
  • 网络Regulation;market regulation;Market Surveillance
  1. 电力市场监管辅助系统之研究

    Study for power market surveillance system

  2. 这就需要强化市场监管,增加各方面的投入,以达到碳汇市场的稳定运行。

    It requires the enhancement of the market surveillance and investment of the different aspects , and then it can reach the goal of stability of running a CSM .

  3. 市场监管总局发现部分培训机构虚构或夸大教师资质。市场监管总局价监竞争局局长袁喜禄表示,

    The regulator found that academic qualifications of some tutors at the firms were fabricated or exaggerated .

  4. 市场监管总局检查发现,15家机构有虚假宣传行为,13家机构存在价格欺诈行为。

    The SAMR inspection found that 15 training institutions had indulged in false advertising , while 13 resorted to pricing frauds .

  5. 市场监管总局6月1日召开新闻发布会,集中公布一批校外培训机构虚假宣传、价格欺诈典型案例。市场监管总局6月1日宣布,15家校外培训机构因虚假宣传、价格欺诈被处以总计3650万元的罚款。

    The State Administration for Market Regulation ( SAMR ) slapped fines amounting to 36.5 million yuan on 15 tutoring firms on Tuesday for false advertising and pricing frauds .

  6. 金融市场监管部门就如何更好地规范虚拟货币比特币的交易征询意见,内部消息称,或将建立托管平台。

    China 's financial market regulators are seeking opinions about how to better regulate trading of bitcoin , the virtual currency . These steps may include setting up a depository platform , said sources with close knowledge of the matter .

  7. 对于校外培训机构乱象,群众反映日益强烈今年一季度,12315在线平台的教育培训服务投诉举报达4.71万件,同比增长65%。持续加大校外培训市场监管力度

    The first quarter of 2021 saw surging complaints about the tutoring industry , with the total number of complaints filed by consumers via the online service platform " 12315 " topping 47100 , up 65 percent from a year earlier .

  8. VoIP市场监管现状及市场进入途径初探

    The Status Quo of VoIP Market Regulation and its Market Access Approach

  9. APEC成员国产品安全市场监管机制研究分析

    Research and Analysis on Market Surveillance Mechanisms of Product Safety for APEC Members

  10. 随着我国加入WTO,经济结构不断调整,金融全球化等等,我国证券市场监管将面临更大的挑战。

    As China entered into WTO , the adjustment of economic structure , the globalization of finance and so on , securities market regulation will be confronted with greater challenges .

  11. 不过,香港和新加坡目前都在收紧股票市场监管要求,而在银行领域它们除了执行《巴塞尔协议III》(BaselIII)别无选择。

    But both cities are tightening stock market rules , while in banking they have no choice but to implement Basel III rules .

  12. 印度市场监管部门印度证券交易委员会(SecuritiesandExchangeBoardofIndia)主席C.B.Bhave表示,周五将决定是否重开市场。

    C.B.Bhave , chairman of the Securities and Exchange Board of India , the country 's market regulator , said a decision on whether markets will open Friday will be taken Friday .

  13. 香港市场监管机构禁止总部位于纽约的亚洲老虎基金(TigerAsia)在港从事任何上市证券或衍生产品交易、并冻结逾3000万美元资产的努力,取得了重大胜利。

    The Hong Kong market regulator has won an important victory in its efforts to ban the New-York based Tiger Asia hedge fund from trading listed stocks and derivatives in the territory and freeze more than $ 30m in assets .

  14. 通过规范研究、文献研究方法以GZ市市场监管体系建设工作具体实践为例,梳理了系统发育的问题生产源。

    Through normative research , literature research methods to market supervision system construction of GZ concrete practice as an example , combing the development problem of the system production source .

  15. 香港市场监管机构昨日赢得为阻止李泽楷(RichardLi)以20亿美元收购其电信公司电讯盈科(PCCW)而提出的上诉,为当地上演时间最长的一幕企业肥皂剧增添了又一情节转折。

    Hong Kong 's market regulator yesterday won court approval to block Richard Li 's $ 2bn buy-out of PCCW , his telecoms company , adding yet another twist to one of the territory 's longest-running corporate soap operas .

  16. 而且,ETF具有高透明性,便于市场监管,同时有利于引导市场的理性投资和提高市场流动性,因此,ETF很容易被市场各方面的参与者所接受。

    Investors can apply it to various investments . Further more , ETF has particular advantages such as high transparency , which is convenient for market surveillance ; meanwhile , it can lead the rational investment and improve the market liquidity .

  17. 金融期货与期权市场监管制度初探

    On the Supervisory System of the Financial Futures and Options Market

  18. 加强市场监管力度,规范各市场主体的行为。

    Standardize the actions of all main bodies in the market .

  19. 新制度经济学市场监管思想研究

    A Study on Market Supervision Thoughts in the New Institutional Economics

  20. 浅论中国电信市场监管政策

    A Discussion of the Monitoring Regulations Regarding China 's Telecommunication Market

  21. 完善市场监管机制和政策法规体系。

    Perfecting market monitoring mechanism , and policy and regulations system .

  22. 西班牙政府大幅削减支出,并放松劳动力市场监管。

    The government has cut spending sharply and loosened labour-market regulations .

  23. 强化农业投入品市场监管,控制农产品污染;

    Strengthening market supervision for agricultural products and controlling pollution ;

  24. 我国资本市场监管效率实证分析

    Empirical Analysis of Governance Performance in Capital Market in China

  25. 经济全球化与证券市场监管研究

    Analysis on Economy Globalization and the Inspections of Stock Market

  26. 第一章,药品市场监管的历史变迁与行政法的回应。

    Chapter one : basic theories about supervision of the medicine market .

  27. 他们建议加强了市场监管和改进现有法规。

    They 're suggesting strengthened monitoring of the market and improved regulations .

  28. 我国证券市场监管政策效果分析

    Analysis about the Regulative Policy Effects on National Security Market

  29. 中美证券市场监管的稽查执法比较研究

    A Comparative Study on the Law Enforcement between US-Sino Securities Market Regulation

  30. 我国道路运输市场监管问题研究

    A Study on the Supervision of the Road Transportation Market in China