
shì chǎnɡ jié ɡòu
  • market structure
  1. SCP分析框架包括三个基本范畴:市场结构(MarketStructure)、市场行为(MarketConduct)、市场绩效(MarketPerformance)。

    The model includes three basic factors : Market Structure , Market Conduct and Market Performance .

  2. 市场结构、产权结构与RD中国制造业的实证分析

    Market Structure , Ownership Structure and R D An Empirical Study on Chinese Manufacturing Industry

  3. 一是利用产业组织分析中的赫芬达尔指数(HI)说明管制改革后我国电信业市场结构的变化情况;

    First , it illuminates the market structure changes of Chinese telecom industry after regulation reforms by H index used in industrial organization analysis ;

  4. 本文第二部分依据SCP范式对中国民航业的市场结构进行经济学分析。

    Part two of this dissertation analyses market structure of Chinese civil aviation industry according to the SCP model .

  5. 按照产业组织理论的市场结构(S)市场行为(C)市场绩效(P)分析框架,本文以多个指标计算了中国银行卡产业的市场集中度,认为中国银行卡市场属于寡头垄断型市场。

    This article applies the market structure - market conduct - market performance paradigm to the analysis of Chinese bank card industry . With the concentration data of bank card industry , it is concluded that the bank card market consists an oligopoly .

  6. 本文以SCP模型为基础,通过市场结构以及市场绩效等方面的因素对市场行为的影响,分析了我国旅行社普遍采取价格竞争的内在原因。

    Based on the SCP paradigm , the paper analyses why travel agencies choose price competition as their competitive conduct from two angles of structure and performance .

  7. 文章以贝恩的市场结构分类法为基础,考察我国轿车行业的市场结构状况,认为其市场结构逐渐向低垄断型转变,自从加入WTO以后,竞争有进一步加剧的趋势。

    This text is based on Beirne 's market structure classification , investigate the market structure state of the trade of car of our country , thinking its market structure is transformed into low monopolizing type gradually , since joining WTO , the competition has the tendency to aggravate further .

  8. 新兴银行购并基于市场结构的效应分析

    Analysis of Bank Mergers Based on the effect of Market Structure

  9. 我国证券投资基金业的市场结构行为绩效分析

    Research on the Market Structure-Conduct-Performance of China 's Securities Investment Funds

  10. 经济转轨过程中的市场结构变迁

    The Evolution of Market Structure in the Process of Economic Transition

  11. 市场结构与技术创新:一种产业组织理论的观点

    Market structure and technological innovation : a theory of industry organization

  12. 当前国际金融衍生品市场结构及演进特征

    The structure and evolving characteristics of modern international financial derivative market

  13. 山东省境外旅游客源市场结构变化分析

    An Analysis of Change of the Overseas Tourists ′ Market Structure

  14. 论市场结构范式的标准与评价体系

    Analysis on Choice and Evaluation System of Market Structure Optimal Model

  15. 企业兼并与市场结构问题浅析

    Simple Analysis of Problems Arising From Enterprise Amalgamation and Market Structure

  16. 前工业社会中的城市市场结构与市场导向的商业化

    The Framework of Urban Market and Market-oriented Commercialization in Pre-industrial Society

  17. 中国银行业市场结构变迁与竞争行为研究

    China bank industry market structure transition and competitive behavior research

  18. 市场结构、汇率转嫁与出口

    Market Structure , Exchange Rate Pass - through and Export

  19. 这种分割的市场结构在使中国股票市场快速成长起来的同时,也成为市场进一步规范发展的桎梏。

    The stock segmentation becomes the shackle of the stock market development .

  20. 我国银行业市场结构及优化分析

    Analysis of Banking Market Structure and its Optimization in China

  21. 我国银行业的市场结构分析及改革对策

    Analysis of China 's Banking Industry Market Structure and the Reform Countermeasures

  22. 中国制糖业的市场结构与绩效;

    Market structure and performance of the China sugar industry ;

  23. 美日铸件市场结构变化和大量的过剩生产能力思考

    Changes of Market Structure Great Number of Overcapacities in Japan the U.S.A

  24. 外包生产模式及其对市场结构影响的分析

    A Study of OEM and Its Impact on Market Structures

  25. 中国数码相机市场结构研究

    Chinese Digital Camera Industry Market Structure and National Digital Camera Development Research

  26. 新经济条件下竞争性垄断市场结构的出现

    Competitive Monopoly Market Structure Under the Conditions of New Economy

  27. 中国石油市场结构和未来发展趋势

    The Structure of China 's Oil Market and Its Future Development Trends

  28. 中国银行业市场结构、行为与绩效研究

    China Banking Market Structure , Conduct and Performance Research

  29. 科技企业孵化器;市场结构;市场绩效;市场行为;

    Technology Business Incubator ; Market Structure ; Market Performance ; Market Behavior ;

  30. 我国保险业的市场结构演进及其决定因素分析

    Evolution of Market Structure of Chinese Insurance Business Line and Its Determinant Factors