
jǐ chū
  • extrusion;squeeze out;force out;find;extract;wedge;wreathe
挤出 [jǐ chū]
  • (1) [wedge;extract]∶被排除出去;排挤掉

  • 挤出它进入国家市场的路子

  • (2) [find]∶设法安排或得到

  • 挤出时间来学习

  • (3) [wreathe]∶勉强装出

  • 他们的脸上挤出了讨好的社交性的笑容

挤出[jǐ chū]
  1. 学者们对FDI的技术溢出效应的研究发现,行业内技术溢出的效果并不显著,相反会挤出东道国企业,因此近年来,更多的学者把目光投向FDI的行业间技术溢出效应。

    The researches of FDI spillover find that the effect of intra-industrial spillover is not significant ; it may squeeze out domestic enterprises . So many researchers turn the research stress to Inter-Industry Spillover .

  2. 苹果声称iOS9将为iPhone和iPad每天多提供一小时电量,也添加了低功耗模式,可以挤出三小时电量。

    Apple says iOS 9 will give iPhones and iPads up to an hour more battery life every day . It 's also adding a low-power mode to squeeze out three extra hours of juice .

  3. 我不得不在涌动的人潮中挤出一条路来。

    I had to fight my way through the milling crowd .

  4. 新上任的经理一步步把她排挤出了公司。

    She was edged out of the company by the new director .

  5. 她在记者群中挤出一条通路。

    She forced her way through the crowd of reporters .

  6. 最终结果是小店主被挤出了这个行业。

    The net result is that small shopkeepers are being forced out of business .

  7. 她勉强挤出一丝笑意。

    She managed a weak , unconvincing smile .

  8. 她极力挤出了一丝勉强的苦笑。

    All she could manage was a thin , wan smile .

  9. 20世纪80年代美国出口影片把欧洲影片挤出了市场。

    In the 1980s American exports crowded out European films .

  10. 他嘴边礼节性地挤出一个微笑,以示对称赞致谢。

    His lips curved up in the obligatory smile , acknowledging the compliment

  11. 两名男子突然用肘在购物者中挤出一条路。

    Two men suddenly elbowed a passage through the shoppers .

  12. 我挤出人群,踏上了自动扶梯。

    I pushed through the crowds and on to the escalator

  13. 他在拥挤的街道上挤出了一条通路。

    He cleared a passage for himself through the crammed streets

  14. 玛莎勉强挤出一丝笑容。

    Martha managed to produce a dim , watery smile .

  15. 他从竞选活动中挤出一点时间陪母亲吃饭。

    He took time out from campaigning to accompany his mother to dinner .

  16. 我打算挤出时间上几节课。

    I plan to get a few lessons in .

  17. 跟记者谈话的时候,他只是勉强挤出一丝淡淡的微笑,显得非常恍惚。

    He looked dazed as he spoke to reporters , managing only a weak smile

  18. 他挤出一丝苦笑。

    He permitted himself a small mirthless smile .

  19. 其他商人则想方设法地要把我们排挤出这个生意圈。

    Other traders did everything they could to freeze us out of the business .

  20. 他勉强挤出了一丝疲倦的笑容。

    He managed a weary smile .

  21. 凯瑟琳眨了眨眼睛,挤出一丝微笑。

    Kathryn blinked and forced a smile

  22. 他知道索利是想吓唬他,所以他挤出笑容掩饰自己的恐惧。

    He knew that Soli was trying to frighten him , so he smiled to hide his fear

  23. 老师们今天发出警告说,拉丁语、古希腊语和其他古典文学将被挤出学校的课程表。

    Teachers warn today that Latin , Greek and other classics will be squeezed out of school timetables .

  24. 压力将咖啡的油脂挤出,这些油脂经乳化带给咖啡一种浓郁、柔滑的口感。

    It is the pressure which releases the coffee oils ; these emulsify and give the coffee its rich , velvety texture

  25. 集约饲养把奶牛变成了生产牛奶的机器,每天差不多要挤出25升到40升的牛奶。

    Factory farming has turned the cow into a milk machine , producing anything from 25 to 40 litres of milk per day

  26. 一个开霸王车的司机几乎要把我挤出马路了。

    A road hog nearly ran me off the road .

  27. 我们被挤出了礼堂。

    We were crushed out of the auditorium .

  28. 那些大商号试图把我们的小商店排挤出市场。

    The big firms tried to crowd our small business out of the market .

  29. 我今天很忙,但我将在下午茶后挤出时间来做那件事。

    I 'm very busy today but I will sandwich that job in after tea .

  30. 我虽然很忙,但还是尽可能在周末挤出时间打一场网球。

    Although I am very busy , I 'll try to fit in a game of tennis at the weekend .