
shì chǎnɡ zhǔ tǐ
  • market subject;subject of market
  1. WTO环境下新型市场主体准入制度的构建

    Construction of New Type Access System for Market Subject under WTO Background

  2. 随着我国加入WTO后外资银行的大量涌入,我国的金融市场主体呈现多元化态势。

    After our country acceding to the WTO , a large number of foreign capitals banks pour in . The pluralistic situation appears in the financial market subject in our country .

  3. 申请单向竞买的市场主体可向其他市场主体购买碳排放配额,竞买信息由交易机构发布。

    Market entities applying for one-way bidding can purchase emission allowances from counterparts , with the bidding information released by the exchange .

  4. 我国加入WTO的过渡期已满,保险业已全面开放,寿险行业市场主体日益丰富。

    Transition period of Chinese WTO accession is full , the insurance industry has been fully opened up , so market players of the life insurance industry are increasingly abundant .

  5. 自军工企业于1999年开始体制改革及中国加入WTO,以中国北方工业公司为代表的军工产品研发制造单位开始走出计划经济体制,以独立市场主体身份进入到市场竞争环境中。

    Research and manufactory companies of military industry represented by NORINCO started to step out of the planned economic system which kept for decades to enter the market competition environment as an independent market player .

  6. 随着脱硫产业的发展,LY公司作为市场主体的烟气脱硫企业,努力提升企业的整体竞争力,以做好一个工程,树立一面旗帜为企业发展的目标,加强工程质量的管理。

    With the development of desulfurization industry , as a important enterprise of the market , LY company strives to improve the overall competitiveness by strengthening management of project quality , and targets at " do a project , establish a banner " .

  7. 因此本文对SaaS运营模式的研究侧重于分析SaaS的服务方式、角色分配、计费方式、以及SaaS运营过程中涉及的市场主体和面临的诸多问题。

    Therefore , the research in this paper on the SaaS Business Model focuses on the analysis of SaaS service manner , role distribution , billing methods , the related market subjects of SaaS Business Model , as well as many problems faced in the operation process of SaaS .

  8. 市场主体信用关系理论与实证研究

    Theory and Its Positive Study of Credit Relations of Market Participants

  9. 市场主体信用的构建机制探析

    An Analysis on the Formation Mechanism of Market Participants ' Credit

  10. 论农民作为市场主体的相对性

    On the Relativity of Farmers as the Main Body of Market

  11. 我国现在制定一部有限合伙的市场主体法是否必要值得探究。建议起草一部专门的《创业投资法》。

    The author suggests drawing up a special law-law on start-up investment .

  12. 铁路运输企业转变为市场主体初探

    Simple Study on Transforming Railway Transportation Enterprises Into the Subject of Market

  13. 论我国市场主体的不规范现象及其规制

    Abnormality of Chinese Market Mainstay and Its Rules and Regulations

  14. 而市场主体主要侧重于就业信息发布。

    While the market pays more attention to the issuance of employment information .

  15. 论确立农户真正市场主体地位

    On Establishing Peasant Households Real Market Corpus Position

  16. 市场主体及其伦理关系

    Market Main Body and Its Ethic Relation

  17. 适当增加市场主体,均衡市场结构;

    Fifthly , adding to market main body in order to balance the market frame .

  18. 建筑市场主体是提供和交易公共品的生产经营者。

    Principal parts of building market are engaged in construction and transaction of building projects .

  19. 中国农民的市场主体权益及其保障

    The Rights and Interest of Farmers as Main Bodies of Market and Their Safeguard in China

  20. 民营经济在我省经济发展中占有越来越重要的地位,在发展市场主体、增强发展活力、提升产业竞争力方面有着无可替代的作用。

    The private economy plays an increasingly important role in the economic development of our province .

  21. 其次,市场主体应当提高自己的投保意识。

    Secondly , the main players in the market should improve their awareness of the insured .

  22. 市场主体的运行向完善的专业化分包体系发展,是我国建筑业经营管理的必然走向。

    The operation of principal parts of the building market inevitably tends to be specialized subcontracting .

  23. 市场主体犯罪探析

    Analysis of crime by market subject

  24. 保险公司与各市场主体的交易是本文分析的基本起点。威廉姆森将交易分解为三个维度,即交易受制约的不确定性;

    The transactions of insurance company and other market bodies are the starting point of our analysis .

  25. 市场主体信用,包括货币交易市场主体信用和信用交易市场主体信用。

    Market Players ' credit includes the credit of money exchanging and the credit of credit exchanging .

  26. 存在道德风险的我国基本医疗保险体系中各市场主体行为分析

    Behavioral Analysis of Principal Parts of Chinese Fundamental Health Insurance Market under the Condition of Moral Hazard

  27. 必须从诚信的经济人格生成的基础性和制度性要素两方面入手,来匡正市场主体的行为。

    The basic and institutional factors for the growth of economic character are two ways started with .

  28. 二是依据法律法规对市场主体的各种不正当竞争行为的禁止。

    Second , according to the market laws and regulations make the prohibition of different illegitimate competition behaviors .

  29. 信用是市场主体在经济活动中的基本规则。信用是一种经济关系,也是一种伦理要求。

    Credit is the basic principle and economic relations , as well as an ethnic request of market economy .

  30. 合伙企业作为市场主体,在市场经济中发挥着日益重要的作用。

    The partnership enterprise , as a market player , plays an increasingly important role in the market-oriented economy .