
huà xiàn zhī piào
  • crossed check
  1. 划线支票支票上加了两条平行线,表示必须存入某个银行账户。

    Crossed Check A check that has two lines across it to denote that it must be paid into a bank account .

  2. 如某人取得一张载有“不得流通”字样的划线支票,并不享有也不能给予较其直接前手获得的对支票的更好的权利。

    If a person to obtain a set of " not negotiable ," the words crossed check , does not have also not given a more direct access to the right before the hand-check better rights .

  3. 划线支票抬头请付「香港证券专业学会」。

    Please make crossed cheque payable to Hong Kong Securities Institute .

  4. 请再将已传真之表格正本?同划线支票邮寄至本协会。

    Please post the original order form with a crossed cheque to the Council .

  5. 划线支票,祈付「历奇辅导协会有限公司」,连同报名表一同寄上。

    Cross cheque to 「 Adventure Counselling Association Limited 」, mailed with the application form .

  6. 附表所指明的费用,须以现金或划线支票缴付。

    The fees specified in the schedule shall be payable in cash or by crossed cheque .

  7. 缴费方法:现金或划线支票(抬头人为「香港考试及评核局」)。

    Payment : By cash or crossed cheque payable to Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority .

  8. 填妥报名表连同划线支票(抬头「创极培训及项目管理有限公司」)寄回本公司。

    Mail the Registration Form with a crossed cheque payable to " Xtraventure Training and Events Limited " .

  9. 如需购买额外入场券,请寄回以「香港出口商会」抬头之划线支票。

    Please mail back a crossed cheque payable to " The Hong Kong Exporters'Association " for additional tickets .

  10. 本条例有关划线支票之条文,适用于支付股息之证书。

    The provisions of this Ordinance relating to crossed cheques shall apply to a warrant for payment of dividend .

  11. 请将填妥之表格连同划线支票或入数纸一并寄回本会。

    Please complete this form and send it together with a crossed cheque or pay-in-slip information to our Association .

  12. 请用划线支票,抬头「香港社区组织协会有限公司」连同回条,邮寄本会。

    Please use crossed cheque payable to Society for Community Organization Ltd. and enclose with this form and send them to SoCO .

  13. 资料不全或没有签署的报名表格或没有附上缴付课程费用的划线支票之申请将不获处理。

    Incomplete , unsigned enrolment form or form without attaching a crossed cheque in respect of the course fee will not be processed .

  14. 请把划线支票「头:香港中团有限公司」此表格寄回本团下地址,多谢!

    Please enclose crossed cheque payable to " Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra Ltd. " with order form and send to the following address . Thank you !

  15. 请呈上划线支票「爱心之光有限公司」,寄到新界将军澳健明村明日楼1113室。

    Please enclosed a crossed cheque in favour of Light-of-Love Limited and post to Room 1113 , Ming Yat House , Kin Ming Estate , Tseung Kwan O , N.T.

  16. 下载捐款表格,填妥后联同划线支票,写付“大众医院”寄来本院。

    Download the Donation Form , fill it up , together with the crossed cheque , make payable to " Public Free Clinic Society " and mail it to our Society .

  17. 请于划线支票背后写上阁下之英文姓名、报考考试的考试编号及日间联络电话。

    Please write your English full name , the examination code of the examination for which you are enrolling and your daytime contact telephone number on the back of the crossed cheque .

  18. 为预留最佳座位给予阁下,请于1月21日(星期日)前填妥订购回条,并连同现金或划线支票(支票抬头「乐苗基金有限公司」),于排练时交予本会职员。

    To reserve the best seats , please complete the booking form by21 Jan ( Sun ) and hand in your cheque ( payable to " PMA Music Foundation Ltd. " or cash to HKPMA staff during rehearsal .

  19. 凡未经划线之支票或经普通划线之支票送交银行托收,该银行可作特别划线,划予其本行。

    Where an uncrossed cheque , or a cheque crossed generally , is sent to a banker FOR collection , he may cross it specially to himself .

  20. 如一张未划线的支票或一张一般划线支票寄给银行以作托收,银行可将此支票特别划线给本行。

    If one has not crossed a check or a check sent to banks in general crossed for collection , the bank can use this check to the Bank in particular crossed .

  21. 本条例授权作出之划线,乃支票之重要部分;

    A crossing authorized by this Ordinance is a material part of the cheque ;