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  • local anesthesia;toponarcosis
局部麻醉 [jú bù má zuì]
  • [local anesthesia] 在局限的并常为表浅的范围内的知觉丧失,尤其是由局部麻醉剂的效应引起的

  1. 结论AMD系统行腰椎间盘摘除具有:(1)应用局部麻醉,没有其它麻醉的严重并发症,故较为安全;

    Conclusions The advantages of AMD . ( 1 ) Local anesthesia and safe .

  2. 抗疟新药青蒿素(Artemisinin)的某些含氮衍生物在动物实验中还显示局部麻醉效应。

    Some derivatives of artemisinin have been shown to have local anesthesia action .

  3. 她的牙齿是局部麻醉拔出的。

    Her tooth was extracted under local anaesthetic .

  4. 该手术可以在局部麻醉的情况下实施。

    The operation can be done under local anaesthesia .

  5. C组不予切口局部麻醉处理。

    Group C : apply no local infiltration anesthesia to the cut .

  6. 方法上眼睑血管瘤患者12例,睑结膜及眼球表面局部麻醉后,翻转上眼睑,以脉冲CO2激光非接触照射,使瘤体表面凝固,肿瘤缩小,然后于瘤体正中切开,切除血管瘤。

    Methods Eyelid hemangioma suffered in twelve patients was excised by CO_2 laser scalpel under local and surface anesthesia .

  7. 硬膜外激素和局部麻醉以预防疱疹后神经痛的PINE研究:一项随机对照试验

    The PINE study of epidural steroids and local anaesthetics to prevent postherpetic neuralgia : A randomised controlled trial

  8. 球后与Tenon囊下局部麻醉在玻璃体视网膜手术中作用的比较研究

    Comparison of retrobulbar and sub-Tenon 's capsule injection of local anesthetic in vitreoretinal surgery

  9. 方法:在全身麻醉或局部麻醉下,用Hopkins潜窥镜与套管钳配套取出112例气管、支气管异物。

    Methods : A total of 112 patients with tracheobronchial foreign bodies were operated on with Hopkins rod-lens coupled with grasping forceps sheaths .

  10. 结论:口腔修复治疗中活髓牙预备时运用TheWand口腔局部麻醉仪进行局部麻醉具有减轻疼痛、麻醉完全的效果。局部麻醉下口内入路面下部轮廓整形术

    Conclusions : The Wand oral cavity local anesthesia is an efficient and safe dental anesthesia method . Lower facial reconstruction through intraoral approach under local anesthesia

  11. 目的用卫生经济学中最小成本分析法对治前教育和局部麻醉两种方法在龋病充填治疗中预防牙科畏惧症(DF)的效果进行评价。

    Objective To determine the economic effects on the prevention of dental fear ( DF ) by pre operation education or local anesthesia method during the process of tooth filling .

  12. 应用EMLA局部麻醉油对包茎行背侧横断扩张包皮成形术

    Phimosis . Preputial plasty using transversal widening on the dorsal side with EMLA local anesthetic cream

  13. 年龄59~83岁,平均67.3岁。术中采用体位复位,局部麻醉,从椎体压缩严重侧单侧穿刺,经椎弓根入路,每个椎体注射骨水泥3.0~6.5ml,平均(4.7±1.0)ml。

    After postural reduction and local anesthesia , the pedicle of severe sides of compressed vertebras were punctured before bone cement injected into the compressed vertebra , whose volume ranged from 3.0 to 6.5 ml average ( 4.7 ± 1.0 ) ml.

  14. 对照组用0.2%利多卡因3ml,宫颈及宫腔局部麻醉,2min后施术。

    Controls had a local infiltration anaesthesia of 0.2 % lidocaine ( 3 ml ) in cervix and uterin cavity .

  15. 咪唑安定+芬太尼混合剂用于局部麻醉镇静最佳配方的研究他希望IDG进一步加强在高交会和风险投资等方面的平等互惠合作。

    A Clinical Investigation of an Appropriate Dosage Regimen of Midazolam and Fentanyl for Sedation during Regional Anesthesia ; He hoped IDG strengthen the cooperation of mutual benefits in Hi-tech Fair and VC .

  16. 方法:166例乳头状瘤(鼻部45例,耳部39例,咽部82例)局部麻醉后以连续输出功率为15W的CO2激光切割及气化肿瘤。

    Methods : Among 166 cases were 45 cases of nasal papilloma , 39 cases of aural papilloma , and 82 cases of pharyngal papilloma . After local anaesthesia , We cut and vaporize tumor with CO2 laser in 15W of continuous output power .

  17. 利多卡因(Lidocaine)又名塞罗卡因(Xylocaine),可用于多种形式的局部麻醉,是酰胺型局麻药,具有起效快、粘膜穿透性及扩散性强、作用时间长的优点。

    Lidocaine is known as Xylocaine , can be used for the various forms of local anesthesia . Lidocaine is anesthetic medicine of the acyl amine , which has mucous membrane penetrability and diffusibility since the effect is strong and the action time lasts long .

  18. 方法局部麻醉下在颈外侧作1.5cm长的小切口,在内窥镜的辅助观察下,切断部分前中斜角肌的腱性起始纤维。

    Methods After local anaesthesia , an incision 1.5 cm in length was made at the lateral neck . The tendon-like origin fiber of anterior and middle scalene muscles was cut partially under the endoscope .

  19. 医生认为这次手术用局部麻醉就可以了。

    The doctor thinks local anesthesia will do for the operation .

  20. 有关围术期华法林治疗和局部麻醉关系的证据有哪些?

    What about evidence regarding perioperative warfarin therapy and regional anesthesia ?

  21. 经阴道矫正重度盆腔脏器脱垂可在局部麻醉加镇静的条件下进行

    Local anesthesia with sedation for transvaginal correction of advanced genital prolapse

  22. 局部麻醉下骨髓采集术的安全性观察

    To Observe the Safety of Bone Marrow Collection by Local Anesthesia

  23. A组仅给予宫颈局部麻醉;

    Group A received 0.5 % lidocaine cervical local anesthesia ;

  24. 所有病人在局部麻醉下的忍受性均相当良好。

    Tolerance of the procedure with topical anesthesia was satisfactory .

  25. 口腔局部麻醉药物及注射技术的研究与应用现状

    Research and application of local anaesthetic and its injection technology in dentistry

  26. 口腔无痛局部麻醉仪在儿童牙科治疗中的临床应用

    The clinical application of painless oral local anesthesia system to pedodontic therapy

  27. 您是给我局部麻醉还是全身麻醉?

    Patient : Will I be given a local or general anaesthetic ?

  28. 盐酸利多卡因注射液口腔局部麻醉致重度耳聋

    Severe deafness after local anesthesia of lidocaine injection used in oral cavity

  29. 蝙蝠葛碱对心电图的影响及其局部麻醉作用

    Effects of Dauricine on EGC and Its Local Anesthetic Activity

  30. 亲情护理在局部麻醉手术患者中的应用

    Application of kindness nursing on surgery patients under local anesthesia