
  • 网络BIE;International Exhibitions Bureau;Bureau of International Exposition
  1. 中国是国际展览局的成员国。

    China is a BIE member state .

  2. 组织者会确定专家委员会的名单,其中将包括国际展览局的代表和其他有关方面的人员。

    The Organizer will decide upon the composition of the jury , which includes representatives of the BIE and other related parties .

  3. 位于巴黎的国际展览局(BureauofInternationalExpositions)是管理世博会的机构,它的规定要求所有的场馆都必须拆除。

    The rules of the Paris-based Bureau of International Expositions , which govern World Expos , require that all of the pavilions be torn down .

  4. 女士们,先生们,我很高兴能代表国际展览局,与在座各位一起参加今天全天的活动,原因有几点。

    Ladies and Gentlemen , On behalf of the Bureau International des Expositions , it is my great pleasure to be here amongst you all today on this occasion for several reasons .