
  • 网络economic order;market economic order
  1. 加强交通安全专项治理维护交通市场经济秩序

    Enhance Special Administer of Traffic Safety Safeguard Economic Order in Traffic Market

  2. 大力加强整顿和规范市场经济秩序的工作;

    Energetically strengthen the work of rectifying and standardizing the market economic order ;

  3. 征信行业的存在和发展是进一步规范我国市场经济秩序的保证,也是我国加入WTO与国际接轨的需要。

    The existence and development of credit checking industry ensures the further standardization of the order of the market-orianted economy , and it is also the urgent need as China joins the WTO .

  4. 而早于1993年就建立了市场经济秩序,作为WTO成员之一的我国,迄今为止没有出台一部系统的反垄断法,这显然是不利于我国经济的快速、健康发展。

    Though the order of market economy has been established since 1993 , yet up to now , as a member of WTO , a systematic anti-monopoly law has not been established in our nation , which will do harm to the speedy and healthy development of our economy .

  5. 是维护市场经济秩序的需要;

    It is a need of maintaining the market economy order ;

  6. 市场经济秩序与宏观政策调控力度

    The Market Economy Order and Dynamics of Macro Regulation & Control

  7. 第三章破坏社会主义市场经济秩序罪

    Chapter III Crimes of disrupting the order of the socialist market

  8. 刍议和谐诚信的市场经济秩序

    A Modest Proposal of Harmonious and Honest Order of Market Eonomy

  9. 保险诈骗罪的同类客体是社会主义市场经济秩序。

    The kindred object of insurance defraud is socialist market economy order .

  10. 消费道德与市场经济秩序的规范

    My thoughts on consumption ethics and the standard of market economy order

  11. 构建现代市场经济秩序依赖健全的企业伦理行为。必须科学界定我国现阶段企业伦理行为结构以及选择、塑造方式。

    Making up modern enterprise depends on wholesome ethic action of enterprise .

  12. 诚信与中国社会主义市场经济秩序

    Sincerity and Credit and the Order in Market-Oriented Socialist Economy in China

  13. 著名企业应当是规范市场经济秩序的模范&德力西集团总裁助理、打假办主任包秀锡一席谈

    The Famous Enterprise Should Be a Model of Standardizing Market Economics Oder

  14. 市场经济秩序形成理论研究述评

    On the Theories of the Market Economy Order Formation

  15. 我国市场经济秩序混乱的主要表现及深层动因

    Main Expressions and Deep Cause of Confusion of Market Economic Order in China

  16. 浅析市场经济秩序与诚信

    Simple Analysis On Market Economic Order and Sincerity

  17. 规范市场经济秩序的伦理分析

    The Ethic Analysis of Standardizing Market Economic Order

  18. 市场经济秩序有待继续整顿和规范;

    The order of the market economy has to be further rectified and standardized .

  19. 第二,非正式制度对市场经济秩序型构具有双重作用。

    Secondly , informal institutions play double roles in the formation of marketing order .

  20. 规范市场经济秩序与社会生活秩序,实现社会生活公正;

    To regulate market and social living order for realizing a fair social life ;

  21. 个人信用制度是市场经济秩序的保证,建立个人信用制度能够促进我国社会主义市场经济的健康发展。

    Establishment of the system contributes to the healthy development of socialist market economy .

  22. 建立和完善诚实守信的市场经济秩序

    To Establish and Improve an Honest and Trustworthy the Market - oriented Economic Order

  23. 中国整顿和规范市场经济秩序

    China Rectifies and Regulates Market Economic Order

  24. 非正式制度对市场经济秩序作用的二重解读

    Influence of Informal Institutions on Marketing Order

  25. 论维护市场经济秩序的制度建设

    Construction of System Maintaining Marketing Economy Order

  26. 极大地侵害了消费者的权益并扰乱了正常的市场经济秩序。

    The fake commodity harms the rights of consumers and disturbs the natural economic system .

  27. 会计信息失真,对市场经济秩序规范化管理构成了严重威胁。

    Accounting information is distorted , constitute serious threat to order standardized management of market economy .

  28. 目的为整顿和规范进口食品、化妆品市场经济秩序提供依据。

    Objective To provide with basis for regularizing market economic order of import food and cosmetics .

  29. 对我国市场经济秩序规范化的法律思考

    Opinions on the Normalization of the Chinese Government 's Market Economy Order in Terms of Law

  30. 从制度缺陷上分析,我国市场经济秩序混乱的原因可以归结为两个大的方面。

    From the institution defect the causes of market order confusion can be reduced to two .