
  • 网络Market performance;perform-ance
  1. 创业投资支持的企业海外IPO市场绩效研究

    The Overseas IPO Performance of VC-backed Enterprises

  2. 基于SCP框架的我国饭店市场绩效分析

    SCP-based Framework for Market Performance of Hotels in China

  3. 更换了高管人员的公司,高管显著提高了经营绩效,而且托宾Q值远远大于其他持续性经营指标,这说明在高管变更中企业绩效改善主要来源于市场绩效的提高和从线下项目获得。

    In the corporate of controlling shareholder turnover , Tobin 's Q was larger than other sustainable operating indices and enterprises ' performance improving was the results of better market performance and items under the lines .

  4. VC在持股企业的过程中,必然对企业的股权结构、经营管理产生方方面面的影响,直接影响到企业的经营绩效、成长绩效和市场绩效。

    VC in the process of holding companies is bound to the ownership structure and the management aspects of the impact of enterprises , direct impact on business performance , growth performance and market performance .

  5. 我国海洋产业市场绩效评价及改进研究&基于RabahAmir模型、SCP范式的解释

    Research on Evaluation and Improvement of Marine Industry Market Performance : Explain Based on Rabah Amir Module and SCP Module

  6. 本文基于产业组织学理论的SCP分析范式,认为市场绩效最终取决于实际的市场结构,而不是名义上的垄断集中程度。

    Based on the SCP analysis model of Industry Organization technology , the paper points out that the market performance finally depends upon the real market structure , instead of nominal monopolization .

  7. 本文最后一部分依据SCP范式对中国民航业的市场绩效进行经济学分析并对产业政策提出可行性建议。

    The last part of this dissertation analyses market performance of Chinese civil aviation industry according to the SCP model and then propose several feasible suggestions on Chinese civil aviation industrial policy .

  8. 其中市场绩效标准主要包括勒纳指数、贝恩利润指标;市场结构标准主要有行业集中率CRn、赫芬达尔-赫希曼指数HHI;企业竞争行为标准。

    Market performance standards include the Lerner Index , Bain profit targets . Market structure standards include industry concentration ratio , the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index . Enterprise competitive behavior standards .

  9. 财务困境与市场绩效相关性的研究

    An Empirical Study on Correlation Between Financial Distress and Market Performance

  10. 第六章是对证券业中的市场绩效的分析。

    The sixth chapter is the analysis of the market performance .

  11. 市场绩效则从经济指标和社会环境指标两个方面进行了分析。

    This paper analyze market performance from economy and society environment aspects .

  12. 股票市场绩效:美国与中国的比较研究

    The Performance of Stock Market : Comparative Research between America and China

  13. 我国上市公司再融资制度的市场绩效研究

    Research on the Refinancing Performance of Listed Companies in China

  14. 零售商自有品牌对市场绩效的影响研究

    The Effects of Retailer 's Store Brand on Market Performance

  15. 中国非寿险产业的市场绩效良好。

    China non-life insurance industry has a fair market performance .

  16. 中国工业利用外商直接投资的市场绩效研究

    Market Performance Studies on Utilization of China 's Foreign Direct Industry Investment

  17. 进入竞争与市场绩效:辨明与检验

    Entry Competition and Market Performance : Discrimination and Test

  18. 并购交易特征、股权结构与市场绩效研究

    Research on M & A Transactional Characters , Ownership Structure and Market Performance

  19. 中国上市公司并购长期市场绩效的实证研究

    The Long-term Market Performance after M & A of Listed Companies in China

  20. 信用担保制度提高信贷市场绩效的理论与方案

    The Theory and Solutions to Improve Credit Market Performance under Credit Guarantee Institutions

  21. 组织学习对电子商务市场绩效影响实证研究

    The Impact of Organization Learning on E-business Market Performance

  22. 电力内部模拟市场绩效和制度变迁分析

    Performance of Electric Power Market of Internal Simulation and Analysis of Institutional Change

  23. 建立了市场绩效多元回归模型。

    A multiple regression model has been established .

  24. 市场绩效的分析主要包括经济绩效、技术绩效和资源配置绩效。

    Market performance analysis includes economic performance , technical performance and resource collaborating performance .

  25. 第六章,甘肃省畜牧业的市场绩效分析。

    Chapter six : market Performance analysis of the animal husbandry of Gansu Province .

  26. 股权集中度与企业的盈利绩效和市场绩效都存在显著的正相关关系。

    There is a significant positive correlation between concentration degree of ownership and profit performance .

  27. 资产重组对我国上市公司市场绩效影响的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Effect of Asset Reorganization on Listed Companies Performance in China

  28. 重组公司的所有制形式对其市场绩效没有显著影响;

    The property ownership of listed companies has no effect on their performance after reorganization announce .

  29. 我国民航业市场绩效变化及原因分析

    The Analysis of the Market Performance Changes of China 's Civil Aviation Industry and Its Causes

  30. 中国货币市场绩效研究

    Study of Chinese Money Market Performance