
  • 网络apricots
  1. CO2熏蒸处理对采后杏果贮藏品质的影响

    Effect of CO_2 Fumigation on Qualities of Apricot Fruit during Storage

  2. CO2熏蒸对杏果呼吸速率及内源乙烯的影响

    Effect of co_2 fumigation on respiration rate and source of ethylene for the apricot fruit

  3. 杏仁(Almond)为蔷薇科(Rosebush)李属(Plum)植物杏果的成熟种子,分为甜杏仁和苦杏仁两大类。

    Almond is ripe seed from apricot belong to plum of Rosebush .

  4. 新疆杏果型偏小,平均果重比华北杏低了近15g,但其可溶性固形物含量极高,比华北杏高了近4个百分点,风味口感明显不同于华北杏。

    The fruit type of Xinjiang apricot is smaller and the weight is about 15g lower than north China apricot , but its content of SS is very high , about 4 % higher than north China apricot , the mouthfeel is obviously different from the north China apricot .

  5. 给他吃杏果和露莓。

    Feed him with apricocks and dewberries .

  6. 按照杏果不同品种的特性,古人把杏分为鲜食杏、仁用杏、肉用杏等。

    The ancients put into fresh apricot , almond-apricot , succulent apricot to get help from apricot fruit characteristics of different species .

  7. 结果表明:两种成熟度杏果的膜脂过氧化特征不同,且采后均具有叶绿素和抗坏血酸降解的特征,绿熟果实中叶绿素和抗坏血酸降解与(?)

    The results indicated that the metabolism character of membrance lipid peroxidation in green maturity fruits was different from that in yellow maturity fruits .

  8. 杏果的风味品质因成熟条件而异,果树上完熟的杏果的风味品质优于商业成熟度采摘常温后熟的杏果。

    But the quality of flavor difference for different ripeness conditions . The flavor quality of hundred-percent mature apricot was better than commercial mature apricot and ripe apricot after harvest .

  9. 带有柑桔、杏、石榴果的香气;

    Aromas of citrus , lime , stone-fruit and apricot .

  10. 轮台小白杏是全球唯一的特种优质杏果,俗称珍珠玫瑰杏,是杏中奇珍。

    Luntai Apricot is one of the best of its species , commonly known as Pearl Rose Apricot .

  11. 与对照相比,该处理能够更好地保持杏果实良好的品质,是一种可行的杏果保鲜处理方法。

    Compared with the control , the sodium silicate treatment can maintain postharvest quality of apricot fruit better and is a feasible way to keep apricot fruit fresh .