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  1. 约翰把他的湿衣服挂起来,以便把它凉干。

    John hung up his wet wash in order to dry it out .

  2. 让它完全凉干。

    Let it dry completely . 9 .

  3. 过一夜之后,将所有东西好好冲洗,凉干待用。

    Be sure to give everything a good rinsing afterward , and to dry thoroughly before using .

  4. 用小苏打清洗填充玩具,洗后凉干一会儿。

    Freshen up stuffed animals by rubbing them with Baking soda and then let them sit for a while .

  5. 在全新世,黄河源区的气候总体凉干,属于高原的高寒气候。

    In the Holocene , the general climate in the source area was cool and dry and characterized by the plateau cold climate .

  6. 旧石器时代末期,太湖平原气候凉干,为森林、草原环境。

    In the Mesolithic , for the climate was cool and dry , the Taihu plain was covered with forests and grasslands with scarce lakes and swamps .

  7. 侗族妇女把桑葚树制成纸浆,然后用木制的框架凉干纸浆作成布一样的薄片。这种纸用来包装各种各样的东西,也用来在埋葬前遮盖尸体。

    Dong women turn this into pulp , which they then dry in wooden frames to produce cloth-like sheets for wrapping all manner of things and for covering bodies before burial .

  8. 凉干气候期,这一时期气候基本稳定,东亚季风对气候影响较大,但气温和降水都低于第一个气候稳定期。

    , the cool and dry stage , the climate kept stable and was influenced more by the East Asian monsoon with lower temperature and precipitation than that in the first stage .

  9. 利用年降水量和年均气温距平百分比累计分析表明,西峰气候变化可以分为凉干期、凉湿期、暖湿期和暖干期等四个阶段。

    The analysis on the accumulative anomaly of annual precipitation and temperature shows that there are four remarkable climate change stages , including cool and dry stage , cool and wet stage , warm and wet stage and warm and dry stage .

  10. 读读书、冲冲凉、干些放松心情的事情。

    Read a book , take a bath , do something relaxing .

  11. 中期(3200~630aBP)泥炭腐殖化度偏高,指示气候温凉偏干;

    Mid phase ( 3 200 ~ 630 aBP ) of high humification , showing dry and cool climate ;

  12. 结果表明:该区晚冰期的气候特点为冷偏干或凉偏干,冷暖波动频繁。

    The late glacial epoch in the area witnessed a cold-slightly dry or cool-slightly dry climate and repeated cold-warm climatic oscillations .

  13. 2.555~2.300MaBP:植被为温凉偏干的疏林草原,湿度开始下降;

    From 2.555 to 2.300 Ma BP , the vegetation was arid grassland with sparse forest , and humidity began to decline ;

  14. 晚冰期末期气候温凉偏干、河流环境;

    The climate was temperate and turned dry at the end of Late Ice Age , when the boring site was controlled by fluvial environment .

  15. 后期气候温凉偏干或凉爽偏干,为稀疏草原型植被或草原型植被。

    During the late Holocene , the vegetation again changed to steppe or sparse steppe , suggesting that the climate tended to be warm-slightly dry or cool-slightly dry .

  16. 过去50年盐池县气候存在凉湿凉干暖干暖湿的变化。

    There were four remarkable climate change stages , including cool and wet stage , cool and dry stage , warm and dry stage and warm and wet stage .