
  • 网络St. Mary;Sainte-Marie;Marie;Saint Mary;st mary
  1. 来自中国武汉的常舒(音)是俄勒冈州梅德福市天主教学校圣玛丽中学(St.Mary'sschool)的70名中国留学生中的一位。

    Shu Chang , from Wuhan , China , is one of 70 Chinese students at St. Mary 's School , a Catholic academy in this Oregon city .

  2. 圣玛丽中学校长菲利普斯(FrankPhillips)说,对该校来说,常舒代表着一种重要的收入来源。该校曾数次面临无力偿债的窘境。

    For St. Mary 's , Mr. Chang represents crucial revenue for an institution that had faced insolvency several times , said Frank Phillips , the headmaster .

  3. 该教堂供奉的是贝克的圣玛丽。

    The church is dedicated to St Mary of Bec .

  4. 帕丁顿的圣玛丽医院这周成为政府资助的独立经营医院。

    St Mary 's Hospital in Paddington became a self-governing trust this week .

  5. 从圣玛丽教堂塔俯瞰"梦想之城尖塔"。

    Look over the " city of dreaming spires " from St Mary 's Church Tower .

  6. 行程D-游览剑桥,包含圣玛丽大帝塔的门票——3月18日之前33英镑,之后37英镑。

    Tour D-Cambridge including entrance fees to the Tower of Saint Mary the Great - £ 33 until 18 March and £ 37 thereafter .

  7. 行程B-游览牛津和斯特拉特福德,包含大学圣玛丽教堂塔楼和安妮·海瑟薇家的门票——3月12日之前32英镑,之后36英镑。

    Tour B-Oxford & Stratford including entrance fees to the University St Mary 's Church Tower and Anne Hathaway 's house - £ 32 until 12 March and £ 36 thereafter .

  8. 在大学医学系念一年级时,我利用假期在伦敦圣玛丽医院(StMary'sHospital)为一位声名显赫的教授工作。

    As a first-year undergraduate studying medicine , I worked at St Mary 's Hospital in London for an eminent professor during the vacation .

  9. 他通过美国马萨诸塞州伯灵顿(Burlington)的教育中介机构美国剑桥国际教育(CambridgeInstituteofInternationalEducation)向圣玛丽中学提出了入学申请。美国剑桥国际教育负责为美国近150所学校在中国筛选学生。

    He applied through the Cambridge Institute of International Education of Burlington , Mass . , which vets applicants from China for nearly 150 U.S. schools .

  10. 圣玛丽学校校长FrankPhillips表示,随着中国的经济实力快速增长,懂汉语将对学生产生很大的帮助。

    Saint Mary 's principal , Frank Phillips , says knowing Chinese will help students in a world where China is quickly ing economic power .

  11. 英国时间晚上7点多,这对王室夫妇在伦敦圣玛丽医院(St.Mary’sHospital)的台阶上抱着他们的第一个孩子拍照。这个孩子是王位第三顺位继承人。

    The royal couple posed for photographs with their first born , who is third in line to the throne , on the steps of the London 's St. Mary 's Hospital shortly after 7 p.m. U.K. time .

  12. 我坐在切普赛街圣玛丽勒波教堂(StMary-le-Bow)外面的一个凳子上,一位男子蹲在我脚边,用奇伟(Kiwi)鞋油、擦鞋布和鞋刷忙碌起来。

    I sat on a stool outside St Mary-le-Bow on Cheapside and a man crouched at my feet and got busy with the Kiwi polish , rags and brushes .

  13. 圣玛丽学校还教西班牙语,德语和拉丁语。

    Saint Mary 's also teaches Spanish , German and Latin .

  14. 我现在是一名在圣玛丽大学学习的学生。

    I 'm a student currently studying at Saint Mary 's University .

  15. 她因大出血被送入圣玛丽医院。

    She was admitted to St mary 's hospital with profuse bleeding .

  16. 聚集在伦敦圣玛丽医院外的民众非常激动。

    The public gathered outside London St. Mary 's hospital was thrilled .

  17. 多年以后,农夫佛莱明的儿子从伦敦圣玛丽医药学院毕业。

    In time , Farmer Fleming 's son graduated from St.

  18. 卡尔顿修道院和圣玛丽学校根本就不提供职业培训。

    No vocational training at all at Carlton Abbey or Saint Mary 's.

  19. 源自伦敦圣玛丽勒博教堂的钟的名称。

    From the name of the bells of St Mary-Le-Bow church , london .

  20. 随后入学人数大幅上升,帮助圣玛丽中学摆脱了财务困境。

    A subsequent jump in enrollment has turned St. Mary 's fortunes around .

  21. 1982年查尔斯和戴安娜抱着为威廉王子离开圣玛丽医院。

    Charles and Diana leave St Mary 's Hospital with baby William in1982 .

  22. 天使圣玛丽小礼拜堂,鹿特丹,荷兰

    Chapel of Saint Mary of the angels , rotterdam , the netherlands , 2001

  23. 我是圣玛丽纳莫登恩镇的新镇长。

    I 'm the new mayor of st-marie-la-mauderne .

  24. 恩德比综合学校和圣玛丽学校也没有高出多少,大约10%。

    And Enderby Comprehensive and Saint Mary 's not much more , about 10 % .

  25. 巨大的圣玛丽教堂,天主教在悉尼的主教堂。

    Huge St Mary 's Cathedral , the main church for Catholic in Archdiocese of Sydney .

  26. 他说,临床试验11月23日在伦敦圣玛丽医院开始。

    He said that clinical trials began on November23rd at St Mary 's Hospital in London .

  27. 外国学生就读圣玛丽中学每年需向学校支付49000美元,美国剑桥国际教育从中收取11200美元。

    Cambridge takes $ 11,200 of the $ 49,000 foreign students pay St. Mary 's each year .

  28. 在四人安置圣文森特-圣玛丽高中,狭隘的学校设在闹市区的阿克伦。

    The foursome settled on Saint Vincent-Saint Mary High School , a parochial school in downtown Akron .

  29. 郑灵(音译)是圣玛丽学校一名教师,于2008年从中国来到美国。

    Zheng Ling , a teacher at Saint Mary 's , came from China in two thousand eight .

  30. 有圣玛丽学校,一所天主教女子学校,还有卡尔顿修道院,

    There 're Saint Mary 's , that 's a catholic school for girls , and Carlton Abbey ,