
  • 网络tempura;fish cake
  1. 我们要两份甜不辣晚餐。

    We 'll have the tempura dinner for two , please .

  2. 请把碎萝卜和酱拌在一起,在吃甜不辣之前沾一下。

    Please mix the grated radish with the sauce and then dip the tempura in it before eating .

  3. 甜不辣晚餐加生鱼片,这样好不好?

    The tempura dinner comes with slices of raw fish . Will that be all right /

  4. 他们卖甜不辣、红薯、四季豆、鱿鱼、香菇还有鱼板。

    They 've got tempura , yams , green beans , squid , mushrooms , and fish patties .