
  • 网络government by law;government of law;lawful government;government under law
  1. 不过,尽管它并非自由主义的恰切定义,但建立法治政府、而非人治政府的理想意义深远。

    But even though it is not a good definition of liberalism the ideal of a government of laws rather than men and women is a profound one .

  2. 西部大开发过程中的法治政府建设研究

    Research on the Construction of the Government by Law during the Development of the Western Region

  3. 法治政府的基本理念

    The Basic Idea of the Government Under the Rule of Law

  4. 转型期构建法治政府的思考与前瞻

    Introspection and Prospect of Construction the Law-ruled Government in Transformation Period

  5. 以法治政府助推社会主义和谐社会的构建矫正政府失灵促进和谐社会

    Rectifying Government Failure to Advance Construction of the Socialist Harmonious Society

  6. 关于行政许可法对法治政府建设影响的若干思考

    Influence of law of administration admits on the development of law government

  7. 西部旅游经济转型时期的困境与对策法治政府与经济转型

    The Predicaments and Countermeasures in the Period of Western Tourism Economic Transition

  8. 加强依法行政,建设法治政府;

    Enhancing the administration by law ; Building legal government ;

  9. 只有法治政府才能真正解决农民问题。

    Only a government ruled by law can solve farmers ' problems .

  10. 行政公开:法治政府的显著标志

    Open Administration & The important Sign of a Government Ruled by Law

  11. 建设法治政府以构建和谐社会的实证分析

    Analysis on the Construction of Government Ruing by Law

  12. 试论构建和谐社会与建设法治政府

    Talking about Constructing Legal Government and Construct Harmonious Society

  13. 建设法治政府的行为思考

    The Behavior Consideration on Building Government Governed by Law

  14. 是建设阳光政府、法治政府的要求。

    Building sunshine government , government of law requirements .

  15. 政治文明和道德文明作为法治政府的要件,不仅相融,而且互动。

    Political civilization and moral civilization are two elements of a law-ruled government .

  16. 行政许可法打造法治政府

    A legal-ruling government based on the Administrative Licensing Law

  17. 适度政府与统一政府是法治政府的基本特征和重要指标。

    Moderation and unification are the fundamental character and important index of law-ruling government .

  18. 构筑政府信用体系推进法治政府建设

    Establishing Government Credit System and Promoting Law Construction

  19. 规范行政许可行为与建设法治政府

    Standardizing Permitting Actions and Constructing a Legal Government

  20. 当前,法治政府建设正在不断向纵深推进与发展。

    At recent time , the legislative government construction is developing increasingly in depth .

  21. 现代市场经济的建立与法治政府的构建是互动的两个过程。

    Building up the modern economy market interacts with the construction of government under law .

  22. 只有加强诚信建设,我国才能实现建设法治政府的目标。

    Only though enforcing the establishment of credit can our government realize the goal of law-ruled .

  23. 提高规范性文件制定质量推进法治政府建设

    Improving the Quality of Standard Documents and Promoting the Construction of a Government Ruled by Law

  24. 研究法治政府建设具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。

    The research about the construction of legal government has important realistic meaning and theory value .

  25. 它对于建构现代责任政府、法治政府、服务型政府有着重要意义。

    It means great to build a modern government , a government of law , service-oriented .

  26. 法治政府是法治国家对政府的要求,是指整个政府的设立、变更、运作必须依据法律。

    In nations ruled by law , their government should be on the rule of law .

  27. 地方法治政府的形式要件是地方政府行为程序化;

    The formal element of local government by law is the proceduralized act of local government .

  28. 服务型政府是亲民政府、阳光政府、创新政府、法治政府和电子政府的统一。

    It is the combo of sunshine government , innovative government , law-ruling government and electronic government .

  29. 法治政府的应有之义&略论我国政府权力的制约

    Due Righteousness of a Law-based Government & A brief review of the government power constraint in China

  30. 提升宁夏公务员实现法治政府目标信心之途径

    An Approach of Promoting the Confidence of Ningxia 's Civil Servant to Realize Goal of Government by Law