behalf of the country , and promoting coordinated regional economic and social development .