
  • 网络air france;Air France-KLM
  1. 法国航空公司的飞机在原来最短航行时间的基础上又缩减了4个多小时。

    The Air France plane lopped over four hours off the previous best time

  2. 法国航空公司头等舱的坐椅可以调低成几乎像床一样。

    Air France first-class seats recline almost like beds

  3. 汉莎航空和法国航空公司(airfrance)领导了欧洲航空业的整合进程,并且仍然是最有可能的“掠食者”。

    Lufthansa and Air France have already led the consolidation process in Europe and remain the most likely predators .

  4. 法国航空公司(AirFrance)447航班2009年在大西洋坠毁后,就有过这样的案例。那次事故造成216名乘客和12名机组人员全部遇难。

    That happened in the aftermath of Air France Flight 447 , which crashed into the Atlantic Ocean in 2009 , killing all 216 passengers and 12 aircrew .

  5. 五年前,载有228人的法国航空公司(AirFrance)447航班在大西洋坠毁,搜寻队伍用了36个小时才首次找到客机残骸的位置。

    Searchers needed 36 hours to locate the first wreckage of Air France Flight 447 , which crashed over the Atlantic five years ago with 228 people aboard .

  6. 她还说,公司正在考虑与法国航空公司(AirFrance)及各大机场合作,开发手提箱的追踪功能。该公司已获得生产法航联名行李箱的特许权。

    She also said that Delsey was exploring possible collaboration on the suitcases " tracking capability with Air France , with which it already has a licensing agreement for co-branded luggage , and with airports .

  7. 比如,在2009年法国航空公司(AirFrance)447航班在大西洋坠毁之前,该机发送的诊断数据表明,飞机上多个系统出了问题,其中包括应答器关闭。

    For instance , before Air France Flight 447 crashed into the Atlantic Ocean in 2009 , the jet sent some diagnostic data indicating problems with various onboard systems , including the autopilot 's deactivation .

  8. 不过,这样做的好处是能在美国航空公司(American)、法国航空公司(AirFrance)、英国航空公司(BritishAirways)和捷蓝(JetBlue)等航空公司积累足够多的里程,获得免费飞行和升舱的机会。

    On the other hand , you can accumulate enough miles for free flights and upgrades on airlines such as American , Air France , British Airways and JetBlue .

  9. 李丰华说,他的目标是将东方航空的利润提高到优秀航空公司的水平,并举出中国国航、国泰航空和法国航空公司(AirFrance)等为基准。

    The goal is to boost China Eastern 's profit to the level of'a good performer , 'he said , naming Air China , Cathay Pacific and Air France , part of Air France-KLM SA , as benchmarks .

  10. 2009年,法国航空公司(AirFrance)一架空中客车(Airbus)A330客机坠入大西洋,调查人员花了近两年时间才找到黑匣子。

    Investigators for the Air France Airbus A330 that plunged into the Atlantic Ocean in 2009 took almost two years to retrieve the plane 's data recorder .

  11. 但是,搜索行动持续越久,就越可能会有一些国家不得不考虑自己对这场可能旷日持久的行动的承诺。以2009年在大西洋失事的法国航空公司(AirFrance)447航班为例,有关方面花了两年时间才打捞起黑匣子。

    But the longer the search continues , the more countries may have to consider their commitment to what could be a long haul - it took two years to find the black box in the case of Air France flight 447 , which crashed into the Atlantic in 2009 .

  12. 法国航空公司就在之后的第二幢大楼。

    Air France is the second building after that .

  13. 法国航空公司决定立即用新仪器来更换空中客车飞机上怀疑有问题的速度传感器。

    Air France to Replace Speed Sensors on Airbus Jets

  14. 在越南战争期间,法国航空公司每天都有从巴黎直飞河内的航班。

    During the Vietnam War , Air France had a daily nonstop from Paris to Hanoi .

  15. 法国航空公司经巴黎来回香港至瑞士经济客位机票。

    Roundtrip economy class air ticket between HK & Switzerland on Air France ( via Paris ) .

  16. 法国航空公司的飞机在飞离巴黎11个小时之后,在里约热内卢减速下降。

    Eleven hours out of paris , the Air France plane let down into Rio de janeiro .

  17. 在今年晚些时候进行最后几次飞行后,法国航空公司将把五架协合式飞机捐献给博物馆。

    Air France is donating its fleet of five Concorde 's to museums after the last flights later this year .

  18. 但是当他回国的时候,法国航空公司的行里托运就问题连连。

    But when he returned home , when Air France of the line again and again checked on the problem .

  19. 这起事故与法国航空公司造成288人遇难的空客330解体事故很类似。

    This crash has echoes of the disaster in which 288 people on board an Air France Airbus 330 died .

  20. 就在去年德尔塔航空公司同法国航空公司一样增开了飞往利比里亚首都蒙罗维亚的航班。

    Last year Delta Air Lines added Monrovia , Liberia 's capital , as a destination , as did Air France .

  21. 法国航空公司表示现在长途航班可以正常离港,虽然欧洲北部地区仍然暂停服务。

    Air France said its long-haul flights are now departing as normal , although services in parts of northern Europe remained suspended .

  22. 近日,据来自法国航空公司的消息,一名从伊斯坦布尔飞往巴黎的女子将一四岁女童藏在行李包内带上飞机。

    A woman flew from Istanbul to Paris with a four-year-old girl hidden inside her hand luggage , Air France has said .

  23. 《航空港》杂志还在法国航空公司等外国航空公司的航班上配发,以及在上海部分四星级以上的宾馆房赠阅。

    The magazine is also available in the cabins of Air France and other foreign airlines , and in hotel rooms of some of the4-star and above hotels in Shanghai .

  24. 法国航空公司于本周一宣布,一架载有228名乘客的法航客机疑已坠入大西洋。据悉,该航班上共有9名乘客来自中国。

    Nine Chinese nationals were among the228 people on board an Air France passenger plane which is presumed to have crashed into the Atlantic Ocean , the airline company said Monday .

  25. 单单在这一周里,法国航空公司和菲律宾航空公司就遭遇了罢工,为了防止相同事态扩散到英国的托马斯。库克航空公司,人们对其缄口不言。

    This week alone , as Air France and Philippine Airlines were hit by strikes , talks were being held to try to avert industrial action at Britain 's Thomas Cook Airlines .

  26. 在越南战争期间,法国航空公司每天都有从巴黎直飞河内的航班。这一点北越知道,南越知道,美国也知道。

    During the Vietnam War , Air France had a daily nonstop from Paris to Hanoi . The North Vietnamese knew it . The South Vietnamese knew it . And the U.S. knew it .

  27. 法国航空母公司的大中华区总经理顾瑞新(BasGerressen)表示,近期中国政府反腐倡廉风暴对公司的业务有影响。

    Air France-KLM 's general manager for greater China , Bas Gerressen , said a recent crackdown by the Chinese government that discourages ostentatious consumption by officials has influenced its business .

  28. 英国航空公司和法国协和航空公司都已经恢复客运飞行。英国航空公司的协和飞机从伦敦起飞后不久,法国的一架协和飞机也从巴黎起飞飞往纽约。

    An Air France Concorde took off from Paris for New York shortly before the British Airways jetliner left London as both companies resumed Concorde passenger services .

  29. 采购还在公司战略性议事日程上占有很高的优先权,也是法国航空工业公司和该公司之间的关键经营和合作问题。

    Purchasing also has a high priority on the company 's strategic agendas and was a key issue in the business and synergies achieved between AFI and KLM E & M.

  30. 法国航空的母公司每周飞往大中华区(包括台北和香港)的航班有88趟。

    The group operates 88 flights a week to Greater China & including Taipei and Hong Kong .