
  • 网络prosecution history estoppel;doctrine of estoppel
  1. 中美专利侵权中禁止反悔原则的比较研究

    Comparative Research of the Principle of Prosecution History Estoppel between China and American

  2. 专利禁止反悔原则从弃权理论发展而来,与专利等同原则并不具有天然的限制与被限制的关系。

    The development of patent prosecution history estoppel indicates that it is not merely acting as a restrictive tool to the application of equivalent .

  3. 禁止反悔原则在专利侵权判定中的适用

    The Application of Doctrine of Estoppel in Judgment of Patent Infringement

  4. 允诺禁反言规则与禁止反悔原则之比较研究

    Comparison Between the Doctrine of Promissory Estoppel and the Doctrine of Estoppel

  5. 国内立法对于专利禁止反悔原则虽然没有明确规定,但在司法实践中的适用是比较普遍的。

    Although China has not had the specific provision about Estoppel , it has applied in judicial cases widely .

  6. 禁止反悔原则源于英国的衡平法,其法理基础是诚实信用原则和正义观念。

    The doctrine of Estoppel roots in English Equity ; its legal bases are the honest principle and justice idea in jurisprudence .

  7. 禁止反悔原则是代表了社会公众的利益,而等同原则涵有极强的保护私权的利益取向。

    Estoppel on behalf of the public interest , while the same principle of Han-interest orientation of the strong protection of private rights .

  8. 禁止反悔原则是一项重要的专利侵权判定的原则,西方国家特别是美国已形成一套系统完整的体系。

    Estoppel is an important principle in judgment of patent infringement . West Developed countries , especial the united States have formed a completely theoretical system .

  9. 再结合中国目前的立法、司法现状,分析了等同原则和禁止反悔原则适用中的几个法律问题。

    In accordance with the present legislation and judicature in China , this Chapter goes on analyzing the issues that may occur in the execution of the two doctrines .

  10. 该部分总结了司法实务中适用禁止反悔原则的基本条件,并结合典型案例具体分析在专利侵权判定中适用禁止反悔原则的三种情形。

    This section summarizes the basic conditions of applicable estoppel in judicial practice , and combined with a detailed analysis of typical cases which applies in three situations in patent infringement .

  11. 司法实践表明,法律制度的缺失,适用范围的不明确等因素导致侵权审判中不能很好地适用禁止反悔原则。

    Judicial practice shows that the absence of the legal system , the scope of application is not clear infringement and other factors led to the trial can not be properly applied estoppel .

  12. 虽然我国立法文件中尚未对禁止反悔原则做出明确的规定,但我国的司法实践中已多次引用此原则审理专利侵权案件。

    Although the legislation introduced in our country has not yet provided the principle of estoppel clearly , but the judicial practice of our country has repeatedly invoked this principle to hear patent infringement cases .

  13. 禁止反悔原则与等同原则的冲突根源在于二者的法理学冲突,解决好二者的适用问题,关键是理解其法理学依据。

    Estoppel and the doctrine of equivalents conflicts rooted in both jurisprudence conflicts , solve the problem of application of the good of both , the key is to understand the basis of its jurisprudence .

  14. 分别比较了现有技术抗辩与先用权抗辩原则、禁止反悔原则以及等同原则的区别,明确了各自的概念,加深了对现有技术抗辩的理解。

    The distinctions of prior right defense principle , estoppel principle , doctrine of equivalents and existing technology defense are compared respectively and their concepts are defined , deepening the understanding of existing technology defense .

  15. 第四章结合我国现状和存在问题,借鉴美国禁止反悔原则的成功适用,完善我国禁止反悔原则。

    Combined with the present status and existing problem in China , the author takes proposals to perfect the doctrine of Estoppel in China after learning the successful application of the doctrine of Estoppel in US .

  16. 专利法领域的核心是专利侵权的判定,在司法实务中逐渐形成了专利侵权判定的几种原则,其中包括有全面覆盖原则、等同原则、多余指定原则以及禁止反悔原则。

    The core area of the patent law is the patent infringement judgment . There are several principles of patent infringement , which includes the principle of universal coverage , the doctrine of equivalents , excess specify principles and estoppel .

  17. 笔者发现,其中前三种原则不论在理论研究和司法实践中都已经比较完善,相对而言,禁止反悔原则的理论研究还不够深入,诸多的理论问题亟待解决。

    I found that the first three principles both in theory and in practice have comprehensive study . Relatively speaking , estoppel theory has not got enough attention by the scholars , and many of the theoretical problems have not solved .

  18. 利益均衡理论在理论上给出了社会公众利益与个人利益保护的衡平的理想状态,也为解决等同原则与禁止反悔原则的冲突提供了法理学的理论支持。

    In theory , the theory of balance of interests given the ideal state of the public interest and the protection of the personal interest of an equitable principle of estoppel conflict provides the theoretical support of the jurisprudence , but also to solve the equivalent .

  19. 所谓禁止反悔原则是指在专利申请的审批过程中,申请人对一专利申请作出的修改和针对专利局审查的通知作出的意见陈述有可能会对其专利权保护范围产生一定的限制作用。

    The so-called principle of estoppel is that changes in the approval process of the patent application , the applicant made an application for a patent and a statement of opinion made for the notification of the Patent Office review its scope of patent protection to certain restrictions .