
shì chǎng pí ruǎn
  • Market weakness;sluggish market;market sluggishness
市场疲软[shì chǎng pí ruǎn]
  1. 近年来,我国最终消费率持续走低,出现了比较严重的市场疲软,启动国内消费品市场,已成为经济发展的当务之急。

    In recent years , the problems of sluggish market in China become serious because the final consumer rate declined constantly . To start the domestic consumable market is the urgent affairs of the economic development .

  2. 公司称,HelloKitty首先在日本出现了市场疲软,而且是严重的疲软。

    Hello Kitty fatigue is hitting Japan first , and hard , the company indicated .

  3. 美国联邦储备委员会(Fed)昨天一如人们预期,将利率维持在5.25%未变。目前,美国住房市场疲软,并且有迹象显示通货膨胀已在趋缓。

    The US Federal Reserve left interest rates unchanged at 5.25 per cent yesterday as expected , amid housing market weakness and signs of easing inflation .

  4. 因此,尽管房地产市场疲软,但这里的房子还是卖得很好。虚拟装饰的创始人DeniesMiler说到:现在,我们的业务正在拓展中。

    And with the real estate market still suffering , business is growing , cofounder Denies Miler :

  5. 美国的消费者价格指数(CPI)上个月恢复上升势头。在劳动力市场疲软及房地产价格下跌的情况下,进一步上升的石油成本给美国消费者带来了更大压力。

    Consumer prices resumed their upward path last month as rising petrol costs put further pressure on US shoppers struggling with a weakening labour market and slumping house prices .

  6. 瑞信(creditsuisse)、德意志银行(deutschebank)以及瑞银(ubs)等其他主要投资银行在近几个月中同样采取了裁员举措,以共同应对限制它们传统盈利活动的监管新规以及市场疲软的影响。

    Other big investment banks , including Credit Suisse , Deutsche bankand UBS , have also cut back on staff in recent months , as they collectively cope with new regulations that limit their traditional profitmaking activities and quieter markets .

  7. 澳大利亚的Sundance去年说,因为市场疲软,中国监管机构要求刘汉降低对该公司的出价。

    Australia 's Sundance said last year that Chinese regulators required Mr. Liu to reduce his offer price for the company because of market weakness .

  8. 欧洲消费市场疲软的迹象不断显现&从英国8月份惨淡的零售业指数到欧洲手机经销商Avenir公司发布的业绩堪忧的财报。

    Signs of European consumer weakness keep cropping up – from a dismal August UK retail indicator to a grim report by Avenir , a European mobile phone distributor .

  9. 其中,这也和应届生就业市场疲软有关。

    The weakening job market for all graduates is one reason .

  10. 使企业摆脱由于当前市场疲软所造成的困难

    Pull enterprises out of difficulties resulting from the present market slump

  11. 市场疲软与流通体制改革

    The Weakening on Markets and the Reform of Circulation System

  12. 在市场疲软中再造灵石煤炭优势

    Recreating the coal superiority of Lingshi under coal market weakness

  13. 论通货膨胀市场疲软与发展商品经济

    On Inflation , Weak Markets and Development of Commodity Economy

  14. 建筑的减少和糟糕的天气使得市场疲软。

    The construction slowdown plus the bad weather has made for a weak market .

  15. 市场疲软,请贵方重新考虑报价。

    Since the market is very weak , we request that you reconsider the price .

  16. 这位美联储领导人指出,目前就业市场疲软而失业率高升。

    The Fed Chief pointed out that labor markets are weak and unemployment is high .

  17. 失业率上升造成的劳动力市场疲软将控制劳动力成本与薪资的增长。

    Slack in labour markets from rising unemployment will control labour costs and wage growth .

  18. 某国或某地区的市场疲软并不能表明全球性的市场疲软会就此流行。

    A soft market in one country or region is not indicative of a global epidemic .

  19. 由于最近市场疲软,我们过去两周的销售量剧减。

    Our sale has dropped tremendously in the last two weeks because of the recent slow market .

  20. 在市场疲软的情况下,深挖内部潜力,摆脱企业困境,顺利度过难关。

    We should exploit internal potential and extricate ourself from the difficult position to tide over it easily .

  21. 而在眼下就业市场疲软的情况下,不恰当的回答将降低你赢得工作的机会。

    Yet in today 's weak job market , the wrong answer weakens your chances of winning employment .

  22. 事实上,上世纪80年代的日本根本不会受到出口市场疲软的致命打击。

    In reality , 1980s Japan was never going to be terminally damaged by weakness in export markets .

  23. a股市场疲软导致投资收入下降,利润降低。

    The softness in the A-share market is prompting a decline in investment income , and lower earnings .

  24. 第三章我国农村消费市场疲软的原因及其启动机制。

    Third chapter : The fatigued and weak cause of Chinese rural consumption market and its igniting mechanism .

  25. 有租赁需要的商行利用市场疲软吸纳房东的租让。

    Businesses that needed to lease space took advantage of the market weakness to extract concessions out of landlords .

  26. 现在房产市场疲软,偿还贷款非常困难。

    Well , we 've got a weak housing market too ; it 's hard to pay those loans .

  27. 中华人民共和国成立前后,中国经济发生了一次由通货膨胀到市场疲软的剧烈波动。

    After foundation of CPP , a great fluctuation in inflation and market weakness has occurred in China economy .

  28. 这份积极的就业报告暂时刺激了股市,但是由于市场疲软和税收困境,股市收盘时大幅走低。

    The positive job report boosted the stocks temporarily , but ended down sharply as weakness and tax stuck spread .

  29. 最近的调查表明,基金将利用市场疲软的机会,适当增加持股。

    Recent surveys suggest funds will take the opportunity of market weakness to add to their holdings in due course .

  30. 失业人数依然保持在就业市场疲软的水平,不可能出现招聘步伐加快的情况。

    Claims are still at levels that indicate the jobs market is weak and rapid hiring isn 't likely anytime soon .