
  • 网络Click through rate;ctr
  1. 然而随着网络广告爆炸式的投放,横幅广告点击率不断下降,网络广告的发展前景受到了诸多质疑。

    However , with the explosion of Internet Advertising delivery , the click through rate ( CTR ) of the banner falling . The prospect of Internet advertising has been questioned .

  2. Facebook的首席运营官雪莉·桑德伯格告诉分析师,在消息推送中的广告点击率是屏幕右侧广告的“数倍”。

    Sheryl Sandberg , the chief operating officer , told analysts that click-through rates on ads in news feeds were " multiple times better " than on ads to the right of the screen .

  3. 因此,在线广告点击率预测,是计算广告领域的关键问题之一。

    Therefore , CTR prediction is one of key areas in advertisement computation field .

  4. 你让阿比盖尔认为我不止是杀了他父亲的人,还想让我帮你增加网上广告点击率?

    You help Abigail see me as more than her father 's killer and I help you with online ad sales ?

  5. 在线广告点击率对搜索引擎服务提供商和广告商都是一个重要的量化指标。

    Click-through rate ( CTR ) of sponsored search , plays a major quantitative indicator role for search engine provider and advertiser .

  6. 究其本质,笔者认为,网络经济的核心盈利模式是最大程度的获取用户资源,从而提高访问量以及广告点击率。

    In the essence , I think that the core profit model of Internet economy is to strive for the greatest resources of users and to improve traffic and advertising click rate .

  7. 或许更令人鼓舞的消息是,移动广告的点击率正在持续攀升,杰富瑞公司(Jefferies)分析师布莱恩•皮兹如是写道。

    Perhaps more encouraging , clickthrough rates on mobile ads are rising , Jeffries analyst Brian pitz wrote .

  8. 调研公司comScore估计,在1月份通过搜索引擎查看广告的点击率有所减少,比去年同期下降了0.3%。随后,谷歌(Google)股价再次下猾。

    Google 's share price slid again after comScore , a research firm , estimated that the number of clicks on ads on the search engine had fallen by0.3 % in January compared with the same month a year ago .

  9. 这是因为这两个广告的平均点击率很高,作为奖励,我们的系统将它们放置在这个更显眼的特殊位置。

    This is because these two ads , the average click-through rate is high , as a reward , our system will place them even more conspicuous in this special place .

  10. 如果你在自己的博客上放置Google'sAdsense广告,不管广告点击率有多高,你能挣到的钱,都不及你撰写博客所付出时间能获得的最低报酬。

    Running Google 's Adsense ads on the side of your blog , no matter how popular it may be , will not pay you even minimum wage for the time you spend writing it .

  11. 如果你想让自己广告的相关性和点击率达到最大化,你就需要确保广告文案尽可能地与用户输入的关键词紧密链接在一起。

    If you want to maximize relevancy and click-through on your ads , you need to make sure they are as closely linked as possible to the keyword the user enters .

  12. 注意:文字广告通常比标志广告的点击率高。

    Notice that text-links have a much higher click-trough ratio than advertising banners .

  13. 点击率(Click-throughrate,CTR)作为广告效果最常使用的评价指标,广告点击率预测对提升广告投放的收益和用户的体验有至关重要的作用。

    CTR ( Click-through rate ) is the most commonly used evaluation about advertising effectiveness , advertising click-through rate prediction play a crucial role to enhance advertising revenue and user experience .

  14. 利用广告的层级类目信息,提出了一种有效的广告预过滤算法减小候选广告集,进而提高广告点击率预测和排序的效率。

    Propose an effective advertising pre-filtering algorithm to reduce the set of candidate ads with level category information , thereby Enhance the efficiency of click-through rate prediction .