首页 / 词典 / good


kuā jiǎng
  • praise;compliment;commend;extol
夸奖 [kuā jiǎng]
  • [praise;commend;compliment] 赞美;称赞

  • 老师夸奖他进步快

夸奖[kuā jiǎng]
  1. 我要说一句夸奖他的话。

    I have a word of praise for him .

  2. 我可当不起这样的夸奖。

    I just don 't deserve such praise .

  3. 她夸奖他德语棒极了。

    She complimented him on his excellent German .

  4. 她夸奖我的英语好。

    She complimented me on my English .

  5. 上司夸奖她工作勤奋。

    The boss paid her a compliment because of her diligence .

  6. 甚至连他的外教也夸奖他的法语棒极了。

    Even his foreign teacher complimented him on his excellent French .

  7. 他们当面夸奖他。

    They praised him to his face .

  8. 好说,好说!您太夸奖了。

    It 's very good of you to say so , but I don 't deserve such praise . ; You flatter me . I wish I could deserve such compliments .

  9. 玛丽爱听夸奖她容貌的话。

    Mary likes to hear compliments on her appearance .

  10. 老师夸奖他进步快。

    The teacher praised him for ( or complimented him on ) his rapid progress .

  11. 他希望这些孩子学会夸奖自己。

    He wants these kids to learn to boast about themselves .

  12. 不要忘了夸奖那孩子。

    Don 't forget to admire the baby .

  13. 小院在露西丈夫的打理之下显得格外漂亮,人们都不免对那里品头论足,夸奖称赞一番。

    Lucy 's husband brought the yard to a beautiful state . Everybody admired and remarked on its condition .

  14. 沙司成为最受欢迎的话题,大家都说沙司简直太美味了。因为受到夸奖,女主人露出了微笑。

    The sauce was the highlight of the evening 's topic of conversation , everyone commented on how delicious it was , and the hostess beamed at all the compliments .

  15. 梁惠王看庖丁解牛,手起刀落,动作利索,恰到好处,连声夸奖说:“你的技术真是太好了!”

    King Hui of Liang watched the cook dissecting1 an ox. Up went his hand , down went the knife , cutting it just right with dexterous2 movements . The King praised : " Your skill is excellent ! "

  16. 圣诞节前,托马斯得知,盖茨在自己的博客GatesNotes上夸奖了这本书。

    Just before Christmas , Mr. Thomas learned that his book had been favorably reviewed by Mr. Gates on his blog , Gates Notes .

  17. Siri:“得到你的夸奖我很开心。”

    Siri : " It 's nice to be appreciated . "

  18. 然后,你采用让她愉悦的方式夸奖她。Tango称这是一种被称为先抑后扬的经典手段。

    Then you praise her in a comfortable way , said Tango , referring to a classic technique called a neg .

  19. 好吧其实那是BobbyFlay的秘方credit:信用,荣誉perfect:完美的但我爸还是继续靠它辈受夸奖,会很完美的!

    Blair : Well , it may have been Bobby Flay 's , but it didn 't stop my dad from taking credit for it . It 's gonna be perfect ! -

  20. 他夸奖UmarFarouqAbdulmutallab为英雄,这个尼日尔人试图用藏在内裤中的炸毁三角洲航空阿姆斯特丹飞往底特律的航班。

    He praised Umar Farouq Abdulmutallab , the Nigerian who tried to blow up a Delta Airlines flight from Amsterdam to Detroit with explosives concealed in his underpants , as " a hero " .

  21. 这样的夸奖和信赖弄得都宾十分不好意思。

    This praise and confidence smote Dobbin 's heart very keenly .

  22. 总算在这儿有人夸奖我了。

    It 's about time I heard a compliment around here .

  23. 谢谢你的夸奖,但是你过奖了。

    Thank you for your compliment , but you 're exaggerating .

  24. 他有时把我抬出来夸奖一番以示恩宠。

    He occasionally singled me out for a display of favor .

  25. 表明夸奖或赞赏的语言(或行动)。

    A remark ( or act ) expressing praise and admiration .

  26. 连声夸奖说:“你的技术真是太好了!”

    The King praised : " Your skill is excellent ! "

  27. 他的朋友夸奖他的慷慨、机智与博学。

    His friends praised his generosity , wit and learning .

  28. 他夸奖我说我是一个聪明的女孩子。

    He praised me that I was a bright girl .

  29. 这是别人能给我的最好的夸奖了。

    That 's one of the best compliments anyone could give me .

  30. 那男人夸奖这姑娘长得漂亮时,她羞得脸红了。

    The girl flushed from modesty when the man praised her appearance .