
  1. 采用现场试验和室内动力试验,对强夯法、化学灌浆法、挤密桩法、换土垫层法和预浸水湿陷处理后的黄土地基的液化性状进行了综合研究。

    Liquefaction behavior of the loess ground improved by dynamic tamping , chemical grouting , compaction pile , replacement and pre-immersion methods are synthetically studied by field tests and lab dynamical experiments .

  2. 目前工程中用来处理湿陷黄土地基的方法有垫层法、灰土挤密桩法、预浸水法及化学灌浆加固法等,这些方法都有其局限性,尤其在大厚度湿陷性黄土地区。

    In current engineering practices , cushion method , lime-soil compaction pile method , immersion method and chemical grouting method , etc , have been used to conduct collapsible loess foundation , these methods have their limitations , especially in the big thickness collapsible loess regions .

  3. 针对建筑工程中建筑物基础下存在防空洞,通过对工程实例分析,提出采用钻孔夯扩挤密桩法进行处理的方法,对地基处理效果进行对比分析,证明该方法是行之有效的。

    In light of existing bomb shelter under building foundation in building engineering , the author proposes treatment method for it by using bored-hole tamping reamed pile method through analyzing practical engineering , and makes contract analysis on the effect of foundation treatment to show that the method is effective .

  4. 挤密砂石桩法在加固铁路路基工程中的应用

    Application of Sand - Gravel Compaction Pile in Consolidating Foundation of Railroad

  5. 挤密碎石桩法处理粉土地基的设计方法

    The design method of gravel compaction ile in silt

  6. 南京长江大桥江南铁路引桥附近的可液化地基采用挤密砂桩法进行了加固。

    Compaction sand piles method was used in site improvement around Yangtze River bridge in Nanjing City .

  7. 通过工程实例,介绍了采用振动挤密碎石桩法对新近吹填粉煤灰地基土层的处理方法、施工工艺及效果。

    Introduces an engineering case , and the treatment method , construction technology and treatment effect of the foundation soils by dredger fill with pulverized-coal-ash in recent period , which is the first time to use vibratory compaction crushed-stone piles .

  8. 钻孔夯扩挤密灰渣土桩法设备简便,施工质量容易控制,工程造价低,具有良好的经济性和节能环保性,是一种安全可靠、经济合理、环保节能的地基处理技术。

    Drilling ram-expanded lime soil pile method and equipment is simple and easy to be controled . The technology can reduce engineering cost , improve environment protection and energy saving .

  9. 最后,通过对钻孔夯扩挤密灰渣土桩法的加固机理、设计理论研究以及具体工程实践的介绍,希望能够为今后类似工程的地基处理方案选择工作提供经验借鉴。

    It is a safe , reliable , economic foundation treatment technology . Finally , basing on introduction of strengthening mechanism , design theory and engineering practice of drilling ram-expanded lime soil pile method , this thesis intends to provide the foundation treatment scheme experience for future similar projects .

  10. 挤密碎石桩加强夯法加固处理湿陷性黄土地基

    Gravel Pile and Dynamic Consolidation Stabilizing Collapsible Loess Foundation